Early Hong Kong and Macao Sudden Search

Yi Ruimin

Half a year ago, some people used the Hong Kong Government to promote the revised fugitive regulations to encourage everyone to dream on the Internet.The so -called dream is actually fighting on the street.As a result, Hong Kong people really had all dreams, and a nightmare of tearing Hong Kong.

Hong Kong people have no middle school now, not yellow.In simple terms, the dream issued by Huang Si is to fight against Hong Kong and anti -Beijing, and to fight against the right to seize power.First of all, the district council election won greatly, then the Legislative Council election next September, the election of the 2021 election, and finally the sword refers to the chief executive election in 2022.If you can connect to four levels, you will have the conditions to negotiate with Beijing, so that Hong Kong will be handed over to China and the United States.Although it is a dream, more and more yellow silk believes that dreams can come true.

Blue Silk is a group of supporting Beijing and Hong Kong Government, especially the police, and they are relatively passive.When the yellow silk adopts the tactics of harmony, that is, Harma (peaceful rationality and non -violence) continuously gives the Hong Kong government and Beijing public opinion pressure. The Yongwu school proposes that there are no thugs that only the tyranny slogan, and when the violence is rationalized, the blue silk launchs actions to launch action.confrontation.

In this way, it seems impossible to objectively summarize the storms of the past six months.But there are always some facts and data in the past six months.

Among them, the police arrested a total of nearly 6,000 people, aged 11 to 84, and 40 % of the students, including 1380 college students and 930 middle school students, involving participation in riots, illegal assemblies, attacking police, arson, punishment, hiding attacks, and attacks.Sexual weapons, hidden tools for illegal use and other crimes.However, only 953 were prosecuted, accounting for only one -sixth of the total number of arrested people.

The ammunition used by the police also broke the record. About 15,000 tear bombs, 10,000 rubber bullets, 2000 pocket bombs, and 1800 cable bombs were released.However, 489 police officers were injured, and many people were seriously injured, including being cut with neck and arrows.

This storm is described as the most turbulent social storm since the June 7 riot, and it is also the worst crisis of governance since the return.In the past six months, there have been road blocking, traffic facilities, and street arson of almost every day.

Many families tear, and parent -child relationships have cracks.The research report of Youth Chuangyan Library pointed out that 42%of the interviewed Hong Kong Youth in the past six months, the middle (36.7%) or often (5.7%) argued with parents due to social problems;Wave.The survey data also shows that among the respondents who have occurred, nearly 71%of young people believe that the dispute is caused by the problem (yellow and blue).

In the face of these facts and data, yellow silk only saw the word police violence.They have been criticizing the force used by the police to continue to upgrade, from tear bullets, pepper spray, rubber bullets, alarm sticks, water cannons, to real guns and real bullets;Essence

Therefore, the half -year summary of the yellow silk is: insisting on the five requirements and lack of one.In response to the so -called police violence, it also proposed to dissolve the police team, requiring the Hong Kong Government to establish an independent investigation committee to investigate the police's use of force, rather than special Lin Zhengyue, who proposed the cause of social conflict causes.

Lan Si is also targeted at violence, but it is severely criticized by the terrorist attacks of the man in black, including throwing workers with bricks, ignition of fires, and dozens of private incidents.They particularly hate student thugs of Chinese University and University of Science and Technology.

When the university requires the Hong Kong Government to allocate funds to repair the damaged campus, the blue silk expressed that they did not agree. You caught the wolf into the room. Why should Hong Kong people help the bill?Crowded students, alumni, principals, faculty and violent supporters. Who will not be cracking after guaranteeing repair?

The positions of yellow silk and blue silk are different. Hong Kong's current political deadlock is definitely difficult to resolve. Even if the violent incident has decreased recently, the number of parade has fallen, and the degree of struggle seems to decline, but society remains nervous.Unless the five major demands of Yellow Silk received a response from the Hong Kong Government and Beijing, the struggle would not exit.After the number of Qi recovers, people with their minds will launch more riots.

In fact, there is still an experience worthy of discussion.Recently, many friends have proposed why Hong Kong has changed from a harmonious society to a completely opposed place?Regardless of the yellow silk or blue silk, there are people who have faithful information without verifying the facts?

A psychologist attempts to analyze from a physiological perspective: primitive creatures generally use some very direct reflexives to survive, and they fight when someone violates the site.However, the primates have the forehead, which is the best part of the development. It is also a place where people are distinguished from other biological distinctions. Using this position to think, judge and parallel factors such as different factors, or deal with concentration, make decisions, and make decisions and decisions and decisions and decisions and decisions and decisions and decisions and decisions and decisions.Plan, etc.Human emotional memory is basically a primitive head in the hippocampus.People thought from all memories of the front leaf.Now, when Hong Kong people find that some people touch their core values, they have emotions and even resist. This is because they lack the pre -leaf work.