Some national security experts believe that the U.S. government's method of dealing with the crown disease epidemic is allowing China to obtain political benefits. This crisis may become a critical moment when the United States is in an unfavorable position in the United States.

According to VOA, U.S. President Trump announced on the evening of March 11 that it would restrict travel in Europe. The European Union stated that the United States did not agree with the United States to unilaterally implement a decision to implement a travel ban unilaterally.

Some observations in the United States said on Twitter that they were incredible about Trump's announcement of the travel ban on not negotiating with allies.

China is helping to help the European epidemic in Italy, and it also provides medical equipment to South Korea and Japan.

Xinhua News Agency reported that on the evening of the 12th local time, nine people in the anti -epidemic medical expert group jointly formed by the National Health and Health Commission of China and the Chinese Red Cross arrived in Rome.Materials.

Some observers believe that the United States' approach has made China expand the soft power with this epidemic and provides convenience to the Chinese solution to the external world.

Julian Gewirtz, a scholar at the International Affairs Center of Harvard University, believes that the Chinese government is trying to make its resistance to become a decisive positive moment when the world views the Chinese system.

He believes that the Trump administration's negligence and response to the epidemic will only make this twist easier.

Ely Ratner, who served as Deputy President Biden's Deputy National Security Counselor during Obama, believes that the 2008 international financial crisis is a key moment for ChinaEssence

He was worried that due to the improper treatment of the U.S. government this time, the United States may once again be at a critical moment of competition between China and the United States and it is a moment that is not good for the United States.