Social Theory April 27, 2020

Hong Kong's anti -repair street bleeding and fighting struggle last year. Since the outbreak of the crown disease in China this year, it has stopped due to the state of prevention in Hong Kong after the world spread.However, with the stabilization of the Hong Kong epidemic, the demonstration activities are ready to go. In addition to the United States -based Western countries, the virus has begun to harm the global economy and life.EssenceIn this context, Beijing's handling of Hong Kong issues will not only arouse Hong Kong's greater turbulence, but also exacerbate China's confrontation with the West.

Disputes around Hong Kong governance have recently risen.Li Henry, a Chinese, who is naturalized in the Chinese American country, became the first foreigner to support anti -repair and suspected national security on April 23, and was officially prosecuted in Guangzhou.The authorities pointed out that its long -term funding in the U.S. hostors colluded with overseas forces and intervened in Hong Kong affairs.On April 18th, the Hong Kong government arrested 15 in one fell swoop suspected of participating in or organizing an unprecedented counter -repairing assembly last year, including Li Zhuming, former chairman and senior barrister of the Hong Kong Democratic Party, Li Zhiying, chairman of One Media Group.They were subsequently released, and the case will be held on May 18.

On April 13, the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of China and the China United Nations Office rarely jointly expressed their statements, publicly criticizing Guo Rongzheng and other Pan -civilian members to abuse power and obstruct the process of the Legislative Council.This statement has been questioned by Hong Kong public opinion that Beijing violates the spirit of the Basic Law, one country and two systems, and intervene in Hong Kong's internal affairs. Because the Hong Kong government is also constrained by Article 22 of the China United Law, the press release on April 18 is repeated due to the conflict between the position.Its manuscript was highly criticized.The incident caused some public opinion to worry that in order to strengthen the governance of Hong Kong, Beijing may change the existing game rules.

After Beijing's anti -repair classes, the attitude towards Hong Kong has become increasingly tough.This attitude has intensified because of the continuous upgrading of the US -China comprehensive confrontation.The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee held at the end of October last year, it pointed out that risk challenges at home and abroad increased significantly, and emphasized the legislation and implementation of national security on the issue of Hong Kong.The big background of the CCP's cognition is that the US Congress promotes Hong Kong's human rights and democratic bills for anti -repair examples, linking Hong Kong's independent tariff status to its democratic political state.The bill was approved in the two hospitals in November last year and signed by President Trump as a decree.

The most direct reason for this series of political disputes recently is probably related to the Hong Kong Legislative Council in September this year.The Legislative Council currently occupies the upper hand with the autocracy of Beijing.However, the Hong Kong District Council election held at the end of November last year was unexpectedly defeated. Not only did there only have 59 seats, which was 240 seats than the previous session, and more than 17 seats were lost in 18 constituency.Since the election is held after the anti -repair case, the 71%voting rate of the record shows that Hong Kong's hearts are directed.Following this situation, the establishment of the Legislative Council in September this year is not optimistic.Once the establishment of the system loses the majority of the Legislative Council, the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law of the National Security in Beijing will naturally be more likely to implement it.

With the increase in China's diplomatic environment, the significance of Hong Kong's significance to China is believed to have changed fundamental changes.Beijing's attention to Hong Kong will be converted from previous international financial centers to overseas forces to subvert China's national security and stability potential springboard.As an important node of the global industrial chain, when Beijing dealt with the Hong Kong issue before the epidemic, it is still impossible to worry about the perception of the international community.Essence

Under such a major situation, Hong Kong's own political contradictions are believed to be sharp.The strengthening of Hong Kong's control of Hong Kong will inevitably stimulate the willingness of the Hong Kong democratic faction. The street -fighting behavior that has stopped due to the epidemic is likely to be resurrected when the Legislative Council election date is approaching.At the same time, Hong Kong's political development is likely to affect China's diplomatic game with the Western world.Therefore, the situation in Hong Kong in the second half of the year should make it difficult to be optimistic.