Author: Cheng Xue

The new coronary pneumonia's epidemic spreads the world, and the follows of panic have also spread to various countries and regions.In recent months, as emergency measures such as blocking and isolation have been implemented in many places, the public has snapped up hoarding masks, disinfectant, and emergency foods and daily necessities. Sweeping shelves can be seen in supermarkets in various countries.Unlike other countries and regions in the world, in the United States, not only toilet paper, but also firearms.In an earlier interview with the media, the staff of the American online ammunition purchase platform said: This is the first time that we have encountered a snap -up frenzy caused by infectious diseases.We can't help asking: Why is there a wave of guns in the United States?Why does it appear in the United States, not in other countries and regions?More importantly, can grab guns resist the virus?

According to reports, David Liu, a Chinese shopkeeper in Los Angeles, said that during the two weeks in early March, the turnover in the store increased 5 times, and some customers even asked to buy all their inventory and ammunition.Larry Hyatt is located in a nation's largest firearm store in North Carolina. He also said in an interview that even in his shop, it was unprecedented to buy a large -scale purchase scene.He said that in his 61 -year career, this was the second time to witness this scene Mdash; MDASH; the first time was after the large -scale shooting of Sandyhk Elementary School in 2012.

Hyatt observed that there were almost no customers who chose to bless the shotgun in this trendy tide.They mainly choose to shoot target pistols, and have a lot of demand for AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifles.He believes that this choice reflects panic in the customer group.Alex Horsman, a marketing manager who works in the US online ammunition purchase platform, pointed out that there are often two reasons that affect the sales of guns and ammunition. One is political events, and the other is economic turbulence.The common feature of the two is that the instability caused by it can make people feel that their own safety may be threatened.

Despite the above reasons, the spread of pneumonia's epidemic has also caused American society to be frightened.Some customers stated in an interview that because of concern that the epidemic will increase the problem of social security or even cause social turmoil, and enter an anarchy, buying guns in order to ask for the interests of themselves and family members.Media statistics provides evidence for this: California, New York and Washington, which are the most severe epidemic in the new crown pneumonia.For example, some gun sales in some gun stores in San Francisco have recently increased by 45%, and bullet sales have increased by more than double.The increase in other less affected places is not so exaggerated.

Even more unusual is that many merchants have pointed out that the main customers of the gun purchase trend are Chinese. Most of them are the first time to buy firearms MDash; MDash; after the outbreak of the epidemic, the Chinese Chinese are obviously the most panic ethnic group.

Metaphor of the disease: Crisis of the stigma

In the United States, Asians are the lowest rate of gun rates.In the 2015 Harvard University's Holding Rate Survey Survey, Asian gun holdings were not calculated independently, but were included in other items, accounting for only 5.5%.White race holding the gun with the first gun rate is as high as 70.5%.

The analysis believes that the low -gun rate of Asian is the reason for cultural differences and political tendencies, and it is more likely to be affected by the immigration law.After the reform of the immigration law in 1965, the Asian population gradually increased.Especially in the past two decades, immigrants from China, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea have poured into the United States, and they have not habit of having guns, and they are not familiar with gun -oriented culture.At the same time, most Asian immigrants settle in cities or suburbs, and hunting and other gun activities are not common.In addition, the political position has an inseparable relationship with the gun rate.Asians are mostly Democratic. In the 2012 presidential election, 73%of Asians voted to Obama.According to the social survey published by the National Opinion Research Center of Chicago, the Asian Democratic Running rate was only 5%, while the Rugate's gun rate was as high as 22%.

After the pneumonia's epidemic spreads worldwide, many countries in Europe and the United States have occurred in many racial discrimination, bullying, harassment and even attacks against Chinese descent.On March 16, Trump published a tweet that the United States would strongly support the industries that are particularly affected by Chinese virus.Although he later changed his mouth, it is important that we must fully protect our Asian and American communities in the United States and around the world.The new crown virus epidemic should not be blame on Asians and Americans; but the domestic and Chinese emotional industries in the United States have formed, and the Chinese Chinese are also threatened by the sense of security under the role of many events.

People in the panic of infectious diseases often lead to stigma in specific individuals.Susan Sontag (Illness As Metaphor and AIDS and ITS Metaphors) in its disease has discussed infectious epidemic diseases (such as tuberculosis, leprosy, AIDS), and how cancer is metaphorized by MDASH.; MDASH; converted from an objective physical disease to a moral critical or political attitude.

She wrote that disease is the dark side of life and a more troublesome citizenship.Behind the epidemic disease is often full of metaphors of moral derogation.In the past, when the plague, syphilis, cholera, AIDS, and other plague knew little, facing unknown and contagious diseases, disgusting and fear give people religious superstition and moral significance mdash; mdash; this is hidden in epidemic diseaseNaming.Pestilence in English derives the perspective of adjectives and Pestilential, which means harmful or harmful to religious, moral or public tranquility.

The leprosy was considered a symbol of social corruption and moral corruption in the Middle Ages.French seconds will be eroded on the surface of the stone.Santag wrote: All kinds of things (corruption, corruption, pollution, abnormality, and weakness) in the deepest inner heart are equated with the disease.The outbreak of pneumonia erupted in Wuhan, China, and the American folk commonly referred to as the new crown virus.The controversy of whether this commonly known is involved in racial discrimination is due to concerns about the negative metaphors of the disease.

It can be seen that the Chinese groups living in the United States not only need to face the pneumonia's epidemic risk that may bring, but also bear a lot of unequal treatment after being regarded as a disease -disseminar.Under the dual threat, they choose to believe that the use of firearms can protect their lives and property safety.