In the generation of anyone who can put forward the views through the Internet, under the covid-19 out of the epidemic, fake news is even more strange.From the effective treatment of new crown pneumonia in antimaimina drugs and drinking, to fake news such as 5G leading to the spread of epidemic dissemination, it is full of global networks, creating panic is not conducive to resistance.But even highly educated people may not be able to avoid the trap of fake news. Why?

At the same time that millions of people around the world are trapped in their homes, fake news and different conspiracy theories are filled with the Internet through WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, etc.In addition to the arson of the British and the Netherlands, some people in Iran also misunderstood drinking and resistance. Many people died because of drinking industrial alcohol or fake alcohol.The Internet also rumored that Russia put a lion on the streets to stop the people from going out, and even reported that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson died of illness.

Believe or not, the news does not seem to be related to the high and low level.Writer Kelly Brogan is a good example.She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and studied mental illness at Cornell University. She had a doctorate degree in medical science, but she questioned whether the new coronary pneumonia really existed.

The Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that some people misunderstanded false news because the news was messy.During the information explosion, readers usually judge the authenticity of the news with intuition.Australian University of Australia's psychology lecturer, Ryn Newman, has found in 2012 that adding pictures for news can increase the credibility of readers' minds.The same principle, the use of description language and vivid personal stories is also credible.Some studies also pointed out that people with lower cognitive reflex test scores, that is, people who tend to make judgments with intuition are also easier to misunderstand rumors and have no IQ high.

Another difficulty in fighting fake news is to block the news.Gordon PennyCook, a researcher at the University of Lajana, Canada, conducted research on the fake news of the epidemic. Participants need to identify authenticity with the news title. Only about 25%of the participants believe that fake news is a fact, but 35%of participants will forward the news, meaning that it means that it meansEven if the news is false, it will still forward.They may pass the responsibility of verifying information to others, or hope to help relatives and friends, anyway, even if it is fake, it will not hurt.However, the more repeated news, the more they have the opportunity to make people believe even more.

Anti -fake news, another front of the disease

Take the UK as an example, a survey conducted by the British Telecommunications Agency (OFCOM) found that about 2,000 interviewees have been exposed to fake news of the Internet, and about 40%think it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the newsEssenceClaire Milne, deputy editor -in -chief editor of the British Organization Full FACT, said that a large number of fake news started from one place, and then translated into different languages and began to spread to different platforms and countries.Fake news has become another front of the epidemic.