The rapid spread of coronary virus diseases in 2019 has made many governments out of the ocean because they are unable to cope or advance and retreat.The top of the top of the list is the United States, especially President Trump himself.Because of his unbelief, contempt science and arrogance, the United States delayed the opportunity to prevent good prevention.Now the disease is unpredictable, and it has become a earthquake in the world, and the number of infections and deaths is increasing day by day.

The situation of many patients in the United States is sympathetic, especially in New York State (this state belongs to the Democratic Party) with the worst epidemic. The hospital is insufficient and the medical equipment is lacking.To this day, New York is still the earthquake of the American epidemic, and the confirmed cases and death cases are the first in the country.

Even so, there are many politicians in the United States, especially Republicans, so far insist on unbelief and treat crown diseases as general flu.Trump refused to announce the implementation of home orders in the country. Although the governor of most states had done so, eight Republican governors still expressed their unbelief.

It was not a consciousness of infectious disease experts in the United States and did not give opinions to the government.Anthony Fauci, director of the Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, has repeatedly warned that the government should prepare early and do not see the virus, but his bluntly, including the Trump -related epidemic on the spot at a press conference,The improper speech not only did not be valued, but loyal to the ears, which once caused Trump's unhappiness.He even received the conservative assassination intimidation, and the authorities had to give him a more personal bodyguard.Obviously, behind the unbelievable American political figures, there is political and vested interests (commercial groups and interest groups).This so -called benefits make Zhizhi faint.

It is not because there are no cases of diagnosis and death in these states. It is more that politicians think that they do not agree with the opinions of the benefits or have their own set of ideology.As an example, Nandak's governor Kristi Noem as an example, she told the media that basically people should be responsible for their own security.She also believes that the US system does not allow us to take severe measures like the Chinese government.The subtext of these words is nothing: First, we are a democratic country, and the government does not invade personal freedom; second, we are a democratic country and do not implement measures like the Communist country.

At the level of the federal government, politicians below Trump have not taken crown diseases at the beginning, although the American intelligence department has already proposed a warning of the epidemic in China as early as January this year,EssenceThe Trump administration obviously believes that it is China's virus.At the end of January, Trump said when he answered the reporter: It was a person from China, and we have controlled the overall situation and it's okay.(ITS One Person Coming in FROM China, and we have it under control. ITS Going to be just Fine).

At that time, Trump and his White House were obviously not virus, but economy and election.Therefore, just as China fights against the epidemic, U.S. Minister of Commerce Ross said that the epidemic helps to accelerate the opportunity to return to the United States.Trump also claims that the crown disease epidemic is just a scam made by Democrats.

The American crown disease is in this false sense of security spreading quietly and quickly, and then the outbreak was sprayed after a few weeks, and it was out of control, because the states soon appeared in masks and breathing.In the end, the problems such as machines, medical gloves and protective clothing, in the end, everyone used to solve the mask.The reason why the U.S. epidemic has turned sharply in a few weeks and became so embarrassed. In a word, Trump lost Jingzhou, political considerations overwhelmed science, and the public became a victim.

The mask is not enough, and the state inventory is used up all at once. What should I do next?The mask seems simple, production is not easy, there is no raw material for factory and cannot be produced, and raw materials can not be manufactured in a short time.At present, only China has the most complete mask industry chain, supply chain and production factors.When everyone is grabbing, the demand is too large, and the problem of insufficient raw material supply immediately occurs.Therefore, although many countries have mask factories, the lack of raw materials is helpless.As a result, the supply and demand of the world also seriously imbalanced.

Insufficient domestic supply, only hurriedly searching abroad, so we saw that the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, Italy and other countries that had not cared about were grabbing masks around.According to reports, the White House even said that 3M companies in Singapore were unified to the United States.But this trick is said to have not succeeded.

Soft, so hard.On April 3, the Berlin Municipal Government of Germany issued a statement saying that it was intercepted by the US government to the United States by 200,000 masks ordered by a US company in Bangkok.These masks were originally shipped to Berlin for local police.Local officials scolded that this was a modern pirate behavior.In addition, Trump also quoted the National Defense Industry Production Law to prevent 3M companies from exporting N95 masks to Canada and Latin America.

Pirates in the United States highlight the severity of the current lack of masks and other related medical equipment around the world.This cannot be solved in a short time, because from raw materials to processing production, it takes a certain time and process.The lack of such medical supplies will inevitably lead to more patients' death.This is the biggest tragedy of humans since World War II.Modern medicine is so developed, but human beings can not cope with a virus that cannot be seen with the naked eye.Especially sadly, although the virus is raging everywhere, countries cannot cooperate well to resist the disease. Instead, you are fighting for me and intrigue.

In fact, the country is the same as people. The so -called poverty is seen, the crisis is the first, and the morals naturally appear, and the ugly true face is also ugly.When the interaction between people is purely based on interests, it is inevitable to do everything; why is it that the exchanges between the country and the country?The crown disease is naked exposed the truth behind the hypocritical surface of international relations.If international relations only talk about interests and do not preach, the prospects of the world and human beings will be dim.In other words, only permanent interests cannot be regarded as a sanctuary of diplomacy.

Fortunately, when many countries are grabbing a mask, there are also people who can send charcoal to the urgent need of the country within the scope of their ability to give me charcoal, send tests, masks, and other medical supplies, expressing the spirit of mountains and rivers, the spirit of the sun and the moon, and advocate humans to humans.The concept of the community of destiny shows that justice has not completely annihilated.This made the dim prospects show a line of dawn.After the end of World War II, humans established a new world order based on the community of destiny.The crown disease epidemic shows that this community has been unbearable, and it is time to be reconstructed.

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)