China Focus

The crisis of coronary virus disease (Coronary 19), which is still continuously fermented, is not only regarded as a black swan incident for China, but for the world.It is largely unpredictable, but it has serious consequences.There is no doubt that China has suffered a brunt, reflected in all aspects of the economy, society, and politics.

However, overseas opinions believe that the China or the Communist Party of China is approaching the inflection point of danger, but it is questionable.The author believes that the crisis of crown disease is a huge disaster, but it is also a rare opportunity. Chinese society should use this to make a serious, calm and comprehensive self -reflection.China has the ability and hopefulness to be critical, and has achieved some unexpected gains.

First, the crisis of crown disease is a rare test.China clearly realized that the crown disease epidemic was a major public health incident with the fastest spread, the widest range of infection, and the most difficult prevention and control since the founding of New China.Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized: For us, this is a crisis and a big test.

At present, it is too early to say that China has successfully passed the exam and it is still too early, but the entire country has undoubtedly suffered the test and grinding of this unprecedented severe epidemic.From the confusion and panic at the beginning, to today's calm response, China is showing its amazing toughness and adaptability to the world.

Secondly, the crisis crisis is a precious catalyst.This crisis does expose many weaknesses in China.However, China has determined to improve the shortcomings and shortcomings exposed in this epidemic.As a result, China will further improve the mechanism for prevention and control of major epidemic conditions and improve the national public health emergency management system.On February 24th, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China accelerated and approved the relevant decisions to completely ban the edible wild animals and severely crack down on illegal wildlife transactions.In the next step, China will also accelerate biological safety legislation to improve the national security system.

Finally, the crisis of crown disease is a rare test gold stone.

First, it is the goldstone of China's influence.When the world's factories are ill, many countries will suffer major losses.The crisis of the crown vividly shows China's important position in the global value chain and the strong global consumption capacity of the Chinese people.This also illustrates the idea of the community of human destiny proposed by China to some extent. It makes sense.

Second, it is a tester for effective governance.When crown disease occurs mainly in China, it is easy to criticize China's system.Now the epidemic is outbreak worldwide, and the direction of public opinion is changing quietly.China -World Health Organization's new crown pneumonia co -expert inspection team leader Bruce Middot; Dr. Elwald, emphasized that China's anti -immunity can be copied, but this requires speed, funds, imagination, and political courage.

Third, the crisis is the goldstone of bilateral relations.In international politics, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Only interests are permanent and unchanged.However, the Chinese people have adhered to the values of seeing the true feelings since ancient times.The crisis crisis has subtly changed the inherent views of Chinese folks on many traditional friendship and opponents, and it is likely to have a far -reaching impact on China's future foreign policy.

There is an ancient and popular idiom in China, which is difficult to prosper, which shows China's strength and weakness.On the one hand, China is good at responding to the crisis. When facing the crisis, the country will always become more united and stronger; on the other hand, Chinese society has always been not good at preventing crises.Natural crisis.This is why the Chinese nation has repeatedly overcome many adversity and challenges in the history of the Chinese nation, but similar tragedies have repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly played.

China's crisis crisis will still be like the SARS crisis in 2003, and the scars have forgotten the pain, maybe only time can give the answer.

The author is a writer who lives in Singapore's Chinese independence