Source: Hong Kong 01

Written article: Li Fumao

The 2020 Taiwan election has entered the heat, and the Hong Kong issue has gradually eroded the Taiwan election.Since anti -repair activities in Hong Kong, Taiwan's politics has repeatedly used Hong Kong issues to fight for media exposure. Most of the time, it will support Hong Kong and be free.But contradictory is that when Taiwanese politicians say that they want to be a Hong Kong backing and encourage Hong Kong young people to collide with the front line, Taiwanese society is really capable of affording the cost of the action of these demonstrators, even the future of Hong Kong?

On December 5, Tsai Ing -wen attended the Taiwan Youth Forum. Participants asked during the meeting: In response to anti -repair incidents in Hong Kong, can Taiwan assist Hong Kong demonstrators through refugee law or special bill.In this regard, Tsai Ing -wen replied that at this stage, it did not need to reach the stage of the refugee law. The Hong Kong and Macau regulations (formerly known as the Hong Kong and Macau Relations Regulations) itself provided sufficient legal foundation to deal with it.

However, the truth is not so simple to talk about Cai Yingwen's mouth.According to Article 16 of the Hong Kong and Macau residents in the Hong Kong and Macau regulations in Taiwan and Macao's entry into Taiwan and residence settlement permits, Hong Kong and Macao residents must have a direct blood relative or spouse to have household registration in Taiwan, have professional and technical capabilities, and obtain the Hong Kong government's practice certificate.In the application engineering technologies in special fields, 16 legal methods have been achieved in Taiwan in Taiwan with more than NT $ 6 million in investment in order to stay in Taiwan.

In other words, in this dense provision, there is no way to apply the so -called humanitarian rescue in Tsai Ing -wen's government.Even in the inner text of Article 18 of the Hong Kong and Macau Regulations, there are sayings of Hong Kong or Macau residents who have emergency harm to safety and freedom due to political factors, and they must provide necessary assistance, but so far, no Hong Kong people have entered this regulation to enter this regulation.Taiwan, or settled from it.

Otherwise, the power of the Taiwanese political party and the international affairs delegation of the Hong Kong college academic community will not hold a press conference on December 3, asking the Tsai Ing -wen government to quickly list the refugee law as a priority bill, or to launch the Taiwan and Macao regulations in Taiwan.In order to repair the law, there will be no rumors that the fraud group uses Hong Kong situation, saying that it can easily settle in Taiwan to settle in Taiwan.

Speak no reproduction of scum men

From another perspective, when Hong Kong continues to be seriously intensified, all of Taiwan's politics still expressed their statements on the Internet platform. Taiwan, which is free to support Hong Kong, will give Hong Kong people in humanitarian rescue.Assistance and other remarks.In a sense, it can be regarded as a message to the Hong Kong demonstrators to release them, and there is a message of Taiwan as a backing.

But in reality, is Taiwan's political field really capable (revision), or is it necessary to be the backing of this movement in Hong Kong?When Taiwanese politicians encourage this group of demonstrators to collide on the front line, have Taiwanese society be ready to help young people in Hong Kong to bear the consequences?How can the Taiwanese government give young people in Hong Kong a live and work?

Furthermore, it is really facing people. It should be a low -key protection Hong Kong person. Now the power of the times has generously held a press conference to try to create a topic.It supported Hong Kong, but rejected the requirements of the law (refugee law, the Hong Kong and Macao regulations).This is the characteristics of a typical scum man, as a treasure when you need it.

All in all, the Hong Kong issue has indeed become the main theme of the 2020 Taiwan election. Politicians such as Tsai Ing -wen Democratic Progressive Party have scrambled to snatch this tofu; at the same time, for some parts of Hong Kong people, they are also very happy to see themselves as Taiwanese politicians as Taiwanese politicians.Using the topic of hype, but in turn, Taiwanese people really like Hong Kong as the protagonist of the election?Otherwise, why do the DPP, who are most of the Legislative Yuan, do not pass the law in a dispenser?Therefore, it is necessary to understand that even if the Taiwanese people are in the same sense of the Hong Kong anti -repair cases, they know that in Taiwan's politics or society knows that once the Hong Kong issue has crossed the red line, it is not necessarily on themselves.It may also be able to wipe the gun and get angry, which has led to a sharp change in cross -strait relations.Therefore, in Hong Kong in Taiwan, just like a Taiwanese political figure, just listen.