Author: Ye Dehao

Under the late winter and early spring weather of Aarhus, the second largest city of Denmark, a dozen elementary school students sat on the green grass and listened to the teacher's lecture-they were the first batch of courses in Europe.Last Wednesday (April 15), Denmark officially launched the first stage of unpacking plan, allowing elementary schools and kindergarten students under the age of 12 to resume classes.Because the school must ensure that students can maintain two meters of distance during class, many schools divide the same class students into two, and try to take classes outdoors outdoors to reduce the risk of new crown virus transmission.

Denmark implemented a home isolation order as early as March 13, and the daily confirmed ratio of the daily diagnosis has been maintained at 10%or less, and it has decreased significantly after entering April.As of last Wednesday, the total number of diagnosis of Denmark was 6,876, which maintained a daily confirmation ratio of up to 4%.However, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen clearly stated that unblocking is like stepping on the steel line. If you stand still, we may fall; if you walk too fast, you may have a problem, so we must have a problem, so we must have toCareful step by step.

Maybe in May or into Europe

Denmark is not the only European country to lift the blockade.Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Germany, etc. have also begun different sealing measures.Austria began on Tuesday (April 14th) to open a shop, tools and gardening shops with less than 4,300 square feet, and will be allowed to open the area with a larger area, shopping center, hairstyle houses, restaurants and restaurants, restaurants and restaurants from next month.The hotel is the first to stay until the middle of next month.However, after unblocking, everyone must wear masks in stores and public transport.

Earlier, the Czech -related stores have been gradually opened. On Monday (April 20), college students will be allowed to return to school, but it is mainly involved in one -on -one teaching. High school students can return to school until September.In addition, starting from May 25, restaurants and bars will open open -air in -store services or takeaway services, and museums, galleries, and zoos can also open outdoor exhibitions.

The highest diagnosis in Europe, last Monday (April 13), has allowed about 300,000 construction or manufacturing employees to return to work. Police also send masks from the people at subway stations, bus stations, and railway stations.Although Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez admits that we do not know which one we return, but since last Monday, the proportion of newly confirmed the number of diagnosis has remained stable and proved that the amplitude of the unsealed was appropriate.

Another seriously disaster -stricken country Italy opened a bookstore, laundry, stationery stores and children's clothing stores on Tuesday. It is planned to open up industries such as forestry and computer manufacturing from May.As the home isolation was extended to May 3, many merchants said that there were no customers in recovery.However, because the number of deaths in Italy is crowded in Europe, it is not difficult to understand that the government is so cautious.

In Europe, which is regarded as a demonstration of resistance in Europe, it is allowed to operate under 800 square meters of stores on Monday. The school will also gradually resume classes on May 4th. Bookstores and bicycles can be restored on the same day.Various social alienation and health measures, including wearing masks in public places.Although France has extended home isolation or order to May 11, President Macron stated that he had plans to resume primary and secondary schools.

If March is the blockade of Europe, in May, it is expected to become the first month of the outbreak of countries to get out of the epidemic.

Trump bowed his head to the epidemic reality?

Just as Trump on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean publicly unblocked the guidelines on Thursday (April 16), it is generally known that the epidemic does not mean that the epidemic does not mean that economic activities can be recovered immediately.Risk assessment has gradually allowed the economy to reply to some of the motivation. At the same time, the second wave of the epidemic-East Asia Japan and Singapore have recently risen in Japan and Singapore, which will become a warning in Western countries.

According to the instructions of the White House, states must meet the continuous decline in the 14 -day new crown pneumonia, and the 14 -day new crown diagnosis case or proportion continues to fall. The hospital can take care of all patients and other conditions in order to gradually lift the social alienation order according to its governor instructions.

Related unblocking is also divided into three steps.In the first step, all high -risk people must continue to abide by their home isolation orders; they must try their best to avoid more than 10 people; non -necessary travel must be minimized as much as possible; remote work must be encouraged under feasible circumstances;Keep closed; students who have suspended classes will be suspended; the visits of the elderly home should be prohibited; the bar should continue to close the door and so on.It can be seen that Lian Trump, who has always advocated to resurrected the economy as soon as possible, has to accept the fact that unblocked cannot be achieved overnight.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the new coronary pneumonia, European and American countries were quite light.After the epidemic since March, in the second stage of how to respond to the resistance of normal life under the epidemic, maybe they may have a better performance.