01 Viewpoint

Recently, news reports in Western worlds often appear rigorous (Draconian, or translated Dragug).British Prime Minister Johnson is convenient to announce a series of Draconian Measures on March 23, including laws such as banning, stopping the market, and prohibiting social activities to fight against the new -type coronary virus epidemic.The word Dragus was derived from the ancient Greek politician Draco. He wrote the first text method for Athens in the seventh century BC and was regarded as the pioneer of ancient Greek Constitution.However, due to the extremely cruel law, almost all crimes, including stealing vegetables, will be sentenced to death, and it also makes future generations synonymous with Dragug as a severe torture law.Even Draco Malfoy, a novel Harry Potter, is named after Dragus, and is the most well -known source of modern people.

Dragus, which the Athens people know, are different from the modern people's congresses.It wrote the first text method to replace the arbitration system of the former Athens in the form of verbal and private methods.Dragug first distinguished the two concepts of murder and accidental killing for the first time, and carved the law on top of the triangular cone stone monument for all literate people to read, and rewritten the phenomenon of unconvinced laws to change or interpret the law in the past.There is the concept of the rule of law with the law.Aristotle, in the political system of Athens, respected the Drara Constitution as the first grammatical method in history.However, due to the extremely rigorous and cruelty of Dragug's constitution, such as the liability social status, if the debtor is low, it will be forced to become a slave, stealing vegetables, etc. It is known as a man of human blood.The constitution is abolished.

From Dracul to Ros

However, Dragug is also a pioneer of the democratic system. It introduced the four hundred people parliaments for the first time in addition to the AREOPAGUS, and was selected by all men with freedom of combat capabilities.Sample of the system.This batch of elected albums also played the role of financial review and supervision, and based on the battle of the Corporation of the Corporation as a legal defender to examine whether this batch of public officials can do things in accordance with the law.The concept of the rule of law provides the foundation.Legend has it that Dracul was warmly loved by the people of Athens, and when he arrived at the theater, he was thrown to the theater to show his respect, so that he was suffocated to death.However, due to the most detailed description of the Dragur Constitution, the Dragug's deeds were not known until the Fang Fang was unearthed in Egypt in 1879.

The severe punishment and democratic political system seem to be indifferent, but in ancient Greece, it was intertwined.After all, there is the concept of the rule of law with the law of law, the law, and the law of law, and to maintain the good operation of the democratic government.However, after thousands of years, the West's understanding of the rule of law and democracy has also changed dramatically.The scene of the British civil war in the 17th century aroused the imagination of the war of THOMAS Hobbes in Livatin.In this natural state, human beings are lonely and humble, and they will be killed at any time to war or famine. Only a social contract is reached with the monarch, and the individual freedom is transferred to the monarch of the monarch who has absolute power, just like Livatin,Basic guarantee.

Behind Hobbes, Social Contract -related people such as Locke, Rousseau, and Rores have been continuously improved on the basis of Hobbes theory.Locke said that in addition to his life, freedom and property are human rights that are inaccessible, and believe that the monarch will threaten his personal life if he has the supreme power.The purpose of Rousseau called the social contract is to show the general intent and propose the concept of sovereignty in the people.The purpose of Roses also advocates the purpose of social contracts to distribute justice, and propose that all members of the society are fair, that is, justice, which is also intertwined with the rule of law of the rule of law.The concept of rule of law and the role of the government has changed completely in the two thousand years. It is no wonder that Dragus, which was loved by the people of Athens in the past, was regarded as a pioneer of democracy and the pioneer of the Constitution. Today, it only leaves a synonym that is equivalent to severe law.

What is the well -being of the majority of society?

With the century -old epidemic in the century, Draguga reappeared in the public view.Multi -country leaders have announced their emergency state. Johnson also reiterated to respond to the epidemic and had to take Drara -style measures to prohibit the spread of the epidemic and reduce the number of infected diseases and deaths of rapid soaring.This is reminiscent of the state of the British civil war, and his lives suddenly seemed humble, and government power has rapidly expanded as Livetan said, and even interfere with the freedom of action of the people.Many people are worried that government power is too large, infringe on the basic human rights of the people, and weaken the foundation of democracy.However, regardless of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau or Rovers, the national life and social justice are the basic obligations of the government to protect the people in the social contract, and the ban, stopping the city, and the city order of various democratic regimes are after all.For the welfare of the majority of society.

Of course, the democratic system and the ancient measures of Drara are not without contradictions. For example, South Korea in Democratic countries tracked the suspected patients by monitoring the system, actively involved in the daily life of the people to curb the spread of the epidemic, which is resistant to the sensitive Western countries that are sensitive to privacy.Between personal freedom and social welfare, where the Libra of the law is tilted, testing the wisdom of politicians and the nationals.The operation of the democratic and political system can not rely on the form of the law alone, and the law must depend on the form of law. It also needs to effectively restrict the right to restrict the power of government power, as well as the principles such as Fa Da Yi, which shows that everyone's equality, fairness and justice.Although the ancient Greek's strict criminal law is no longer concentrated in modern people, it is also the pioneer of the concept of law and democracy today, which also reflects the evolution and multiple meanings of the law itself.