Hong Kong 01 Society

Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue announced on Wednesday (April 8th) that the launch of the second round of epidemic prevention and anti -epidemic funds with a total of 137.5 billion yuan was the most noticeable.To apply for a salary subsidy of up to 9,000 yuan for each employee, no layoffs shall be offered in half a year, and 1.5 million migrant workers are expected to benefit.These measures are launched under the pressure of business and labor, and to a certain extent, they can settle the people's hearts.

As the government said, the impact caused by the epidemic is unprecedented. The authorities must help the most hit small and medium -sized enterprises, but also to avoid a large number of citizens from losing their rice bowls.These are the responsibilities that politicians must shoulder.However, the real government cannot stop there.As a manner for public interests, the government must actively resist the epidemic when the epidemic has not seen it, but more importantly, there is a comprehensive planning for reconstruction after the epidemic.We must remind that we should no longer understand and rebuild with traditional thinking, thinking that attracting more overseas tourists and distributed more allowances. If you do n’t know how to focus on the bottom of the economic structure, you will definitely repeat it after the experience of SARS (SARS) and do n’t do it.In the end of the substantive reform, it will eventually only cause the already -existed contradictions to continue to deteriorate.

For many citizens, the government has long been numb to the ground.The first round of the epidemic prevention and anti -epidemic fund with a total amount of 30 billion yuan cannot achieve the goal of protecting employment at all, because the measures of the measures are insufficient MDASH; MDASH; many tourism and aviation practitioners have been forced to leave without salary leave as early as the end of January January.However, it has not been relieved, revealing the dilemma of wage earners under the loopholes of the laborer guarantee of unpaid leave.It was not until the United Kingdom announced in late March that the salary of the company was 80 %, and the authorities followed by some business people who had hung the free market in their mouths and asked the Hong Kong government to intervene in the market.The governors should take the initiative to attack under the economic crisis, but the Hong Kong government has taken a few slowly, only knowing how to rely on foreign precedents. How can citizens confident that it can lead the society to start again?

A tenderness only understands how to follow the trend to lead the society

Today, the government has increased support for wage earners in the second round of Stept, which is finally late, but there are still many loopholes in the measures; the employment plan is suitable for the next six months.Employees will not be able to benefit; on the other hand, any company can apply, but the impact of different enterprises has a significant difference. As a result, it may be unnecessary to be aid, causing waste of resources.These cases are explaining that the government has failed to change flexibly and lacks the flexible flexibility.In the final analysis, this is because the government lacks the awareness of actively undertaking fair management of social resources, and does not know the true meaning of allocating justice.It is inferred by the Hong Kong Government's Farfen. This time, the normal state may be just a passive response to natural disasters (epidemic). It may also be seen that the ancestors of the two free markets in Britain and the United States have vigorously involved in the market, or they have always been compared with Hong Kong to compare with Hong Kong.Singapore follows the shot.If officials are so lazy, as long as the epidemic is over, they will reunite.Of course, we do not want to say a word of mdash; Hong Kong's deep -seated structure contradictions are too severe, and we can no longer deal with ostrich mentality.

So far, Hong Kong's prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia's epidemic is relatively successful, indicating that the problem faced by citizens' resistance is not that the body is not good, but shy.In fact, the migrant workers are forced to leave without salary leave, and the failure of small and medium -sized enterprises is just the outermost layer of the problem. To understand the essence of the problem, we must continue to dig deeper.In the past three or forty years, Hong Kong's wealth shifted to finance and real estate, creating a differential situation of a single and very small number of elites monopolizing wealth.In contrast, although there are a large number of employees in retail, catering, and tourism, they have little benefits, and they will become cannon fodder as soon as they encounter natural disasters and human disasters.

Deep -level contradictions are also reflected in MDash faced by small and medium -sized employers; they want to expand the market, do more business, and control economic costs. The problem is that it is difficult for real estate hegemony to afford business costs.The government has increased 30,000 jobs and optimized the financing plan of small and medium -sized enterprises, which has a certain effect on the economic crisis. However, it is not a long -term plan. The key is to reshape the entire economic structure.The perception is responsible for the reform of vigorous reforms after pain.

