As a special agency of the United Nations, the World Health Organization plays an indispensable role in the world's global, especially the country's national national prevention and treatment of diseases and promoting the health of the people.The WHO's funds come from membership fee and voluntary donations.For a long time, the United States has been the country with the greatest contribution among member states. A few days ago, the US government suddenly announced that it would stop allocating funds to the WHO, which brought a negative impact on the work of WHO.

The Trump administration has done so much about the two major factors inside and outside, which can be said to be one stone and two birds.Inside, this is part of Trump's unable to shirk responsibility for anti -new crown virus.External, this is a move to implement the United States prioritize the United States to resist China's global influence.

In the United States, inadequate resistance will seriously affect Trump's re -election opportunities in November this year.In addition to a few media and the public supporting Trump, mainstream media (that is, media that Trump is called fake news) and people of insight have long pointed out that the Trump administration has serious malfeasance and does not resist early and effectively.Epidemic.It was only on March 13 that Trump announced that he had entered an emergency. At that time, he was optimistic that the Easter (April 12) the US economy and the lives of the people could return to normal.

Later, the number of people in the United States and the number of diseases in the United States increased sharply. The Trump administration random the law, and the policy between the federal government and the state government could not coordinate policies.Although the anti -epidemic work group announced the latest news every day, Trump also attended him, but he was discovered by the media every day to say something wrong and quarreled with reporters every day to defend the failed policy and find a scapegoat.

At the same time, he continued to refuse to wear a mask, which gave the general public an improper demonstration effect.When a very few residents in some states go to the streets regardless of danger, and hope that when they cancel their home orders as soon as possible, Trump not only does not know how to reason, moves with affection, also stimulates the support of these people, and said through Twitter.Liberate these states.

Trump claims that as the president of the United States, he has absolute power to decide to resist resistance, including when the states can lift the ban.After this violation of his consensus was unanimously opposed, he changed his state that the states decided to lift the ban on their own.

The biggest challenge in front of Trump was the presidential election in November.Trump will be re -elected, and he will definitely pack himself into a powerful leader and push all problems and failure to others.WHO and China are his primary goal of shirk responsibility.It is foreseeable that during this year's presidential election, anti -China -China anti -world guards will be one of the main axis of the Trump camp.

In terms of diplomacy, stopping funding for WHO is part of Trump's priority and retreat from international organizations.More importantly, the United States wants to use it to fight China's influence.Before taking action, Trump had shown his intention.In a Twitter on April 7, he said that WHO is very centered on China.The implication of the WHO must be very centered on the United States.

There is a reason for the United States to worry about China's influence in international organizations.There are 15 specialized agencies under the United Nations, four of which are currently the highest positions by Chinese people, more than any other country.These institutions are World Food and Agriculture Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Telecom Alliance, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

In June 2019, the World Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome was re -elected. Qu Dongyu, deputy minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, was elected to the general director with 108 votes, while the US -supported candidate Georgia Agricultural Ministry of Agriculture only received 12 votes.In March of this year, the World Intellectual Property Organization was re -elected. Wang Binying, who was already one of the four deputy officers, was very promising to win, but the United States resolutely opposed it.During the second round of voting, the United States and coerced other member states to vote to the director of the Singapore Intellectual Property Office Deng Hongsen. In the end, Deng Hongsen won 55-28 votes.

The current Director -General of the WHO Tan Desai was elected in May 2017 with a term of five years.Tan Desai was a Minister of Foreign Affairs and Health of Ethiopia. He had a doctorate degree in community health from the University of Nottingham University and a master's degree in immunology from the University of London.He is the first director of the 194 member states of the World Health Conference for the first time from a number of candidates, and the first highest official from the WHO from Africa.

In the past, the Executive Committee of the WHO submitted only one candidate to make the final appointment by the World Health Conference.It is said that Tan Desai is a candidate supported by the Obama administration, but it is not the first choice for the Trump administration.From the perspective of Trump, Tan Desai's relationship with China is too close. At the same time, China's influence in WHO is too great. These do not conform to the interests of the United States.It is not surprising to take it around.

(The author is a professor of politics and international relations at the University of Barker University)