Ming Pao News Agency

As the epidemic faded in mainland China, and the rapid outbreak of many countries and regions, many overseas Chinese returned to the country to avoid immune. Some of them caused strong response from mainland netizens because they did not comply with the mainland epidemic prevention regulations.Behind the fierce comments, there is a complicated mood that is curb, including an unfair accordance with China for a period of time to foreign public opinion, and the overseas Chinese failed to appreciate the feelings of Chinese people during the strict control of the epidemic.However, online remarks have formed a distorted blind patriotic theory, and even an extraordinary infinite inflation awareness.It is hoped that this is only because of the temporary emotions caused by the sudden epidemic. After the epidemic, the people in mainland China can return to the traditional value of tolerance and generousness.

Indexed by Qianli Drugs and caused netizens to reprimand

A Chinese Australian returned to work in Beijing when the epidemic in the mainland was approaching, but she did not comply with the rules of home isolation. When she did not wear a mask to run in the community, when the security guards were criticized, the Chinese woman argued with a fierce attitude, and she was in a fierce attitude.Very rough.The video of the dispute between the two parties was widely circulated on the Internet, causing a turbulent sentiment. In the end, the Chinese -by -national company was expelled from the Chinese company, and the relevant national departments revoked her work visa and let her leave China.Netizens complained about this. You came to refuge, and you were not here to be an uncle.

There was a wave of unproof waves. A Chinese traveling in the United States was diagnosed in Boston infected with the new crown virus, but took the family back to China with the whole family. She took a fever medicine to deceive the test before boarding. After arriving at Beijing Airport, she was immediately ambulatable after arriving at Beijing Airport.Take it to the hospital.For the Chinese who deliberately concealed the condition, the netizens scolded more fiercely: you are not there in your hometown, and you are the fastest to send poison for thousands of miles.

In fact, netizens pointed out that there is a hidden emotion behind it. The method of controlling the epidemic in China is that all home isolation. The price paid by the state is the suspension of economic activities. The price paid by the public is to temporarily sacrifice freedom.It is possible to make the results obtained by the entire epidemic prevention and control plan.After more than two months of tolerance, the epidemic has finally been controlled, and some overseas Chinese overseas Chinese return to the mainland may harm the results of controlling the epidemic. This is the most unacceptable thing for the people.

Netizens believe that everyone should abide by Chinese regulations. Overseas Chinese have no privileges that they do not comply with.There is no controversy about the concept of concealing the patient, because this behavior should bring risks to passengers of the same machine, and it is also an immoral behavior, and it should be condemned, but the discussion of the patriotic definition is overflowing.The category of moral responsibility.

The logic of the netizens' accusations is that overseas Chinese went abroad to enjoy Yile abroad during the peak of the Taiping. When there was a crisis that was difficult to control the epidemic in foreign countries, they returned to polls to absorb nationality. These people's performance was not patriotic.In fact, the people have the freedom to migrate. As long as they have the ability, they can accept the right to live anywhere in the world. Their illegal behavior is lacking, but they should be tart.People have obtained foreign nationalities, and they are no longer Chinese citizens. They are not sure of scolding them without patriotism.

These foreign Chinese, in the eyes of Chinese people, they are foreign characters in the eyes of Chinese people.The Chinese Australia went to the community to run, claiming that this was human rights and became the fuse that intensified contradictions.How the Chinese people's understanding and recognition of foreign human rights standards are another matter, but some foreign countries' attitudes towards China have caused the Chinese people to project the grievances to all overseas Chinese, which will inevitably make them feel too much painful.Essence

At the beginning of the Chinese epidemic, a crooked wind discriminated against Asians, especially Chinese, internationally. The United States took the lead in banning Chinese people from entering the country and stopping flying to China. There was no sympathy for more than 3,000 Chinese human life.The dissatisfaction of these people's dissatisfaction with these outside.

Self -expansion consciousness is unfavorable to nationality

However, there should be a degree of treating anything rationally, a few resentment, and a few times of hate, it is understandable.Since the control of the Chinese epidemic, the Chinese people have been confident that the measures of the state -disposal of the epidemic are indeed proud of it. The national self -confidence has risen and has nothing.However, when the foreign epidemic is out of control, the number of deaths exceeds China, and the epidemic is continuously expanded and helpless, it will not rationally discuss whether China's disposal model is applicable to foreign countries, not to explore the reasons for different national conditions and national policy, but continue to indulge in itself.The achievements of the achievements are a bit infinitely self -expanding concerns. This trend develops is not conducive to China's calm review of gains and losses and excellence.

Now the country has sent a number of medical teams to help Iraq, Iran, Italy, Serbia and other countries, and also send a large number of masks and medical instruments to support foreign resistance. This is international responsibility and the generosity of Chinese people.The Chinese people's resentment of foreign Chinese and even foreigners should be able to stop. After all, because of the two or three months of the epidemic, the emotional emotion has been vented, and when facing the complex situation brought by the resumption of work, it is necessary to calm down.What's more, prepare for the upcoming global depression, and the hardships that will live in the future are faced by the Earth people. Everyone in the world cannot be alone in the face of such a huge blow.

When the epidemic was just beginning, when many Chinese people did not know the virus, but not seriously treated, netizens appealed to put away your blind and ignorant self -confidence. When the world is about to occur unprecedentedly, the people in mainland China should also put away unlimited unlimitedly.Awareness of expansion.