The Taiwan China Times published an editorial article pointed out that since the election of the President of Taiwan, the second one seems to become an ominous curse. From Lee Teng -hui, Chen Shui -bian to Ma Ying -jeou, the first one has the eyes and the voters will be re -elected.They are all controversial, and their political achievements are not good.Can Tsai Ing -wen, who is re -elected, can escape the second spell?

First of all, the common reasons for the second term of Lee Teng -hui, Chen Shui -bian, and Ma Ying -jeou.They were re -elected. They were the first political achievements. It was inevitable that the policies and leadership models were endorsed by the public. Therefore, they were full of confidence and continued the first policy route. They even increased, aggravated, and strengthened them with greater efforts.On the other hand, the pressure of the election is unavoidable.

Li Denghui continued Jiang Jingguo's first term and the first term of the president of the election, and promoted the success of political reforms. He watched the mainland as the country's position of the Republic of China as the sovereignty and independent national position and the CCP, and pushed a pragmatic diplomacy to the outside world, greatly improving Taiwan's visibility and subjectivity.However, he proposed that the two countries of special countries and the country have caused uproar, the CCP strongly counterattacked, and the United States did not recognize it.The term of the second candidate has stimulated cross -strait relations and the pampering black gold politics, and even attempts to re -election in the constitutional amendment. Not only has it defiled its own political record, it also sends the Kuomintang to the political fault.

Remember the lesson of the three former president

Chen Shui -bian's second appointment is even more miserable.He was able to promote government affairs in his first career, his style of acting was not outrageous, and his political resources were quite obtained.After being lucky to be re -elected, he confidently exploded, his eyes could not be disciplined, and even corrupted the law. After being investigated, he was investigated and carried out for self -protection, and he also regarded the false goals of the independent founding of the country as a political service.It's extremely outrageous.Chen Shui -bian's second party has become a disaster in the whole country, leaving embarrassing political scandal and historical infamous.

Ma Ying -jeou's second appointment with the ambition of pursuing lofty historical positioning, especially in cross -strait relations, but defeated the double -rising decision -making of the oil and electricity rising, and then lost the procedure of the Cross -Strait Service and Trade Agreement.Guan said that the case, so self -confidence, lost the bottom line and basic principles of persistence, became a winding ball floating with the wind.

The second term of the three former presidents is not perfect.How does Tsai Ing -wen learn lessons and avoid repeating the same mistakes?First of all, she must recognize the meaning of public opinion, respecting public opinion but not being abducted.Secondly, the pursuit of historical status must be reflected in the achievements that can last long, rather than the breakthrough of temporary sexual work. In additionInterest service.

Specifically, Tsai Ing -wen must deal with three things: first, cross -strait relations.Her first political performance, the local public office elections will be defeated. The resurrection of the defeat is to take the US -China strategic confrontation train, take the opportunity to incite the anti -China emotions, and just get the Hong Kong anti -repair case resistance.Support and re -election.However, the support of her public opinion does not mean that the public wants her to provoke the mainland, and it does not mean that the public is willing to tie Taiwan to the firewars of the United States against the United States, and it does not mean that the public pursues Taiwan independence at the expense of war.What the public opinion requires that Taiwan has a complete sovereign and the subjectivity of cross -strait equivalent, and the peaceful cross -strait relations are the common desires of the people.Therefore, President Cai should not think that anti -China and anti -China consensus is the consensus of the whole people. It can ignore the security of the Taiwan Strait and turn Taiwan into the first line of the United States to resist China, and confront the mainland.

Second, Taiwan independence forces.Part of President Tsai's votes comes from radical Taiwan independence claims. In the near future, they have continued to build and pressure, asking President Tsai to take advantage of the American friendly Taiwan Chao Chao and Taiwan's public opinion support forces to realize Taiwan independence dreams in one fell swoop.However, such claims are not practical, which contains great risks and must definitely reject it, otherwise it will definitely recruit scourge.On the one hand, it is not abducted by extreme public opinion, and on the other hand, it is also the pursuit of historical positioning that should be obtained.

Historical status of Hengyuan value

Third, national unity.In the first term of President Tsai, he was seized with various force groups and factions in the party, and even condoned the interests of interests.The other party factions were killed and did not respect tolerance.In the past four years, political oppression has become more intense, social tears are more serious, and the democratic civil war is beacon.I dare not expect Tsai Ing -wen to become the president of the whole people, but at least it is not just for one party and one faction. Instead, we should try to expand as much as possible, tolerate other party factions, and promote the diverse power of the society, so that all parties will have the opportunity to participate in the state politics and contribute their efforts.It is also necessary to remember the lessons of Lee Teng -hui, and it is not possible to concentrate on faction and black gold to devour their historical status.

President Tsai Ing -wen's second challenge is severe, if you cannot do good for public opinion; you cannot focus on the historical status of Hengyuan value; you cannot get rid of the fetters of factions and one party's private interest. The second curse will be difficult to get rid of.Leaving unbearable political achievements and historical evaluations, it also creates conditions for the rotation of political parties.