The School of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore, hosted an online forum yesterday, hosted by Hao Fuman (upper left), director of the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore National University.), Singapore National University Li Guangyao School of Public Policy, Li Ka -shing, Li Ka -shing, Professor of Political Science, Yunfeng (lower right), as well as Elero, a visiting professor at the Department of Economics and French French Trade Bank of France and French Foreign Trade Bank.(Upper right) (screenshot of the network)

The School of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore, held a crown disease in yesterday. 19: Sino -US contradictions have exacerbated how to affect the online forum in the area.The three scholars attending the meeting all expressed pessimistic views on Sino -US relations under the epidemic.

Lin Zhanting Report

The contradictions between China and the United States under the crown disease have continued to intensify. Some scholars in this region believe that the epidemic is adding fuel to the strategic competition and decourse process of China and the United States. It is impossible for both parties to suspend the game strategically due to the epidemic.It means that it may face the dilemma of being asked to be selected.

Singapore National University Li Guangyao School of Public Policy yesterday (April 28) held entitled crown disease 19: Sino -US contradictions intensify how to affect the online forum in the area., Li Ka -shing Professor Li Ka -shing, Professor of Politics at the School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, and Alicia Garcia Herrero, a visitor professor and French French Trade Bank of French Foreign Trade Bank, all expressed the direction of Sino -US relations under the epidemic.Pessimistic view.

Bert Hofman, director of the East Asia Research Institute of the State University of Singapore, described the forum, described the crown disease.From an economic perspective, Elero further analyzed that the current contradiction is not only a superficial tariff war, but also involves the role played by China in the global value chain, the de -globalization of personnel, and the disintegration of financial cooperation.They are getting more and more dangerous.

Even if the epidemic is relieved, the US presidential election this year will continue to bring adverse factors to Sino -US relations.Yun Yunfeng believes that in the face of the accumulated resentment of the American people, President Trump and Republican Party will continue to blame China on the responsibility of the epidemic.Severe conflict.

In response to Hao Fuman's questions, whether China and the United States may have a strategic suspension of the game during the epidemic, Ma Kaishuo bluntly said: 2020 will be bad.He explained that most Americans currently regard China as strategic competitors, and Trump and Democratic opponent Biden are likely to be stronger to China. Now they can only hope that after the election is over, if the Democratic Party worships worshipAscending to election, the contradiction between China and the United States may slightly cool down.

For this area, Yunyunfeng pointed out that the contradiction between China and the United States around the epidemic may lead to the situation that Southeast Asian countries are facing unwilling to see Mdash; mdash; on the issue of the responsibility of the epidemic, they are required to be selected between China and the United States.He pointed out that in recent years, most of the Aya -safe countries have stated that they do not want to choose the side, but for some time, sawing around Huawei, 5G, Belt and Road and other issues showed that it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain neutrality.

Yunyunfeng judged that most of the Asian safe countries would not support the type of investigation by the United States and its allies. More importantly, after the epidemic, which party performed better in preventing and controlling and saving life.

He also pointed out that another indicator of Sino -US performance is the economic recovery of the country.He said that the answer is not yet clear, and the outside world should not underestimate the toughness and technological creativity of the US economy, but if China performs better in this regard, Southeast Asia will accept the exposition of China's future wave.

Speaking of the regional economy outlook, Elero warned that the crown disease epidemic impacts the Chinese economy, and the continuous impact on the region will also be far -reaching.She analyzed that although the Chinese economy may grow this year, the increase will not be enough to share with other countries in Asia.(The key is) How much will China be imported next, or will the remaining economic growth be left to itself?This does not mean that the United States will perform better, but we must take a practical view of how much China can bring (economic growth) to Asia in the short term.