The Berlin Wall collapsed for 30 years, and Germany held a commemorative event.U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo visited Germany. During the German activity, he wrote the historical significance of the unity of the Berlin Wall's collapse and the end of the Cold War.On the one hand, he warned German Chancellor Merkel not to let Chinese suppliers participate in the construction of 5G networks.On the other hand, it is said that China's means are terrible to the suppression of East Germany, and they call for a fight for freedom.Of course, Merkel did not have Pompeo, and once again refused to exclude specific operators outside the construction of 5G in Germany.

Different virtues in Trump have intensified. In addition to trade conflicts, there are differences in security.China is the main goal of trade in the United States, and the EU is also an important opponent. Germany in the European Union is also the target of the Trump trade war.As a result, the United States in Trump has become a symbol of global trade protectionism and unilateralism.In this regard, China, the European Union and Japan have consensus.

Ally -alliance relations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean are still there, and the Asia -Pacific allies in the United States are already.However, the United States' pressure on alliance trade and request for security costs will make the relationship between the United States and the allies mutation and utilitarian.In addition, the status of the United States' alliance leaders is also at stake. The signing of the EU and the Japanese Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the improvement of Sino -Japanese relations, the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) ended all text negotiations and essentially all market access.Negotiations highlight the United States forced other economies to warm up.French President Macron, who has just visited China and became the first guest country of China, said that NATO's brain death was bluntly.

The Trump administration pursuing U.S. priority has unprecedented relationships with great countries around the world.Moreover, as Sino -US trade frictions make China -US the only two powers in the world, the United States forced ally to anti -China with ideological bonds and forced allies to abandon Huawei 5G technology and equipment.

This is the real embarrassment facing the United States. It is necessary to squeeze trade interests from the Western allies, but also allow allies to pay more security fees.At the same time, it is necessary to use the surplus value of the Western alliance to force Western allies to fight against China.

Thirty years ago, the Berlin Wall collapsed and the East and West were unified.The Cold War Iron curtain was pulled, and the Western world led by the United States became the winner.Subsequently, the Soviet Union disintegrated, the former Eastern European group disintegrated, and the Eastern European countries were comprehensive westernized.The Japanese -American scholar Francis Fukuyama has the end of the history of the book. The high -profile claims that the free democracy system is the end of the development of human ideology and the last form of human rule.

However, although the two Germans have been unified for 30 years, Germany has grown from the original European sick husband to a global economic country (second only to the United States, Japan, and China), and it is also the leader of the EU.However, the east -west gap is still there. The visible Berlin walls collapsed, and the invisible Berlin walls were still there.Data show that only 36 of the Fortune 500 companies in Germany are located in East Germany; the top positions of the elite class are mostly occupied by West Germans.People.

According to the public opinion survey provided by Shimel Mirror Weekly, as many as half of the East Germans still feel that they are second -class citizens.Although the gap between the east and west areas has been greatly reduced, the economic development of the six states in the east is still far behind.

Merkel, with the background of the East German government, did not hide his views in interviews with Shimeli Mirror Weekly.She believed that the gas volume of West Germany was too small at that time. At that time, Prime Minister Corge, the Prime Minister of West Germany, rejected East Germany's last prime minister, De Mekiye, to visit the West.Merkel was rude to Cole, thinking that West Germany was too small.It should be noted that Cole is regarded as a unified Prime Minister and is a political instructor of Merkel after the unity of Germany. Merkel's evaluation of Cole and West Germany is obviously not Merkel's idea, but that the entire East Germany is difficult to releaseHistorical memory.

Merkel, who has no longer continued to run for the German Chancellor, is not afraid to tell the truth MDash; MDash; if the Berlin wall does not collapse, she can travel around the world long at East Germany.In the face of German politics and university presidents, Merkel hopes that East Germany will be more high -profile and confident.Merkel's words are naturally not to sing virtue for East Germany. She asked East Germany to be high -profile and confident, but also helpless.After all, the unity of the two virtues only eliminates the Berlin Wall, but the political, economic, and thought needs a long period of integration to eliminate the gap and gap.

The gap between East and West and Germany directly led to the breeding right -wingism due to dissatisfaction and anxiety.Local parliamentary elections in the Eastern Saxony and Banddenburg State. Export polls show that the German alternative Enthusiastic Party (AFD) votes in the two states are 27.5%and 22.5%, respectively.Facing the spread of the right right, Dresden even announced its entry into Nazi emergency.

The collapse of the Berlin Wall has contributed to Germany's unity and also made Germany the British Bone of the European Union.

Therefore, looking back in 30 years, the German memories of the collapse of the Berlin Wall are not all beautiful.The Western world has also begun to forget the meaning of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, so leaders of many major western powers in the West have not attended the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

Pompeo came, but for anti -China.Of course, it is also to unveil the bronze statue of former US President Reagan.He spared no effort to fight against China, regardless of everything for the United States, and did not forget to remind allies in the United States' status, but it was the real purpose of Pompeo.

The author is a senior researcher at the China Chahar Society

Researcher at Renmin University of China Chongyang Financial Research Institute