01 Viewpoint

The global new coronary virus epidemic has continued. Cumulative cases have exceeded 780,000 cases, and more than 37,000 people have died. It has become the most severe public health crisis since 1918 to 1919.The virus broke out from the east to the west, and it broke out in Europe and the United States. It also triggered the global stocks. The speed of decline was much higher than from 2008 to 2009, reaching the degree of economic depression in the 1930s.The global economic recession is imminent. The EU leading country Germany passed a total of 156 billion euros of additional budgets to stimulate the local economy last week, and provided economic assistance with a total value of 1.8 trillion euros.However, his cousin, the worst Italian and Spanish women who have been involved in the disease are difficult to cook without rice.Italian has been in debt before the epidemic, and its debt ratio is 130%of the GDP, which also allows it to save the economy without sufficient financial resources.

Milan, a well -known tourist tourist tourist tourist and the financial industry, has already been closed in early March, but still cannot prevent the spread of the epidemic.Later, Prime Minister Conte announced that the country was from Turin to Palermo, and the national nationals were banned from being separated at least until April 3. All economic production in the Italian country was almost paused, which worsened the weak economy.The outside world predicts that Italy will fall into a recession, and this year's GDP will fall by 1.2%.To this end, Kong Special Monthly announced that 25 billion euros of CURA Italia solutions support medical systems and small and medium -sized enterprises, but under the difficulties of the State Corporation, to save the economy of Italy in danger, it has to rely on EU cousin who has better economic conditions to assist in assistanceEssence

The European Commission has canceled the loan conditions of member states earlier, so that Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, which have high credit risk, can be arbitrarily borrowed.However, because the bank was worried that the 2008 mistakes were repeated, they did not dare to approve loans easily. For example, Greece, which triggered the European debt crisis, was difficult to raise debt, until the European Central Bank fought as a guarantor to temporarily calm down.Although the European Central Bank governor Lagarde said that he had spent 750 billion euros to boost the European economy in various debts, but this far cannot meet Italian demand.Conte once again proposed to issue euro bonds, and called Corona Bonds to help the country's regaining economy that was hit by the Coronatte epidemic.

Corolty debt -shaped tires dead

In fact, the concept of the issuance of euro bonds has been proposed as early as the European debt crisis.Alas.However, after many years, the European economy has experienced a huge huge waves than the crisis of the year. The general position of German iron is also attacked by domestic and foreign.Seven German economists published a comment article saying that the strong person must assist the weak, and it is recommended that the total value of the total value of the total value of the members who cannot enter the capital market will be 10 trillion euros.Lobbying the German government supports coronary debt.

However, the German Ministry of Finance is consistent, and the Coronary debt plan has not been discussed before discussing.The Netherlands, Austria, and Finland also have the same attitude, saying that there are many measures to help Italy and other countries, issuing debts and issues.Last Thursday (26th), the EU 27 State Secretary held a video conference even more inspiring six clocks, supporting the Nine Kingdoms of the Nine Kingdoms of Italy, France, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Sloven, and Luxembourg.And the four countries of Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, and Finnish are not moving.The final meeting did not have a consensus, and Italian Treasury Secretary returned empty -handed, which also disappointed the people of the people of deep water.

The wealthy country's concerns about this is unreasonable. Worried that it will open the Pandora box of large -scale issuance of debt, so that the rich members will pay for their poverty for a long time.Even if the EU countries reached consensus, the plan is likely to eventually be rejected in Congress of various countries, causing the euro to issue debts uniformly.In the most severe economic crisis since the establishment of this, the EU is still trapped in the controversy of the rich and the poor, unable to achieve consensus, and once again exposed the defects of the EU system again.Confed warned that if Europe could not respond to this unprecedented challenge, it would directly threaten the core beliefs of the EU when it was established, and the entire EU system would lose its meaning.

Regardless of the poor cousin in the south?

In fact, Conte's warning of China EU faces the core of this dilemma: What is the significance of continuing to continue together if the EU is not based on the European concept of common aid?However, the Chairman of the European Commission, Feng Delin, said that he was with the Italians, while the crown debt scheme scheme was only slogan (Schlagwort) in a report last Saturday, which caused the country's anger.Feng Delin, who was a German, was elected as the Chairman of the European Commission.Feng Delin's remarks made the people of the Italian State once again feel abandoned by the European Union, and once again deeply dissatisfied with the EU system and the lazy attitude of the poor watch.

After the financial tsunami triggered the European debt crisis, Italy, Spain, Greece and other countries under the leadership of Germany, the Netherlands and other countries experienced a very difficult tightening policy.The last economic crisis has made people complaining. Many anti -EU anti -establishment population population has risen and assembled, which seriously threatened the stability of the European Union, which has also led to Brexit in the UK.Suspicious European populism is particularly fierce in Italy. In the 2018 election, the five -star Sports Party and the Right League Party wins the co -organized cabinet. Since then, the financial budget has been raised with the European Union. At presentMore rapidly rising in polls.

When China, Russia, and even Cuba sent medical staff to help, Brussels's technical bureaucrats are still slow to seek the consensus that all members agree with the consensus.Back to centrifugation, a more powerful and fierce anti -EU trend is coming.Once Italy and other countries follow the Brexit, the European Union will lose more than the meaning of existence, but also itself.