Wen | Li Pengguo Recently, the Literary and Tourism Bureau of Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province, publicized and promoted 11 inspection objects.Netizens questioned that the subject Cao Moting graduated from undergraduate graduation at the age of 19, and was the same unit as Cao Liang, a member of his father and a member of the party group of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau.On April 23, Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau responded that Cao Mouting's age was a staff.On April 24, Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau further responded that, in view of Cao Mouting and his father's work in the same unit, he intends to adjust it to the bureau to other institutions.(People's Daily on April 26) Women were widely criticized by their father's units being promoted, and media such as the People's Daily believed that the problem lies in the violation of the avoidance system.I think that the incident is really bad in violation of the avoidance system, but in the right to conspiracy and the privatization of power on the basis of conspiracy and personalization. According to publicity, Cao Mouting graduated from undergraduate to participate in the work at the age of 19. There are only three possibilities, either she is a prodigy, reading a number of jumps, or a fake age or a fraud.Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau responded that Cao Mouting was born in February 1988. The original publicity was announced in November 2007. I have a mistake in feedback. The correct time is August 2009.cause.Even extremely serious and standardized promotion can have age errors, and it is not a mistake at all, but it is not a mistake, but a mistake and humiliation of the masses. Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau also responded that the subjects Cao Yating and Zhou Fang were subject to the university degree. Zhao Zhijun was a college in the Central Party School.Even the academic qualifications dare not publicize, which not only violates relevant regulations, but also a manifestation of guilty conscience.It turned out that Cao Mouting was an on -the -job university degree, and of course it was not a prodigy.Then, according to the normal law of the first grade of primary school at the age of 6 years, Cao Mouting should graduate from high school at 18 years old. At the age of 19, he also joined the job after graduating from high school.If she has never changed the work unit, how did she be recruited into the public institutions where her father was? Netizens questioned that Cao Mouting and his father (Cao Liang, a member of the Party Group of the Cultural Tourism Bureau) were the same unit. In response, Cao Moting's father said that the promotion was in line with the procedure.The staff of the inspection team of Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau said that one of their father and daughter is a work and one is a management post. Although in a unit, the business between them is different. Cao Mouting works for the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau, and her father is the party group of the party group of Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau and the captain of the cultural market comprehensive administrative law enforcement team.In other words, the father and daughter not only serve the same unit, but also in fact in the relationship between superiors.This directly violates the avoidance system.As early as February 2006, the temporary provisions of the public institutions' public recruiters were promulgated and implemented, which clearly stipulated that all applicants who had the relationship between the person in charge of the hired unit had a husband and wife relationship, the direct blood relationship, and the blood relatives within the third generation.The secretary or personnel, financial, disciplinary inspection positions of the responsible persons of the unit, and positions with direct leadership relationships with the leadership of the unit. Now that Cao Mouting and his father were in the same unit, and for the direct and lower -level relationships, she had violated the avoidance system, then she should not be hired at the beginning, and she should not be promoted now.qualifications.However, the Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau stated that according to the avoidance system, the party group intends to adjust Cao Yating to the bureau's belonging to other institutions.This is the public trample on the avoidance system and the second humiliation of the masses' IQ. The reporter asked that direct relatives could not promote it in the same unit. Does the promotion conform to the program?The staff of the inspection team of Shuozhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau responded to the procedure and passed the approval of the organization department and the personnel department. Including the Discipline Inspection Commission also participated in each party group meeting, and they were closed. Whether Cao Mouting was hired, was promoted, and adjusted Cao Mouting to the bureau's belonging to other institutions, it seriously violated the avoidance system.This kind of power of close relatives is not only realized, but also received unanimous support from the party group and organization departments, personnel departments, and disciplinary inspection departments where their unit is located, and passed their levels.It is impossible for these professional departments to do not understand the avoidance system, but they let go and support this kind of violation, indicating that this is not an individual phenomenon, but has become the official explicit rules of the units involved. Some netizens said: Her dad is also stupid enough. How can she put her daughter in her unit? Isn't they usually swap the relatives of their children with other units?The message won more than 4,000 people.In some places, the leaders of different units are placed on each other's relatives, which is no longer news.This kind of official hidden rules are essentially to hereditary power.This is the important reason why there are second -generation officials of officials and the phenomenon of class solidification. Of course, the reason why Cao Mouting's father was blatantly placed her daughter in her unit and promoted her with influence, not because of stupidity, but maybe because of Hao Heng and helpless.Helpless means that Cao Mouting may not meet the conditions hired by the public institution at all. His father could not set up her to other units. Even if it was arranged, it would be difficult to guarantee that she was promoted in the future.So he directly recruited his daughter into his unit, arranged it under his own hands, and promoted her directly.This is the arrogance of power. In short, her daughter's promotion in the father's unit is not just a case. This incident is exposed in some local departments. The privatization of private power has become a hidden rule and even the rules. It seriously destroys the political ecology and social fairness and justice.(Text/Li Pengguo)