COVID-19 has intensified the epidemic, and many places have stopped classes. The gap between the rich and the poor has also revealed in the epidemic.New York State and other state governments have ordered catering and entertainment to suspend business. Manhattan has a rich man who can take a private jet out of the city to avoid the treatment of the treatment of infection. On the other side, the low -class revenue has decreased.For meals, they are also undergoing the pressure of infection, affordable medical expenses, and might unemployment due to the need for work.

The New York Times discussed how to live under the epidemic last week on the New York Times.The 33 -year -old veterans of the blue -collar community in Burenum, Dezhou, Summer Mossbarger, has disabled and cannot work.She and the four daughters of the 5 to 10 -year -old have always relying on her husband to earn about $ 180 a day to maintain their livelihood.However, the epidemic comes, the carpenter is either postponed or canceled; there is no money at home, but the expenses such as rent, water, electricity, and communication are imminent. Mosbag will never let their children starve.Even if they have a headache and hungry, the couple are limited to eating one meal a day.

About 30 million low -income households in the United States will enjoy free or cheap breakfast, lunch, and even dinner and snacks provided by the school.After the suspension of the epidemic, the educational authorities in the Dizhou, Florida, Pennsylvania, Oregon and other states try to maintain a free diet supply from Monday to Friday to reduce the risk of hungry students.

The poorer the more you need to work, the more likely to be infected

Experts who specialize in poverty say that low -income households have no settlement, and their work is unstable, and most of them are not enough for medical protection. Once natural disasters and emergencies are encountered.Experts suggest that the public will reserve food to stay in the family while resisting the disease, and contact doctors if they are sick.However, the low -income class cannot be done at all; for example, medical assistants, cashier, cleaners, etc. are impossible to work remotely, and it is likely to stop in hand.The less income, the more income, the more you need to be in contact with people, and it is easy to be infected with contact. It is generally no insurance, no salary leave, and isolation and no subsidy.Some supermarket staff said: I am worried that I have no work, and I am worried about dying from the coronary virus.Please help me.

When everyone in New York obeyed instructions to stay at home to maintain a social distance, the demand for food and grocery takeaway increased greatly, and a group of people who were ignored by the society shouldered the heavy responsibility.New Year said that most of them were immigrants and worked worried about infection every day, but there was no choice for diverting.

The wealthy apartment has its own deep treatment room

But on the other side, the wealthy class can use money to avoid immune.They can patronize the Manhattan Clinic, such as the rich households with a full -weather private emergency medical service, arrange the door to do a fast and convenient virus survey, and even have their own ventilator, and set up deep treatment rooms in the apartment.Most people need to do virus tests for 5 hours in the emergency room.The Financial Times said that many wealthy New Yorkers chose to avoid the Palm Beach, Hampledonz and even foreign villas in order to avoid the flow of people.Private airplane dealer Star Jets International said that demand has increased greatly in the near future, and a 4 -person family can fly to Florida for $ 15,000 to $ 19,000.

Many industrial, commercial and service activities in the United States have stopped, and those with low income have become unemployed.Last Thursday officially announced the number of unemployed welfares for the first time, an increase of 70,000 in a week, an increase of 70,000, the fourth largest weekly increase since 1967.However, when Goldman Sachs Economic Research estimates that when the United States issued a report on Thursday, there may be more than 2 million people in the same project.The resignation consulting company said that more than 90 % of the recently related to the new crown virus's abolition is a catering, entertainment and leisure industry.The 35 -year -old Yao Neisic is the second kitchen in Seattle, at $ 21, but the restaurant only takes takeaway according to the immune measures, and the working hours are shorter and shorter.street.

The epidemic is inferior to expanding social and economic distribution.H. Luke Shaefer, a professor of social workers at Michigan, pointed out that poor people have fewer resources and less choices. They have always been the first when the situation turns bad, and it takes the longest time to recover.