Ma Yun, the co -founder and former chairman of Alibaba, said that if China and the United States are not careful, the trade turbulence between the two strongs may last 20 years.

According to Bloomberg, Ma Yun said in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Thursday (14th) that we must be very careful that we must solve the problem and we should not create more problems.

He said that although a comprehensive trade war may not last so long, the relationship between the two countries may be uncomfortable in the next 20 years.Ma Yun emphasizes the importance of cooperation and technological sharing between the two countries.

Alibaba was listed in New York in 2014, the largest first public offering in the history.The company is currently preparing to list nearly $ 12 billion (S $ 16.328 billion) in Hong Kong.

Sino -US trade disputes have lasted more than a year and a half, involving more than 70%of bilateral commodity trade.

If the two countries cannot resolve at least part of the differences in the next few weeks, the United States will impose a 15%punitive tariff on US $ 160 billion on December 15.Thanks to the surge in online consumption in the world's second largest economy, Alibaba (one of Asia's largest companies) is expected to have a better difficulty than other companies.However, Alibaba's stock price fell earlier this fall, and reported that the US government was considering restricting the US government pension funds to purchase Chinese shares. The Minister of Justice of the United States sent a letter to the Federal Communication Commission to refer to Huawei ZTE is not trusted

US Minister of Justice William Barr said on Thursday (14th) that Huawei and ZTE constitute a security threat to the United States and are unwilling; he also supports a proposal to prohibit rural telecommunications operators subsidized by the US government's US $ 8.5 billion fund.Buy the equipment and services of these two companies.

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) will vote on November 22, and it is expected that operators will also be required to withdraw the equipment of Huawei and ZTE.

According to the US media CNBC report, Balthalli said the FCC: Huawei and ZTE's past performance and the behavior of the Chinese government show that they cannot trust these two companies.

The FCC President Patai proposed at the end of October that rural telecommunications operators who were subsidized by the government were prohibited from purchasing communications products that threaten the national security.He said that the US network will be upgraded to the next generation of wireless technology. It is not necessary to ignore that China is trying to engage in spy activities, implant malware and viruses through Internet vulnerabilities, and endanger the risk of key communication in the United States.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to criticism at the time that this was the US economic bullying behavior.