Taiwan Wangbao Review

This year's election general situation was very unfavorable to the DPP. After the 2018 Nine -in -1 election, it proved that internal affairs failed.The Democratic Progressive Party's non -rhythmic performance cards can be released, so they have to speculate on the anti -Chinese confrontation, trying to transfer the focus of the internal affairs.Paradoxically, this election strategy has repeatedly worked.

After many years of baptism in Taiwan, the public knows that the DPP's strategy is clear, but it has repeatedly paid.The phenomenon of contradictions just illustrates the uneasiness of Taiwan society for the future of both sides of the strait, and the fear of the two systems and two systems. It hopes that both sides of the strait are peaceful and do not believe that cross -strait is really peaceful.

This contradiction mentality in Taiwan society is worthy of thinking about the mainland.Confidence.Often not to give up the use of force, so that Taiwanese people feel the pressure?At one time, Wu Tong announced that it was even a psychological impact on Taiwanese society because of the light speech of private scholars for personal cognition, which corresponds to the positive significance of a Taiwan -benefit policy.

At the same time, Taiwanese society also needs to understand today's mainland China with an open attitude. It has independent thinking and judgment ability, so that politicians will not be led by politicians.In fact, if the Taiwanese people know more about the mainland, it should be understood that as long as Taiwan does not set foot on the bottom line of legal Taiwan independence, there will be no problem with martial arts.On the one hand, it is based on the national righteousness of the Chinese who do not hit the Chinese. No one really wants to meet each other.On the other hand, from the perspective of realistic interests, the mainland is reluctant to go to the point of chaos on both sides of the strait.Mainland officials have repeatedly announced the major strategic opportunity period of economic development, and especially emphasized the superior international environment created by the world peacefully. The economic development of the mainland depends on cooperation with countries around the world.Development and comprehensive rise process.

We have called for many times that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is inseparable from unification, but unity of force does not bring national rejuvenation, but it will delay or even interrupt the process of national rejuvenation.We also believe that mainland officials have a good understanding of this principle. Recently, the mainland has continued to introduce the policy of benefiting Taiwan to provide development opportunities for the people in Taiwan. It has not taken further retaliation measures because of the Cai government's speculation of anti -Chinese ideology, showing that the mainland is dealing with the two sides of the strait.The issue of disputes has become more mature.

In this regard, Taiwanese society should be able to conclude a more positive conclusion, and the DPP should be in sharp contrast.Although the mainland has not upgraded the opposition between the two sides of the strait at this stage, the Cai government has picked bones in the eggs of the Eggs of the Cai government and speculated on both sides of the strait to confront them. 26 Huitai was still regarded by the DPP as a disaster.One country, two systems, scared that the Kuomintang had to obeys. Hong Kong's struggle for several months made the Tsai government pick up the ammunition library and speculate on the anti -furiousness.

Everyone can see that the Cai government has never really cared about Hong Kong. They just use the suffering of Hong Kong people to add points to their elections. Based on such logic, the more chaotic Hong Kong, the better the DPP election.They are waiting for the continuous upgrading of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong issues are used by tools, why isn't the martial arts question?The Democratic Progressive Party used the dislike of Taiwan society to martial arts, desperately shaped the atmosphere of martial arts, and regarded the induced remarks of the mainland as the official attitude of the mainland.The mainland is vast, the surrounding neighbors are serving, and how can the development of national defense forces be targeted at Taiwan?Why do you have to connect with yourself without a threat?

The DPP's operation method was not an original. Li Denghui was successfully used in the 1995 election. At that timeThe threat is as if the two sides of the strait are about to meet each other.The current Cai government is more troublesome, because the mainland no longer cooperates with the performance, and the clever woman is difficult to cook for rice without rice. It can only continue to squeeze the remaining value on the Hong Kong issue.

As long as the Taiwan independence is unreasonable, the DPP will be known, and the Taiwan independence will not be realized. There is a martial arts atmosphere without actual occurrence, which is the most beneficial to the DPP.Once the society recognizes this, and no longer believes in the operation of the DPP, accepting the general trend of peace between the two sides of the strait, the main axis of the election may return to the policy level, and the DPP's election advantage will disappear.

The core question now is how Taiwanese society is out of the fog set by politicians, and uses public opinion and voting forces to ask politicians to come up with confidence and courage to communicate with the mainland. This not only tests the conscience of politicians, but also tests the collective wisdom of the people of Taiwan.