International Roaming

Many Singaporeans who have left Britain have recently been diagnosed with infection, indicating that the real situation of the British epidemic may be much more serious.

American stock god Buffett's famous quotes retreat to know who is swimming naked, saying that it is a company that cannot withstand the test of the financial crisis. In this sentence, it is obviously applicable to describing the performance of the current European and American Coronary Virus epidemic in 2019.

In October last year, the Global Health Security Index (Global Health Security Index) in Hopkins University Health Safety Center, Non -Government Organization and Economics Think Tank Joined by the University of Hopkins, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada,Thailand, Sweden, Denmark, South Korea and Finland are the top ten countries.Now it seems that many countries seem to swim in the crisis crisis.

In fact, this assessment of the reports of 195 countries and regions opened Mingyi that public health and security of countries around the world was weak.No country is fully prepared for epidemic or epidemic diseases, and all countries must urgently improve their deficiencies.Among the 100 points, the world has an average of 40.2 points, which is failed.The average score of 116 high -income countries is also inaccurate.The average score of 60 high -income countries is 51.9, barely passing.Only the top ten scores of the United States have scored more than 80 points. Since the United Kingdom has dropped only more than 70 points, Finland has only 68.7 points, all of which are not high scores.The results of this evaluation now seem to be so bloody.

Although China had disclosed virus gene sequences as early as January, the United States did not grasp the time to prepare, the epidemic continued to deteriorate, and the cases of diagnosis have surpassed China and Italy.The US Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) has not prepared enough detection kits before. It is not until the past week to modify the use of the kits to use the regulations, and the confirmed cases will be arrested from the community.

The crown disease has spread rapidly in the American community, and Americans may blame themselves to choose a president who contempt for science.Trump is more willing to spend money on rebuilding the hard power of the United States, instead of increasing funding to public sectors such as CDC and the National Environmental Protection Agency.After the WHO listed the crown disease as an internationally concerned emergency public health incident, Trump announced the fiscal budget in 2021, and CDC's allocation was 16 % decreased compared to 2020.In fact, since taking office, he has cut CDC allocation every year.The Americans should be fortunate that when Congress approves the fiscal budget, it always adds funds to CDC, otherwise the United States may face a worse epidemic.

European countries have always been the gifted students of human development, and the social development of many developing countries is benchmarking European countries.However, crown cases have increased in Europe overnight overnight, and many national medical systems are under pressure.The Italian epidemic has deteriorated for nearly a month. Due to insufficient preparation, as of 8,215 people on the 27th, some hospitals had insufficient ventilator and abandoned the treatment of elderly patients.Singapore's benchmarking country, Switzerland, is not much better. As of the 27th, the confirmed cases have started from 11,811, and the top ten cases are squeezed into the list of cases.

Britain is also naked, the reason may be that the Brexit was burnt in the past few years, and he had no time to take care of him.The Johnson government previously said that it would be immune to the group, but the number of cases has increased, and the government has to block the country for three weeks.The confirmed cases in the UK are not serious than Italy, Spain, Germany, and France, and the reason is likely that there are no inspection in large quantities.Many Singaporeans who have left Britain have recently been diagnosed with infection, indicating that the real situation of the British epidemic may be much more serious.

The Trump administration may have underestimated the virus, and Europe is more like an underestimation of the virus.Europe has become an epidemic earthquake. In addition to insufficient preparation, it has a different relationship with the concept of European diseases.They are more inclined to allow the virus to spread infection naturally, rescue those with intensive illnesses, and let the patients heal themselves.There are two realistic considerations: first, the modern medical system cannot prepare a large number of patients at any time, and treat patients who have surged overnight, because the hospital is for emergencies and accidents during the non -plagues.Medical system; followed by the disease caused by the virus, almost no cure, mainly relying on the human immune system to heal naturally.

Therefore, the concepts of Europeans and Orientals are not the same. We see the doctor's medicine when we are sick. People in Northeast Asia are used to wearing masks to prevent virus transmission.Europeans generally believe that infected diseases will have immunity, and they will resist wearing masks. Many people even think that crown disease is only a serious flu.Therefore, the rapid deterioration of the European epidemic does not necessarily originate from arrogance, but more like underestimation of the strong and infectious power of coronal virus.

From this perspective, the diseased rate of various countries can reflect their medical system efficiency more.As far as the disease rate of the 27th was concerned, Italy was far from all countries with 10.2%, followed by 7.6%in Spain, 7.6%in Iran, 5.7%in France, 4.9%in the UK, 4.0%in China, and 1.5%in the United States.There were 43,938 confirmed cases in Germany, with only 281 deaths and a disease rate of 0.6%. There were 194 deaths in Switzerland and 1.6%of the disease rate.It can be explained that although the number of confirmed cases is huge, British disease is similar to China. The United States, Germany and Switzerland are lower than China, indicating that the medical system can stop death.Of course, Europe and the United States are in a period of high epidemic, and testing is still in full swing. Base changes will increase or reduce the disease rate.

At this point, many people will be curious, where is Singapore ranked?24th.After analyzing the above reports, the above -mentioned reports of the Singapore National University of Public Health believe that there are many factors that have led to a relatively high ranking in my country. One of them is the information obtained by the reporting team from public information, which is not enough to comprehensively evaluate my country's health security system.This is not surprising, because Singapore's epidemic preparation preparation for strategic deployment may not be fully disclosed.

There are indeed too many unknown coronal viruses, and it is difficult to say that it is right and wrong to the East -West people's attitude towards the disease.It can only be said that in the face of unknown, cautiousness, rush, and letting it go are naturally a way out. The difference is only at the price.The report is only a staged evaluation, and the crisis is coming.

(The author is a commentator [email protected])