Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

The Sino -US trade war was talked about, dragging the drama, dragging down the global trade and economy, and upgraded to become a currency war, and then turned into a scientific and technological war.EssenceIt was reported that it had signed an agreement in May, but pushed Trump in the middle of the night.Finally, on Thursday (November 7), the dawn will be exposed. The relevant trade war will reach an agreement. It is unexpected that this time, the Ministry of Commerce will officially sue the world.

The spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced on November 7 that the two parties have consensus on the cancellation of tariffs, prohibiting forced technology transfer, financial industry access, and fentanyl.The two countries are closer to the atmosphere of the Phase One trade agreement.

The Ministry of Commerce of China further stated that in terms of the cancellation of tariffs in stages, if the two parties reached the first phase of the agreement, it will cancel the additional tariffs according to the content of the agreement and the synchronization rate;The content is agreed.

In terms of prohibiting forced technology transfer, the State Council of China announced on November 7 that administrative agencies and their staff shall not be mandatory or disguised to enforce foreign investors and foreign -invested enterprises transfer technologies through administrative licenses, supervision and inspection, administrative compulsory, etc.This measure against smart property is equivalent to responding to the main accusation of the Trump administration's launch of a trade war last year: China has forced US companies to transfer technology and smart property to Chinese enterprises through administrative measures.

In terms of access to the financial industry, the State Council of the State Council announced on November 7 that foreign investment has been greatly loosened, including the restrictions on the business scope of financial institutions such as foreign banks, securities firms, funds, etc., and allows foreign insurance industries to set up companies in China.Life insurance industry restrictions.

In terms of Fantnea, the Hebei Court of China on November 7th was a high -profile sentence of Opium Drug Findni smuggling case. Nine defendants were sentenced to death.This case is an indicator case for China and the United States to investigate such drugs.The United States has long accused China as the main source of fentanyl. Trump accused Beijing in August this year that he did not strictly crack down on such drugs and violated his previous commitments.

Almost in the major issues of the Sino -US trade war, China has a positive and clear goodwill response or concession. On November 7, it seems to be a preview date for the Sino -US trade war.Officials have also confirmed that the most important phase of the plan to cancel tariffs in the plan is part of the first -stage trade agreement signed by US President Trump and China before the end of the year.

However, the cancellation of tariffs announced by the Ministry of Commerce announced on November 7th, which triggered a strong opposition from the White House and external consultants. It is not that the idea of canceling the tariff is not the Chinese Vice Premier Liu He in October and the Trump handshake agreement with the Trump handshake agreement(Handshake Deal) part.On November 8th, the White House Trade Consultant Navaro told Fobes Finance Network that the current first -stage trading agreement has not been removed from the tariffs.President Pu, it's that simple.Navarro pointed out that China promotes such information, but just wants to push the United States in this direction in an open form.

Navarro further pointed out that we are victims of the seven major structural sin in China.What is undergoing negotiations must be done to end China's deadly structural sin of the US economy.As for the crime of the seven major structural structure, it means that China stole US intellectual wealth power, forced technology transfer, hacking into the US computer system, dumping products to drive American companies out of the market, a large number of subsidies for state -owned enterprises, exporting fentanyl to the United States, and manipulating exchange rates.

Finally, U.S. President Trump spoke on Friday (8th). He responded to the reporter's question that he had not agreed to cancel the tariffs imposed.Cold water.The response of both China and the United States in the past two days has caused China to lose all their faces.The Chinese official media has responded that Trump's statement does not meet market expectations, although he claims that the United States has not agreed to cancel the tariffs, it is not completely denied.However, if the tariff is not reduced, a preliminary agreement will not be reached.

The world's waves are weird and unpredictable, it is already the normal state, but it is rare for the two days to fall from the cloud to the world.In the case, the Sino -US trade war must be spent on the rest. The bell still needs to be a bell person. It depends on whether Trump can change his mind, or see if Trump itself can survive the current internal and external problems.

Trump's current internal worry is the impeachment case initiated by the House of Representatives.The House of Representatives passed a resolution on October 31 to conduct an impeachment investigation of Trump with 232 votes.If the House Committee responsible for the investigation determines that there are sufficient reasons (charges) to impeach Trump, the House of Representatives will perform the entire hospital.If the House of Representatives voted through the Trump impeachment case (more than half of the threshold), the Senate will be tried and decided whether Trump will be dismissed (the threshold is 2/3).If Trump was unable to impeach and was fired, Vice President Pence succeeded in order to succeed in the constitution. Perhaps his attitude towards China was not as strong as Trump, which is a major expectation of the Beijing authorities.

Trump's external affected is the US election next year. From the perspective of the three key states on November 5th, the Kentucky State of Five or five waves before the election, and the 25 years of Virginia, which has a majority of Virginia with the Republican Party,The state council was brought to the city by the Democratic Party.These signs show that the votes on the suburbs of the United States are departing from Trump, which is also a major warning message for Trump to seek re -election next year.Whether Trump can be renewed will be a major key to whether the Sino -US trade war can be spent.