Different to the principle of justice, the more important thing under the epidemic

If the Hong Kong government has the spirit of reflection, it should be seen that the epidemic broke its long -term ideological myth.When Hong Kong is still hesitation, Western countries have been driving the so -called free market beliefs aside, and the United States has dropped more than $ 2 trillion at one time to save the economy, including the national distribution of 1,200 US dollars;The guiding ideology of Mrs. Zhuohe is behind the head, and the salary of employers in the sky and wastes to save the employment market; Germany, which is known for its financial discipline, also abandons the zero deficit budget policy that has adhered to in the past.The scale of relief schemes launched for resistance reached 10%of GDP.These western countries are never subject to the so -called belief when dealing with social problems.From the perspective of it, the politicians should decisively change the string due to local conditions.

When the Financial Secretary, Chen Maobo, also used the unprecedented opening of the warehouse, and also used other advanced economies as a control, saying that the 10%range was roughly similar to them.The impact of the epidemic in the economy is indeed unprecedented, but under the economic crisis, the role and importance of the social security network are finally shocked. It can only be said that it is later aware.Think about it, if there is a complete labor guarantee in Hong Kong society, how can the government be at a loss when planning the relief plan?Furthermore, the government was full of wishes to the establishment of a social security network such as the establishment of a national retirement security system, and his words would make fiscal bankruptcy. Now it is precisely that the government's financial ability is by no means fragile!

We hope that the government can truly open up, understand that governance thinking must change in time, respond to the requirements of the times, and actively play the role of leading society.The vulnerable groups in Hong Kong were originally in the deep water. The epidemic further exposed its suffering, and once again revealed the truth of the deep -seated structural contradictions and distorted the vested interest structure.If you want to completely reverse the dilemma, the authorities must emancipate their minds first, jump out of the thinking frames of the small government and large markets, and work in the affairs of economic and people's livelihood. In addition to completely transforming the economic foundation, we must also improve the basic living conditions of the citizens.If the people can be fully guaranteed in the five major areas of housing, transportation, education, medical care, and retirement, then the earthquake resistance ability of society will be significantly improved, which is enough to resist the next economic impact.

Understand yesterday, facing deep contradictions

Many people have questioned that comprehensive reforms are just air towers. This statement seems reasonable, and essentially is arrogant, because Hong Kong has sufficient conditions and space to do more.We have a huge fiscal reserve and can support reform.Of course, this does not mean to encourage the government to splurge public assets unhelpful, but to require the government to actively play the role of social production income and consumption, and create rich together for all classes.

At present, the government is facing the issue of how to increase fiscal revenue. One of the social arguments for the years is the reform tax system.We have always believed that the tax reform must adhere to the principle of allocating justice, and take into account the well -being of ordinary citizens, especially low -class, so the sales tax for all citizens is not desirable.EssenceAs for the simple and low tax system that is regarded as the advantage of Hong Kong, it should not be roughly applied, but should be applied smartly.According to the traditional US Foundation, the average and medium numbers of the global salary tax rates are 29.6%and 30%, respectively, and the average of the company's profit tax rates and medias are 24.7%and 25%, respectively.The tax rate of 16.5%is a lot higher. Applying the common data comparison mode in the workshop, which is not correct that there is a lot of room for adjustment in Hong Kong's related tax rate?If the tax rate of competitors is 30%, as long as Hong Kong is slightly lower, such as 28%, does it have an advantage?

It is the key to continuous wealth for society after expanding fiscal revenue. This requires Hong Kong to promote the necessary economic and social structure innovation.The government should review this to implement a certain form of rent management system, and assist SMEs to light up after reducing costs.At the same time, the government must vigorously promote itThe industrial diversified, providing citizens, especially young people, to provide more employment and outplacement, and build a perfect social security network, and practice fairness and justice.If the work of people's livelihood is solid, even if Hong Kong cannot avoid the next natural disaster, at least it can significantly reduce the impact caused by natural disasters, and there will be not so much migrant workers and small and medium -sized companies that need assistance.

The qualified government must lead the society to overcome the difficulties in front of them, and the excellent government is not only there, but also plans the future and active, so that the next generation will live in happiness.Now the epidemic is raging, and employment is a deserved move. This can retain living power to rebuild Hong Kong.At the same time, the government should also plan for the post -crisis era, boldly plan for social reform, promote economic transformation, and create more wealth for citizens.We do not want Hong Kong to undergo the double -blow of the anti -repair storm and pneumonia epidemic, and we must also bear the third and fourth blows before the Hong Kong government will suddenly realize.If the politicians in Hong Kong continue to think about, it will be swept into historical garbage dumps and laughs from generation to generation.