The location of the social pyramid is different, determining that everyone is different and unnecessary.

After the government announced on April 3 that after the mandatory home work and the unnecessary industry would be closed on April 7, I quickly went to the barber shop downstairs to register my hair, then bought some food in the supermarket, and finally ran to run. Finally, I ran.Go to the fragrant candle shop near the home, buy the incense for the Buddha.The Hui'an water I bought before was sinking. The owner of Xiangcuo Store introduced the old mountain sandalwood produced by Xiamen. It was slightly smoky but slightly sweet. From goodness, I was worried that I did n’t know when I could patronize it again, so I bought it in one breath.Two boxes.The owner complained that his industry was not necessary. As soon as the days arrived, he had to close the door and rest.Another uncle who bought sesame oil was slightly talked about, and he did not forget to murmur when paying, and he was inconsistent for the boss.

I guess the mood of the boss, a bit like the employees who have been layoffs. After a few years of hard work, I found that I was not necessary.The anti -virus dissemination measures forced by the crown disease have surprised many people to realize that what they are engaged in and belong to the top ten necessary industries that can continue to operate.The bitterness of this may only be described by drinking ice water in winter and dripping in my heart.

The epidemic reveals the layer of tulle that is always covered with society and people's hearts, exposing the cruel reality of blood to everyone, making it difficult for people to turn a blind eye.What is the need for economic recovery after the plague, and what is unnecessary to survive for the sake of life. At this moment, it must be clearly clear.

At the individual level, necessary and non -necessary may also reflect another problem.After the government announced the launch of a budget for the same way, it would send 600 yuan in cash to the public, and there were many reactions on the Internet to see a scoff.Those who have such a reaction obviously do not worry about eating and wear, and their livelihood is undoubtedly not affected by the epidemic.Of course, more people also rushed to get the money in front of the withdrawal machine early in the morning on the day of 600 yuan on April 14.For these people, this small money in the eyes of others is equivalent to the timely rain of life.Class differences will always exist regardless of time and space, but the virus shows it vividly.

Ashamed, rushing to buy lying incense before banning your feet, the subconsciousness naturally treats it as necessary.When you read the Buddhist Buddha every day, you need to burn incense, and it is really necessary to recover the incense. Furthermore, in addition to physiological needs such as food, disinfectant, mask, etc., psychological and even spiritual needs should not be ignored.However, for many people who have unemployment or even business bankruptcy due to a major epidemic, but a person who must have the responsibility of the old and small hardships, it is obviously an unnecessary luxury.The location of the social pyramid is different, determining that everyone is different and unnecessary.

Personally, so is the society.Facing the raging coronal virus, the need for efficiency at the expense of efficiency has been given to the need to calculate potential risks.Singapore's well -known internationally renowned gold standard epidemic prevention results were crushed by the beacon dormitory overnight, which vividly showed the new reality after the outbreak of the Great Plague.

In the old economic formula, the guest workers left their hometown to work in a foreign country. They encountered the structured layers of intermediaries and employers, and they were also used by the magnificent economic theory to be rationalized MDash; MDASH;The added value of the value is even worried about unemployment. It is better to go out to work. Even if it is exploited layer by layer, the income appreciation obtained in the end is higher than the original, which can improve the living conditions of the family.As a result, the employer calmed down their living situation with peace of mind. Most of the society where the society was located also ignored it. Until the invisible cost of the previous cost, it realized the real risk that caused the community to be infected.Nowadays, the sequelae of the infection of the guest dormitory will be treated.

In the past 10 years since the Wall Street Financial Crisis, the privatization of profits that have been widely criticized but not as good as mountains, and the unreasonable phenomenon of cost socialization is finally performed through the most intuitive way through the virus that the six relatives do not recognize.When the risk of controlling and control replacing efficiency and becoming a new necessary, the truth that the old order depends on the operation must face more severe viewing and reflection; otherwise, the sacrifice made by society collectively for inhibiting virus transmission, I am afraid it will only be white.Busy.

Human history is such a story that is an ideal and reality or expansion or reduction. It is probably a bit unrealistic to look forward to changing human nature.The Tao Te Ching said that it is the way to make damage and make up for it, and emphasizes the spirit of fairness; but the way of human beings is completely opposite, and it is not enough to be damaged.After all, humanity is not heavenly. Utopia, which requires people to practice all beings in the world, often only bring tragedy and disaster, but the gap between inequality is still the ideal worthy of struggle and hard work.

Before the world worshiping the market's new liberalism in the 1980s, the relatively equal social conditions obtained were obtained by the cost of the Great Depression in 1929 and the tens of millions of deaths in the second world war.The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank reported on April 15 that the world economy may be caught in the worst economic recession since 1929 because of this great plague.I hope humans will not have to experience the countless military conflicts with countless casualties in order to go back to the ideal state of society for decades after World War II.

Although it is humble in the face of history, this does not mean that you can't do anything.On the day of the government issued 600 yuan relief, in addition to the religious free clinic group who had seen the disease before the ancestors had been donated to the ancestors, I also went online to transfer the government's money to the volunteers who specialized in assisting the local customers who needed local least their efforts make the humanity more in line with the heavens.

(The author is [email protected])