United Daily News Agency

The new coronary pneumonia's epidemic has entered the United States into a major disaster. In the history of the scale, only the history of the scale. President Trump will aim at the World Health Organization of the World Health, accusing it of favorsing China and leading to global epidemic prevention and breaking skills.Di Trump quoted Taiwan's statement as evidence, and the Secretary -General of the WHO Tan Desai then accused Taiwan discriminating against his racial discrimination, causing Taiwan to be involved in the wars of the two sides.WTO wants to lead the US -China cooperation leaders to resist, but the United States chooses to connect with Taiwan to defeat WTO to delay epidemic prevention.

The Trump cannon hit the world guard, and the sword refers to China.After the war in Taiwan and Tan Detai, Trump even more discouraged to interrupt the Fresh Guide's gold aid and threatened to set up an alternative organization. Unexpectedly, it aroused the power of the Sino -Russian Britain and France and the European -African countries.Trump is the latest leader in the eight major industrial junior high schools. When countries are busy seeking anti -epidemic measures to seek minimum casualties, he is the focus of transferring the old account for his own re -election.EssenceAt the same time, Taiwan sent a mask to show humanity, and the other hand helped Trump to shoot, and the role was turbulent.

At the end of March, special calls were used. Although there were cooperation consensus, the wrestling continued in private.The United States is particularly concerned that Beijing will use international assistance to wash the name of whitewashing and expand its influence.The wrestling of the two, Tan Desai and Taiwan became the agent of the war between the two sides. This is half effortless for the Tsai government, who actively hoarding the mask for the prevention of immunization diplomacy.

After the Tsai government came to power, Taiwan was refused to be outside the WHD due to cross -strait diplomacy.This year's new crown virus is raging, and Taiwan's epidemic prevention achievements have received international attention. It was a good opportunity to return.The Tsai government took a club for aid to market the positive influence of Taiwan's participation in the WHO, but the layout may be disrupted by themselves.If joining the WHO is vital to Taiwan, why should the Tsai government urgently take Trump to attack Tan Dese?

Vice President Chen Jianren criticized the WHO to ignore the warning of Taiwan. This statement was used by the United States to accuse Tan Dezai delaying epidemic prevention.Tan Desai denied this, and Chen Shizhong took out the original email pair.In fact, the letter was based on the Wuhan epidemic reported by the mainland media, and asked WHD to ask for further information to the WHO, which was the message of the Wuhan Health Commission that notified the WHO.Taiwan took the same notification content to consult the WHO, but claimed that it was an early warning. Chen Shizhong said that he could not stand.

Because there is no sufficient evidence, it can only be judged that limited people can be judged in the early days.Whether this is equivalent to helping China conceal the epidemic and delaying global epidemic prevention. Of course, all countries will ask for justice afterwards.However, compared with the past release of the International Public Health Emergency (PHEIC), the handling of WHO is not much different, and it may be the fastest.American public health journals have analyzed that H1N1, Ebola, and Zika virus spent 38 days from detecting the occurrence of diseases to PHEIC, the fastest H1N1 spent 38 days.In contrast, the new crown virus was notified from the end of last year to only thirty -first PHEIC PHEIC at the end of January this year.

As for the opposition to the travel trade ban on the outside world, WHO also held the same position in the previous emergency incidents, and did not want the ban to affect the statement of the country.For example, the past six years have spent more than a hundred days before that West Africa Ipora is PHEIC, which is likely to wake African countries and interfere with Michelon pilgrimage.Instead of criticizing the WHO for China, it is more accurate that WHO finds a balance between public health and politics.

After PHEIC's release in the past, the world was in accordance with Golden aid, which is highly related to the US position.However, this time the United States not only refused to stretch hands, but also kept mocking China, and Europe made a wall view; the virus entered Italy, and the European Union was indifferent; when Europe fell, the United States simply closed the door.Although China and WHO have no blame, Europe and the United States have spread to the crisis and respond to the timing.British Germany and France will not follow up Trump this time to condemn the world, and he must know that he has been negligent before, and rescue people's life first and let go of responsibility.Compared with the two aspects, Taiwan ’s urgency Trump started war to the WHO, not only lacking the overall situation, but also the moral height of humanitarian priority.

Trump's attacking WHO is mainly the general election polls and opponents continuously; French President Macron did not intentionally involved in the US -China war.The epidemic turbulent international turmoil. In the old order of disintegration, who would be happy to see speculators who made conflicts in conflict in critical manufacturing?When populist elements treat the Emperor Anxun song as a war song to attack the WHO, the Tsai government should not be regarded as the availability of civil gas, so that the experience of success in Taiwan ’s epidemic prevention is reduced into a bargaining chip for power struggles.Otherwise, winning the virus, but may lose the living space.