Author: Wu Youxun

Biden and Sanders have become the last competitors of the Democratic Presidential candidate. One of them will become Trump's rival for re -election. When writing, Sanders is under pressure from the retirement.

The US economy has performed well in the past three years, and Trump can use administrative resources to serve it.The crisis of turning over mainly comes from the inability to cover up the new American crown pneumonia epidemic and the effectiveness of epidemic prevention, and U.S. stocks will fight against the US economy due to the fall of the epidemic, and Trump may also lose the election.

The United States and China are the main powers of the world; the United States has a strong comprehensive national strength, and China has grown rapidly. The competition between the two countries is becoming more and more intense, but they have not wins.In this context, China's rise and the United States' hindering the rise of the former have become the structural factors of contradictions between the two countries.

Trump said that to make the United States great again, it is what they love to listen to American voters; the Trump administration actually intends to shrink the US military forces overseas.Although the US warships continue to travel in the South China Sea and establish the Space Command, they do everything possible to hinder the development of China's defense forces.The United States has set up tariff barriers to position the Sino -US science and technology competition as vicious competition.

As long as it is considered to effectively restrain China's rise and good policies for the United States, Bayeng or Sanders may be imitated if he was elected, but the practice is different.Biden once said that Sino -US relations may not necessarily go to conflict, and even say that there are no competition between the two countries, similar to Obama's puppets.In terms of trade issues, Biden opposes the globalization theory based on imposing tariffs on China, and is based on economic liberalism; but he advocates that it is tougher than China in intellectual property and trade issues.As a Democrat, Bayeng met again using the soft power of the United States, including dealing with China with the allies and making trouble for China in East Asia.In terms of economic and trade, Biden agreed to join the Capital Agreement of Comprehensive and Progress Cross -Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Sanders claims to be a democratic socialist and advocates levy extremely rich taxes, levying the highest tax rate and increasing corporate tax to those with more than 1 billion U.S. dollars.EssenceHe affirmed China's poverty alleviation achievements, but did not agree with China's political system, and did not sit at the mainland Wu Tong Taiwan.He believes that assuming that China is not a major economic competitor, it is wrong, opposition to China ’s permanent normal trade relationship, and also oppose joining CPTPP.

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In contrast, Trump's policy is aggressive, and tariff barriers have caused some difficulties in Chinese foreign trade. They also alienate the relationship between the United States and the allies and let the United States isolated.Biden's point of view is similar to the US policy before 2016.The uncertainty of Sanders policy is relatively large.

We are the onlookers of the American election.But whether Trump, Biden or Sanders enter the White House, as long as the United States hinders the goal of China's rise, Sino -US relations will not change fundamental changes;Technology competition has shifted to other fields such as military or ideology, and the degree of struggle and impact on the struggle may also change.

Right now, the United States is strong in China with the cold war thinking.The rise of China is mainly determined by its development of sustainability. To do its own affairs, it can weaken the impact of US policy changes on China on China.

The author is a senior Hong Kong commentator