People's Daily-International Channel, Economic Daily WeChat account April 24 news, on the 23rd, Bill Middot; Gates published an article on his personal blog, sharing his epidemic of new crown pneumonia around the worldSystematic thinking.He referred to the new crown pneumonia virus as a modern major epidemic, that is, the first real epidemic disease in modern society, and believes that this epidemic will redefine this era.

Gates said it was like a world war, but the difference is that we are all on the same front.All human beings can cooperate to understand this disease and develop tools to fight with them.He believes that global innovation is the key to reducing damage.This includes innovation in testing, treatment, vaccine, and policies to curb the spread of the virus and minimize the damage to economy and well -being.

In the article, he comprehensively introduced various possible innovation solutions and latest progress in five areas such as treatment methods, vaccines, detection, contact with contact, and resumption of labor and re -production.

In terms of treatment, Gates is optimistic that certain methods can successfully reduce the burden on the new crown virus.He said that the public will need a treatment method with an efficient rate of 95%to make people feel safe during public gatherings, such as football games or concerts.At present, blood collects blood from those with new crown pneumonia and finds the antibodies produced by the human immune system and studying antiviral drugs are possible treatment methods.

Gates said that there is no special effect medicine at present, the only way for people to restore a certain normal life is through the vaccine.New vaccine is usually five years old to push the market.When asked when the large -scale vaccination can start when it can start, Gates said that it may take 18 months, or it may be as short as 9 months or nearly 2 years. The key lies in the length of the 3 -stage test.And validity.

In terms of testing, Gates said that the United States needs to give priority to the detection speed of the new crown virus. In addition, it is necessaryEssenceFor serum testing that many people are talking about now, Gates believes that unless the level of antibodies that already know what level of antibodies are protective, and develop a method of detecting almost no false positive testing, it will tell people that people do not want people based on existing serum testing.Worried about infection is wrong.

In the tracking of contact, Gates said that those who maintain close contact with the patients with confirmed cases should give priority to testing and self -isolation.He believes that most countries and regions will follow German contactists to track examples, that is, if someone is confirmed to be positive, doctors must notify the local health department in accordance with the law.Doctors must provide personal information of patients, including names, addresses, mobile phone numbers, etc., so that the health department can contact this person and ensure that they are separated by themselves.

For re -opening, Gates believes that most developed countries will enter the second stage of the epidemic in the next two months, that is, a half normal state.Regarding the resumption of work, the government will have to weigh according to risks and income. One of the basic principles he believes that he should follow the activities that allow those who have greater benefits to economy or people's benefits and have less risk infection.For example, China has been cautious about resumed production and production, and no obvious epidemic has rebounded.

Gates believes that the new crown pneumonia, as the first modern epidemic disease, will redefine our era: people who have experienced this LSquo; people who have experienced this LSquo; people who have experienced this LSquo; people who have experienced this LSquo; people who have experienced this LSQUO;The pain that people are experiencing at present, and those pains that will continue to feel in the next few years, how to describe it.This disease is particularly harmful to poor communities and minority ethnic groups.Similarly, the impact of economic stopping on the working class of low -income groups and ethnic minorities is also the most serious.Gates called on decision makers to ensure that with the re -opening of the country, the economic recovery will not exacerbate the deterioration of inequality.