Author: Zhang Wang

International politics in Northeast Asia may undergo profound changes.

On November 16, the current Affairs News Agency reported that Japanese government officials confirmed that the United States had increased the US military expenses in Japan in July this year that the US military expenses in Japan increased by 4 times (currently Japan bears 74%of the US military expenses in Japan, with an amount of 197.4 billion days.Yuan), was rejected by the Japanese side.Coincidentally, South Korea was also under the same pressure of price increases in the United States, and was asked to increase the cost of the US military in Korea by 5 times.At the same time, on November 17, the head of the Japanese and Korean defense departments met in Thailand. The South Korean side refused the Japanese side to request the restoration of the Japanese and Korean military information protection protection agreement (GSOMIA), and the two sides were unhappy.The United States, Japan and South Korea Liberal Liberal Liberal Liberals in Northeast Asia is currently facing unprecedented challenges.

Questioning the Voice of the U.S. military in Japan

The Trump administration is dissatisfied with Japan's defense issues and can be found.On June 25, 2019, Abe visited Iran's mediation nuclear crisis and the Japanese oil tanker was one week after the attack on the Persian Gulf. The US media quoted three White House sources that President Trump revealed to his confidence to him that he was thinking to let the United States withdraw from the United States to withdraw from the United States.The United States and Japan Security Treaty, because he believes that the treaty is not treated in the United States, and only stipulates that the United States must defend Japan's responsibility, but it does not record the obligations of Japan's defense of the United States.Although the White House and Japanese officials have later denied the news, the report has made Japanese public opinion uproar, thinking that this is a Trump's intention to use the US -Japanese military alliance to ask Japan to ask Japan, forcing the Japanese to be in the upcoming US -Japan trade negotiations.concession.

Facing the pressure of the United States, there have been dissatisfaction in Japan in recent months, questioning whether the existence of the US military in Japan is really conducive to Japan's security.Some Japanese military commentators have written that if China -Japan has a conflict on the outbreak of the Diaoyu Islands issue, it is still unknown whether the US military will dispatch to help Japan.

For the United States, the U.S. military in Japan is also an important military forces in the United States to interfere with the Middle East.The Japanese side has now afforded more than 70 % of the US troops in Japan. The United States should be grateful to the Japanese side instead of recruiting the Japanese side.Without Japan's provision base, the U.S. military could not implement troops in the Middle East.

Japan accelerates the return of traditional realism

Since the Second World War, Japan's great strategy has always adhered to the economic and light military -reserve Yoshidaism, seeking a balance between the economic development, the peace constitution, and the Japanese and American alliances.Today, the international political situation has not encountered a major change.The free democratic camp is inaccessible because of the unable to handle the disparity between the rich and the poor caused by the globalization of capitalism, and the security guarantee of democratic power in the United States has become extremely uncertain.In October this year, Japan announced that it would not participate in the Persian Bay cruise led by the United States.The problem has independent insights.

In 2018, a comic carrier of the Sino -Japanese Navy in the East China Sea Iwak (Japanese: empty puppies ぶき ぶき) is selling well in Japan.In 2019, the work was filmed as a movie and was released nationwide in Japan, which once attracted media attention.In order to avoid stimulating China, the script of the film has adapted the original work and changed the false enemy from China to a fictional country in East Asian Federation.It is worth noting that there is no shadow of the U.S. military in the film. In the face of the crisis, the Japanese Self -Defense Force is alone, suggesting that the Japanese doubts the US defense commitment.The film has made Japanese audiences rethinking: In the face of the national security crisis, should Japan continue to adhere to the principle of defense of Peaceism or not, or should they dare to effectively maintain national security and foreign aggression by fighting war.

Japan in the new era and the new era are expected to return to the traditional realism in the traditional sense, trying to establish an independent defense system to cope with the rapidly changing international political wrestling.

The author is an associate professor at the International Education Department of Waseda University in Japan