Sing Tao Daily News Agency U.S. President Trump announced a new guideline, restarting the US economy in three stages, in order to restore normal economy and social activities as soon as possible. The purpose is to save the November Presidential election election. HoweverTake the United States and even the global risk of gambling.

Trump announced on Thursday evening to restart the economy in three stages. In the first stage, schools and bars are still closed.The distance is avoided by more than ten people; the second stage can be resumed and recovered non -necessary travel; the third stage will restore public interaction, but to maintain a certain social distance.Fourteen days apart from each stage, as for the first stage of implementation, the state governments have decided that Trump believes that 29 states can implement the first stage as soon as possible on Friday.If this time table, Trump hopes that the United States can restart the economy at the end of May and early June.

Trump thinks that the American epidemic slows down, so it can restart the economy. Is this true?In the past week, the number of new diagnosis in the United States is indeed less than 30,000 people per day last week. At the beginning of last week, more than 26,000 people fell every day, but then they rose about 30,000 people a day.Run at high.According to Chinese experience, this also requires strict implementation of social isolation policies. It is expected to control the epidemic and gradually unblocking in one month. If it is urgent to unblock it now, the virus may spread and the people's awareness of epidemic prevention will not be conducive to controlling the epidemic.Moreover, the United States still accounts for more than 30 % of the world's new diagnosis every day. If the United States is eager to restart the economy and causes the epidemic to be unprepared, it will not only endanger the United States but also drag the world.

To dissolve the people's grievances must make life recurrence

Trump is so anxious to restart the economy, one of the reasons is that the US economy and society are facing heavy pressure.In the past, the number of newly applied unemployment relief in the United States has increased by more than 20 million, accounting for 13 % of the labor population, and the rapid increase has not slowed down. Scholars estimate that the unemployment rate may rise by 20 % this month.Many positions in the United States are paid on time. Once the company has no business, it will immediately lay off to make the unemployed population rise; what is worse is that 20 % of Americans have no savings, and the other three adults savings below one thousand order to solve the urgent need, Trump's two trillion US dollars to save the economy plan, including a $ 1,200 of each adult national, 500 children, and an unemployed person can apply for half a year and about $ 500 per week.The unemployment benefits can receive $ 600 from the end of March to July.These two expenses alone have exceeded 500 billion US dollars, and the government has limited money. Therefore, Trump will restore the economy as soon as possible and restore employment.

Another important reason for Trump's restarting economy is to save his election in November.All Trump's behavior takes elections as the most important consideration. In the past few months, the new crown virus deliberately diluted the new crown virus, which was to damage the election of immunization. As a result, the outbreak of the American epidemic broke out.The more the media was revealed, it was not good for his election.In order to choose a situation, Trump has been thinking about drilling, including sending money to the public to send money to the public, printed his name, so that the public thinks that the money was given by Trump, so that the money was given by Trump, soGet their favor, but this move spent additional administrative expenses, and delayed the date of sending life -saving money for several days.

Laying backward and urgent behavior

Trump also avoids voters punished him for voting due to the resentment of the epidemic and unemployment., Unemployment, economic disappointment, etc. are unhappy.In this way, the US economy and society need to return to normal in August and September. It must be restarted gradually in May and June to allow companies to resume work and recruit recruitment. The people respond to consumption.EssenceSeeing this tight schedule, I know how Trump is so focused and why he has promoted the Easter to restart the economy earlier. Therefore, the U.S. epidemic has not fallen, and he has to restart the economy.

In addition, Sanders withdrawn from the Democratic Primary Election, the Democratic President's candidate has been determined to be the former vice president Biden, and the former President Obama has expressed support for him.Bavidly unite different factions within the party.Different polls show that Biden's support has led Trump 5 to 11 percentage points, which has seriously impacted Trump's re -election opportunities.

Trump restarted the economy in order to choose the situation in order to choose the situation. Such adventure may make the epidemic more serious. It is undoubtedly that the people of the world have taken the gambling table with him.