On December 1st, Hong Kong launched thanks to the United States for protecting the Hong Kong parade, and Trump for signing the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts as a law.(Reuters)

A living citizen was directly poured on the gasoline because of conflict with the demonstrators, causing 40%of the burns on his body; a member of the parliament was unfortunately stabbed by voters when talking to voters;The university of the talent was occupied by thugs and students were driven out; some students who should have been studying at school with peace of mind picked up their weapons and started the so -called democratic parade.

These shots that should have appeared in the movie, but unfortunately became a reality, and had to make people feel sorry.Now, the victory of the district parliament election is more likely to cause corresponding chain reactions.Regardless of whether the purpose of these people is legitimate, the practices of these demonstrators are outrageous. No matter what perspective is in, these cruel practices of these people should be condemned by the international community.

But what is confusing is that the United States, a country that claims to be free and democratic, a country that often speaks on human rights issues in other countries, but choose the practice of intentionally ignoring these demonstrators on this issue and ignoring the excessive excitement of the demonstratorsThe behavior has seriously endangered the safety and social order of citizens.At the same time, the behavior of publicly supporting demonstrators includes excessive excitement, and even the Hong Kong human rights and democratic bill (hereinafter referred to as a bill) to openly interfere in the Hong Kong issue through Congress, which has to be confusing.

In modern social management, the public has the right to ask the government to make their own demands and deserve attention, but this must be under the premise of legal and maintenance of social order; no matter who it is, when proposed their own demands, once it violates the law, it violates the law.To hurt others and disrupt social order, this behavior is far from legitimacy.Any appeal should not be used as a reason to disrupt the public order and hurt others, but the United States does not seem to agree.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the United States also has economic benefits in Hong Kong. Public interference in Hong Kong affairs will inevitably be doubled by Hong Kong and mainland China, which will also hurt the United States.I believe that what the United States does in Hong Kong just shows its characteristics of dual standards and differential treatments in international affairs. Its behavior is not only hurting its own interests, but also harmful to the development of Hong Kong.The attitude of the United States on the issue of Hong Kong also reflects its tendency to curb China's rise.

The United States interference in Hong Kong issues meet actual needs

Since Trump came to power, his relationship with China has also been rivals and friends, and the coexistence and competition coexistence is gradually turning to a comprehensive competition model.A momentum formed by Trump in the American politics has become more and more rivals, and its real and actual purpose is to curb the rise of China.

The American politics clearly realizes that due to the influence of globalization, the United States and China have inextricable connections in many fields, and openly with China to tear their faces in the interests of the United States.The United States also needs to capture what they have lost in competition with China in the beginning of this century under the beginning of this century in a state of fighting without breaking.A chance.

The US interference in Hong Kong issues is not to protect Hong Kong's democracy and freedom, but more for its own interests.From the perspective of the trade war, the Sino -US trade negotiations are close to the first phase of the agreement, and Trump's recent response, especially the emphasis on China ’s need to reach an agreement that conforms to the interests of the United States, may be largely affected by the bill.It is not excluded that he will take the bill as a negotiating chip, and once again forced the Chinese side to concession.

Hong Kong is just a pawn in the eyes of Americans.From the perspective of curbing China, China's internal chaos will affect China's own development, and a united China is what the United States is willing to see.It is undeniable that the extreme behavior of the Hong Kong thugs is inseparable from the support of the United States.

From March of this year, American politicians began to teach on their body to teach on their body, to such as Huang Zhifeng and Luo Guancong. When the riots occurred, such as US Vice President Pence, when talking about thugs, called them peaceful demonstrations to defend the behavior of demonstrators.The drafting and momentum of the bill now, this time is closely related to the American politics.

The mainstream media in the United States always focus on the anti -demonstration of demonstrators in the Hong Kong government when reporting in Hong Kong's riots, and the greatly reduced reports of thugs echo the United States politics.It should be noted that if you read the bill carefully, you will find that the bills of so -called Hong Kong human rights protection are only a handful of content, but this does not rule out that some media will greatly speculate on the support of the United States for freedom of Hong Kong, so as to stimulate demonstrations.The confidence of the person continues to conduct various extreme behaviors, turning the so -called Hong Kong people's governance to the real Hong Kong person to destroy Hong Kong.This will cause the Hong Kong issue to long for a long time to trouble the central government, and the method of dealing with Hong Kong issues will also put pressure on the government for public opinion.These will bring opportunities for the United States to curb China.

On the other hand, the United States has long been promoting the so -called universal values that meet their own. I hope that the world will absorb and adopt the US political system more under the system of new international order created by the United States since the end of the Cold War.This attempt was used to be in the Middle East, but the United States has worked hard one after another in Iraq and Afghanistan.The Middle East, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, has not been fully out of the war.

Recently, Trump has publicly stated that he will withdraw troops from Afghanistan, and the exit of the United States may make the situation that was erratic.In this case, the United States needs to retrieve the field to retrieve its face.The United States hopes to continue to maintain the image of its self -advocating democracy and freedom system by supporting Hong Kong's freedom and democracy, and it is also rectified for its actions.

In the end, the trials of the United States on the Hong Kong issue are more about the bottom line of the Chinese government, which is not only a impact on one country, two systems, but also preparing for the next real goal.

Hong Kong is just the real goal of the former dish is Taiwan

According to most Western media reports, the United States involved in the Hong Kong Act voted in Congress, and it was unexpectedly successful in the disparity gap that passed a vote against 417 votes.When we look back at the initiator of this bill, it is not difficult to find that the US Senator Rubio and others who send this bill to Congress are the most sound and the most powerful officials on the Taiwan issue.In the eyes of some American politicians, one country, two systems are a joke.

Since Sino -US relations have begun to confront, more than a year in the past year, laws, including Taiwan Travel French Defense Authorization Law, have been arisen in the past.Taiwan support projects.Taiwan's status in the eyes of American politics is self -evident, and more and more American academic experts in the American academic circles have also regarded Taiwan as a killer to curb in mainland China.

However, in order to maintain the situation of fighting fights, maybe considering more serious consequences, the United States has not yet publicly supported Taiwan's independence, and it is more about using the method of rubbing the ball to achieve its own goals.

The current Hong Kong issues are undoubtedly promoting their democracy in the United States and opposing a stage for one country and two systems.The influence of the United States hopes that the impact of Hong Kong issues can support Taiwan, and I hope that Hong Kong issues can also play votes for Cai Yingwen's government in disguise.The United States also hopes that through the influence of Hong Kong issues, the right to expand its right to speak on Taiwan's issue, so that one country, two systems will be implemented in Taiwan, and will be powered by the upcoming 2020 Taiwan election.

Based on the above two points, it can be seen that American politics tends to take a containment attitude towards China in the face of China.Today, the United States has a large extent to the rise of China to the United StatesThe impact of the country is pessimistic.It is foreseeable that the United States will not stop using various means to curb China's rise.The United States hopes to maintain a state of fighting, but it also hopes to put pressure on the Chinese government through Hong Kong issues and Taiwan issues to finally achieve its purpose of curbing China's rise.

(The author is an assistant researcher at the South China Sea Research Institute)