After the local coronary virus epidemic was basically controlled, the Chinese government announced to provide assistance to countries and the World Health Organization and African Union that needed China to help, including testing agents, masks, protective clothing, ventilator, etc.This is inevitable.

The epidemic is rampant around the world, and governments of various countries are busy dealing with resistance and need a large amount of anti -epidemic supplies.Because many Western countries have basically transferred many production chains to foreign countries, and they do not have the value -added medical supplies, or the production capacity is insufficient. When the epidemic comes, it is impossible to transfer the production line to China and restore production. Therefore, only onlyCan purchase from abroad.China happens to be a world factory with huge production capacity.China has begun to produce medical supplies during the epidemic.Now that China's epidemic control is controlled, it can naturally support other countries to resist.

Although China exports a large number of medical supplies, although it is an urgent need for countries, the West has a strong response to China's foreign aid, and most of them have criticized or even blame.Some Western media have made great articles in the quality of Chinese medical products, and they have picked some problems with difficulties in China, thinking that China exports inferior medical products.Medical management institutions in some countries do not even approve Chinese products.Generally speaking, the support of Chinese elites to China for their country not only has no consensus, but accelerates differentiation.In the eyes of many Western elites, China ’s foreign aid has become a dispute over the influence of masks and a dispute over geopolitics.

The coronary virus spreads ruthlessly, and a large number of population groups are infected every day, and a large number of patients die, and death has become a common enemy of countries around the world.In other words, humans staged a global humanitarian crisis because of crown disease.The epidemic center shifted from China to the United States and Europe, and extended quickly to the south.Europe and the United States are the most developed areas in the world, and the medical system and the public health system are also very developed.

The epidemic has caused such a deep humanitarian crisis in Europe and the United States. Once it has reached those countries with the ability of poverty and public health systems, the situation is unimaginable.The virus has no boundaries, no individual, any society, or any country can be alone. Only cooperation is the way out.Today, an important problem is not to control the epidemic, but which country does not control the epidemic.As long as the country is not controlled, the virus will still spread to the world, which is only a matter of time, not a matter of energy.

If one party needs the help of others and is willing to accept the help of others, and the other party is willing to help, it is also capable of helping. This is an obvious win -win situation.But why is there such a puzzling situation today?

On the international stage, there seems to be nothing politically.It is not difficult to understand the evolution of coronary virus into the power of power.This is exactly the relationship between China and the West.The world system that people see today is established in the West, and the protagonist on the stage has always been Western countries.Nowadays, the western countries are busy with their own care, and they are busy with resistance. It seems that only China moves on this stage that originally belongs to them.This makes many countries feel their own loss.

National interests are higher than everything

Darwin, who is regarded as a behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior of the behavior, Harold Lasswell (Harold Lasswell), does it define the political definition?When and how to get it?(POLITICS: Who Gets What, when, how).The consideration of Western politicians is obviously not how to effectively resist epidemic through international cooperation; on the contrary, their primary consideration is who will get the most in the war of crown disease; or, their question is: who is the winner and who is the loser?

The deep crisis of the crown disease has not changed the attitude of politicians.For these politicians, national interests are higher than everything.This is not only for China, but some Western countries often hold this attitude towards internal problems.Therefore, the United States Party once argued whether it was important to resist with epidemic or maintaining economic life. Many conservatives advocated sacrifice life to protect the economy, while British Prime Minister Johnson advocated group immunity.

U.S. politicians worry whether the epidemic will lead to the ultimate decline of the United States.Kurt M Campbell and scholar Rush Doshi, who had been the assistant Secretary of State of East Asia and Pacific Affairs, recently published articles on diplomatic affairs recently to make this clear.They pointed out that the status of international leaders in the United States over the past 70 years is not only because of its wealth and strength, but more importantly, the supply of domestic governance, global public goods, the ability and willingness to gather and coordinate international forces to cope with the crisis office to cope with the crisis officeThe recognition.

However, these three elements test all the three elements of the US leadership ability, but so far Washington is not qualified. When it has faltering, Beijing is taking action quickly and skilled, using the gap caused by the US errors to fill in the filling of the US errors to fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors to fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors to fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors to fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors to fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors to fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling of the US errors and fill in the filling.The vacancies presented themselves as a global leader who responded to this popular.

They are worried that China tries to establish a new benchmark through the help of other countries in major epidemic diseases to shape China as an indispensable Essential Power, and to establish relations with countries.This has been obviously manifested in the joint response of the epidemic in China, Japan and South Korea, and providing important sanitary equipment to the EU.What the United States should worry about is that although its European allies have not publicly criticized the Trump administration, on some key issues, American allies are no longer standing on the same front as the United States, such as whether Huawei technology and Iran are used.

If the Britain seized the Suez Canal in 1956, marking the final decline of the British Empire. If the United States continues to do so, the popularity of coronary virus will be Suez in the United States.

Such concerns are not only the United States existed, and it has spread to the entire West.Josep Borrell, a senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, published an article entitled by the EU Foreign Action Department's website on March 23Looking at Chinese diplomacy and warning China's generous politics during the anti -crown disease epidemic, urging EU countries to prepare for the influence in the influence of global discourse rights.He believes that China will help some countries with a targeted manner to provide them with anti -epidemic materials to show unity and friendship.

Fu Rayli said: The battle for the right to speak worldwide is ongoing.China helps Europe through a lot of help to pass a message in a large fanfare, that is, unlike the United States, China is a responsible and reliable partner.The author warns that for Europe, we can be sure that with the outbreak of the epidemic and the progress of our epidemic, people's views will change again.However, we must understand that there are geopolitical components, including fabrication and lsquo; generous political rsquo; to compete for influence.With the facts, we need to defend the attacks from Europe without slander.

When the countries such as Italy and Serbia asked for help from the European Union, Germany, France and other EU powers felt helpless and indifferent. Therefore, these countries had to turn to China and China also provided assistance in time.But when this geopolitical theory was fired, Germany and French leaders also came out to explain concerns, and their words would help Italy and other countries to maintain European unity.

The United States and the entire West obviously have no ability to reflect on themselves.Just as the external influence of a country is an external reflection of its internal rise, the external decline of a country is also a reflection of its internal decline.Simply put, the decline of Britain is not because of the rise of the United States, or the decline of the United States is not because of the rise of China.

The decline of the United States' leadership on the international stage is not only because of its internal problems, but also because it has begun to implement unilateralism after becoming the only hegemony.Since the anti -terrorism of September 11, the United States has been drifting away from its European allies because of the implementation of unilateralism.For many years, because the United States has expanded over the international stage, it has to adjust the contraction front.Especially after Trump came to power, the United States has rapidly from eachWith an international agreement, under the leadership of the United States priority, the United States can no longer play the role of leaders on the international stage.

The same is true for the European Union.The EU has been regarded as the future of Europe for a long time, but also a model for human regional cooperation.But the decline of the European Union is even faster than people think.Over the years, Brexit, EU member states have complained.The crown disease epidemic showed the weakness of the European Union.People did not see the existence of the EU community, and only felt that Europe had returned to the era of absolute sovereignty, and countries revealed extreme selfishness.The spirit of cooperation between member states is disappeared, and the rise of internal rights of population has increased the difficulty of cooperation.Instead of helping Italy, Germany not only had the power to help Italy, but instead cut off resistance to other European countries.

Italy and other countries do not intend to deal with the European Union. These countries only rescue China when they are hopeless from the EU.Furthermore, the cooperation between China and Italy or other European countries did not consider any geopolitics.China's geopolitical focus is always in Asia, and the relationship with Europe is just economic and trade relations.The so -called dispute over geopolitics is undoubtedly the imagination of Western culture.

China's own words and deeds are also misunderstood

As a result, the more important reasons for the decline of the United States (Western) are the alienation of capitalism caused by the new liberal economic policy since the 1980s.Under the leadership of capital, it is intended to shape the globalization of international labor division of labor, and most of the western industries have been transferred to other countries.Although the division of labor in the international labor helps to increase labor productivity, it has led to the separation of the economy and society in the West.The economy was originally embedded in society, but now the economic activity is highly international, without the nature of sovereignty, and it is not controlled by society.The United States and Western countries are so incompetent this time, not only because of the governance system, but also because these countries no longer produce simple medical supplies.

The United States depends on the supply of medical substances in China. 80%of the medical substances come from China and 97%of antibiotics come from China.The same is true of Europe and other major capitalist countries.As a major medical material production country, the ability to produce a large country is capable, and there is moral necessity to help other countries, which is normal.But the western countries are afraid of medical supplies in China, which will affect the people's views on China.Western politicians fascinated their ideology, making them lose confidence in their own people.

If the United States and Western ideology prejudice and concerns about geopolitical influence have led to their misunderstanding of China, is there any places for China itself?

In fact, there is no dispute between the right to speak in the West between China and the West, because China has never established its own right to speak, and what China has done is only a response to the Western right to speak.A large civilized country has entered the international system, but it has never established its own international discourse system.Therefore, China is misunderstood by the West, and its words and deeds are also misunderstood.

This problem is not caused by the crown disease epidemic, but the epidemic has exposed this problem again.For example, China ’s 16+1 mechanism in Eastern European countries is not a geopolitical project at all, but just business exchange.However, due to Western discourse, Chinese scholars also regard this as the path of China's leadership world. The official initiative concept is transformed into a strategic concept.At the same time, it is also affected by the West. Regardless of the specific circumstances, the multilateralism is abused everywhere, which makes Chinese and Western groups coincide.

The same is true for this crown disease.What kind of spirit should China diplomatic?No one will deny that coronal virus has led to a global humanitarian crisis, and the crisis is deepening as the virus expands everywhere.If you understand the nature of this crisis, how to conduct diplomacy will be clear, that is, this is a diplomacy that is intended to alleviate the humanitarian crisis.

In fact, China itself can control the epidemic in a short time, and it is also related to the leadership of the leadership of the people's life first.Such a large -scale sealed city, provinces, and air -cutting will definitely affect the normal operation of the national economy. In fact, China has actually suffered huge economic losses, but the leadership still does it decisively.Is it preferred or economic priority?This has not become a problem in China.The concepts of Buddhist immunity or group immunity will not appear in China's political discourse.

But unfortunately, people did not use this great opportunity to establish the words of China itself. The bureaucratic institutions, the media, and the society resorted to the spirit of nationalism and populism.Holding his nose and entangled on some non -essential issues.Many people think that this is at least dominant in language.However, the language is not a discourse, and the voice is very loud, but there is no words.More importantly, this language war effectively consumes the international reputation and credit that China has won from action.

Crown disease is undoubtedly becoming an incident to change the history of the world.How China positions itself in this process and cannot be separated from its own words.Therefore, don't think that you already have discourse and discourse rights. This arduous task is still the largest international pick of 9 games facing China.

(The author is a professor at the National University of Singapore and East Asia)

The article only represents personal point of view