In 2011, students from mainland China came to Taiwan to study bachelor, master's degree, and doctoral degrees. They hope to enhance each other's mutual understanding and strengthen cross -strait peace.Unfortunately, as the tenth year of Lu Sheng enrollment is about to begin, the Ministry of Education of the mainland will be suspended on April 9 on the grounds of the current new crown pneumonia's epidemic and cross -strait relations.Work.

Starting from the first year of Lu Sheng, the good interaction between the two sides of the strait in the past ten years seems to be contrary to his wishes.Although the beauty of individual experience is endless, the society as a whole is still not friendly to Lu Sheng.Many people in the landlord have privately discussed the incident of Lu Sheng in the end of the year. Everyone faintly guessed that there would be such a day of coming, that is, they did not expect that they did not even support it for 10 years.

In the past ten years, the economic and trade exchanges between the two sides of the strait have increased quite much.However, the gap between the rich and the poor with globalization has also appeared in Taiwan.In the same way, the populist and vowel political trend of the elections in Europe and the United States also shrouded Taiwan.Localist local political parties have taken the political power in a conscious form, and young Lu Sheng wants innocent to take the original sin of many cross -strait confrontation.

German TV series, my father, unssere vater reflection, why do people under the Nazi rule during World War II will revenge Jews, but the previous and later Germans did not have such hatred?It is mainly the acquired education of racism, and Nazi political propagandaly poisoned a generation of Germans.

The common gods such as Guan Gong, Mazu, and Wufu Chi Sui, which are common in Taiwan's folk beliefs, all come from mainland China. There are no natural gaps in across the Taiwan Strait without race, culture, and religious beliefs.Abandoning the past where the soldiers meet each other, the future of creating and reconciliation is in line with each other's interests.However, in order to private interest in one party, the local populous party in Taiwan has continued to weaken the unified position of the Constitution, but it has strengthened the identity of Lu Shenglu and the other, creating various targeted policies.As everyone knows, the real difference is the constitutional government on both sides of the strait, but after the local political party is in power, the issue that does not dare to really touch the political deep -water area. It only uses ordinary people on the other side to be the crime lamb to create various spiritual and mental harassment.As a result, Lu Sheng, who was looking forward to Taiwan's freedom and democratic base to identify with the CCP, and turned Taiwan into their patriotic base.

As a part of the writing of Lu Sheng's first year, he regrets the changes in things and wishes.We once said that the first year of Lu Sheng was a key year for changing history.After 10 years, the history has really changed, or is it returned to the origin?

Of course, as the sociologist Gao Chengshu said, the history of history has flowed around.Through education, the direct mutual learning of young students on both sides of the strait is the fundamental way towards future peaceful development.But this is a long road, which requires a long period of continuous accumulation and effort.Hong Kong writer Zhang Qianyi also saw in the Book of Study Abroad that in the late Qing Dynasty, modern China has been successoring, and has a very fast impact on personal destiny, but the impact on the overall society is often not available for more than 30 years.

Therefore, Lu Shenglai suddenly stopped ten years later, not so much that cross -strait exchanges returned to the original point, but it was better to wait a longer time to see the effect.

In short, the small history of Lu Sheng and the exchange of high education on both sides of the strait is inlaid in the large historical context of cross -strait relations.The great history of cross -strait relations is inlaid in the macro history of the Sino -US competition.Interrupting Lu Sheng came to Taiwan to try it. It seems that the historical long river turned around in 2020.But in fact, in the great history of Lu Mei confrontation and frozen cross -strait frozen, it is almost an inevitable inexpensive.

As for Lu Sheng's return?It also depends on where the history of history goes.If Sino -US cooperation is solved to solve the problems of humans and microorganisms, the earth, and nature, then the younger generations on both sides of the strait are naturally optimistic.Conversely, if the Sino -US conflict, the long history of the long river is stained on the disturbing beach, forming a dangerous twists and turns, then instead of pushing young people to the dangerous reef to feel the ruthless human nature, it is better to temporarily slowly, let the wisdom and distance of isolation, the distance from the isolation wisdom and distanceThe aesthetics are brewing in the hearts of the new generation.

When the nonsense generations that are unreasonable accompanied by the smoke nitrics withdrawing from the stage of the era, the new generation of the successor will naturally stand up from the hustle and bustle after the flames, and re -find the model of reconciliation and the power of love.

(Author Ye Jiaxing, Associate Professor of Financial Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong)