Recently, I participated in an East China Leisure Village Tour with my friends. From Shanghai, I visited several villages and towns in Jiangsu and Zhejiang all the way, including Xun, Nanxun, Changxing, Anji, Fuyang, Tonglu, etc.Taste the farm foods from various places, don't have a experience.

The new construction of these Jiangnan villages and towns really feels a new feeling.The so -called rural areas have actually become a new town. I can no longer see the old village houses and houses that were broken in the past.Special coffee house and tea house.

The development and wealth of large cities such as Shanghai have radiated and spilling the surrounding cities. The construction of infrastructure such as highways, such as highways, connect cities and towns, and drives the latter development.The middle class in the metropolis flooded to the countryside to travel leisurely, benefiting many farmers, increasing income from farmhouses and homestays, and even getting rich.

The Jiangsu and Zhejiang area is the richer fish and rice hometown in China. What tourists see may be the models in front of the new rural construction, but they can also see some of the achievements made by the construction of new rural areas.Of course, these new rural areas may not be replicated in other relatively backward places, but the construction of new rural areas shows that the Chinese government is trying to try to improve the living standards of farmers and allow them to be able to run well.The prospects and potential of development are also infinite.

I arrived in China for the first time in 1980 and saw its local face. At that time, Shanghai Pudong was just a desolate reed land, and Shenzhen had begun construction. From a distance, it can be seen that many elevated cranes in construction sites are operating, while Xiamen remains maintained.He was the original appearance when liberation in 1949.After more than 30 years of leaps, today, these places have been overwhelming and unimaginable changes.This is a specific explanation of the success of China's development strategy.

China is a large population of 1.4 billion. It is not easy to feed so many people, and it is a miracle to achieve the achievements that can be described as a brilliant development today.It was Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up policy that created this miracle.Singapore has been from scratch for decades. It is also a miracle to enter the first world from the Third World. The development of China in a short time should be said to be a greater and surprising miracle.

Thinking all the way on the journey, how did these big and small miracles arise?There are three main points to come: political stability, pragmatic policy and long -term planning.

Either a country or a city, regardless of size, the premise of development is stability.If any government wants to develop, it must be able to build a stable environment, so as to continuously attract foreign investment and foreign talents. With these foreign power, combining the conditions it has, to implement various development plans.To shape a stable environment, the key depends on the government's governance capabilities.The government has insufficient governance capabilities and cannot stabilize the society. Even if there are all kinds of great plans, they can only talk on paper.The government has enough governance, which is common about Singapore and China.

Although the political systems of the two countries are very different, the two governments, especially the two leaders of Deng Xiaoping and Lee Kuan Yew, who have launched the Innovation Bureau, can seek truth from their own national conditions.Foreign theory or model is the key to success.

As Deng Xiaoping said, no matter the black cat and white cat, the mouse will catch the mouse. It is a good cat. It is pragmatic to cross the river with the stones, flexibly respond, both bravely try and courage to correct errors.The most important thing is that the goal is clear, that is, to live up to the people's entrustment, do everything possible, gradually improve people's livelihood, enhance national strength, and enable the country to stand proudly on the world stage.

Secondly, the development of any country requires long -term planning, because many policies need time, such as developing industrial areas, building seaports and airports, and building urban subway networks.The public provides everyone with affordable housing, etc. It is absolutely impossible without continuous stability and long -term planning, and it is even more impossible to rotate in the government or political parties.

In this regard, if we compare the development of China and India, which are also in Asia, and India, we can see it at a glance.In the minds of Western media and politicians, China and India represent two different politics, one defined as autocracy, and one represents democracy.The former was criticized and the latter was touted.But in the eyes of ordinary people, development is the last word, and those who can catch mice are good cats.It turns out that the theory in the politics textbook may not be in line with reality.

Traveling in China, you can feel that people are not empty and democratic, and food and clothing are the first priority.Therefore, the government's achievements have been recognized by the public over the years.And ordinary people also have a greater sense of pride, which is very different from Western media.The situation in Singapore is probably the same. Most people affirm the government's political achievements, and they can raise their heads when they go out of the country. It is not what the anonymous singing and declining people on the Internet say.

The Singapore model and the Chinese model that are adapted to local conditions and the time -oriented Singaporean models are effective, indicating that none of the countries in the world must or can follow the political model that must be or can follow.The so -called strange songs are the same as the same goal, and the truth is the last word, although the road we take does not conform to the precedent of western media or politicians.

China is still working hard, and Singapore has been working hard to open up a new market.However, due to the changes in the objective situation, both are now facing new difficulties and challenges.Facing the fierce game and restraint from the forces headed by the United States, China must strive to break through. Singapore is seriously impacted by the Sino -US trade war, and it must also seek another development countermeasure.For the two, the biggest challenge in front is how to ensure the pace of economic development and not stagnate because of these new constraints and interference.

Without the sustainable development of the economy, what beautiful vision and big plan can only be painted cakes.It takes many years to continue to develop for many years of revitalization.Singapore should cope with the huge social expenditure of population aging, to deal with the huge investment required for climate change and the rise in sea level, etc., and it is necessary to have continuous development.

Once the development stagnates, the state cannot create new resources needed to improve people's livelihood and national strength. If it is not effective to respond to the economic crisis, it is necessary to face the major problems of workers' unemployment and the depression of the industry.Once the situation deteriorates, social turmoil will occur.Therefore, how to ensure that development can continue is the topic of the current top priority.In this regard, Chinese people must have enough sense of crisis.

(The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress)