Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Zheng Zhen

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, China is the source of viruses and the topic of Chinese concealment of the epidemic. Now this topic has evolved to investigate China, investigate viruses, and prosecute China.

Not just some media, think tanks, and parliamentarians sued China for claims to China, Missouri has launched the first shot to sue China.US President Trump said on April 22, local time that I would definitely not be the last together.Subsequently, the Prosecutor of the United States Mississippi also announced a lawsuit against China, asking China to be responsible for the losses caused by the new crown pneumonia to the state.

The source of the virus is a scientific issue and has no conclusion.The mainstream of the scientific community believes that the virus does not come from the laboratory.Based on past experience, it is necessary to investigate the source of the virus for several years or even more than ten years.Why is a topic that has not yet been concluded, but was directly concluded that China was the source of the virus?

The United States is not a ignorant country, and the top medical experts in the United States are also very clear about the truth.After the official negotiation of China, Trump once said that he would stop saying that Chinese virus would not continue to make articles on this matter.Why did the US politicians such as Trump and Pompeo repeatedly rendered China as the source of the virus, and questioned the source related to a virus laboratory in Wuhan?No country will allow other countries to go to local referees. This is an international practice. Why is Trump and Pompeo repeatedly emphasized that he hopes to send staff to investigate whether Beijing concealed or delayed the epidemic?

Although many countries such as France also believe that China needs to further provide information related to explanation and epidemic, it has not identified Chinese data fraud and concealing the epidemic.In fact, the concealment of China to conceal the epidemic is the claim of US officials. After Trump's positive death data in China, Trump publicly said that the actual number is higher than this, and the number of deaths in the United States is far less than China.In the United States, it is really better than other countries to understand China to conceal the epidemic.

The White House is difficult to hide political motivation.Everyone knows that this is the struggle between China and the United States.Any country has its own highest interests. The highest interest in Trump is the election and needs to shirk the responsibility of poor prevention and control.The highest interest in the United States is to maintain hegemony. If China can prevent China from being recognized because of the valid prevention and control of the epidemic, and to prevent China from obtaining anti -epidemic support influence, the United States is certainly willing to do so.

And it is worth investigating the United States.Even if it is stigmatized in China, the United States pays attention to methods.

In the new confrontation of MDASH; MDASH; the old opponent's new confrontation, the author sorted out the subjects who sued China claim in detail.However, it is not the US government that has to sue the Chinese government. It is not the nature of the incident, but a think tank, scholars, parliamentarians, media and local governments.Local governments have the need to shirk the responsibility of the epidemic. Most other institutional organizations and individuals have some prejudices against China in the past many years, and most of them have anti -Chinese colors.

Officials settled that the officials were officially put on the media, and think tank scholars, members, media, and local governments went into battle.The United States has endorsed the World Health Organization for China, while endorsement of Chinese remarks for challenging China.Inciting the wind to ignite to achieve the purpose of other prescriptions.This is the great thing.The U.S. government can actively act in China and create a momentum by affecting organizations and individuals, which is a calm public opinion war.

The United States is very clear about the traceability of the source of the virus for several years or even more than ten years. There are controversial topics to ferment, and the theory is easy to play.What the United States cares about is not to sue China and claims to China, but to continuously create disadvantaged Chinese remarks.From the beginning, discussing the source of Chinese virus, questioning Chinese data, upgrading to determining that China is the source of viruses, concealed the epidemic in China, and filed litigation compensation. It is to deepen the original sin and deepen the impression and achieve the purpose of judging China.

When asked if the US government intends to sue China, Pompeo responded: I leave this to Congress to solve it, and I will not do anything.I will let Congress decide what they want to do.Other parties are the power of mobilizing, but the initials did not play in person, which not only achieved the purpose of public opinion to judge China, but also avoiding the unable to really judge China and run into the wall.

The two comparison can be found that China speaks in public opinion is Chinese government officials and official Chinese media, and the degree of communication is not enough. China lacks effective medium and resource channels that can spread the point of view.It is not a day -to -day effort, and the strength of the United States cannot be underestimated at this point.