Sing Tao Daily News Agency The date of the Sino -US signing of the trade agreement may be postponed to the next month. The Ministry of Commerce of China rarely disclosed that the two parties agree to cancel the additional tariffs in stages. The US White House officials have different sayings. The key is that the president specially specializesTrump's wishes.In response to Trump's impeachment hearing, the House of Representatives of the Congress will enter the live broadcast stage this week. It is not good for Trump's certificates. At this moment, Trump needs to shift his eyes to shift his attention.Strive for re -election next year.

Trump had intended to be with the Chinese President ... When he attended the Chilean Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Summit this month, he signed an agreement. However, He Zhili had dismissed the hosted by the demonstration. The two had to find another time and place.Trump hopes that ... can sign to the United States to sign, it is best to create the image of Chinese leaders in the Agricultural State to build a long way to ask for peace.It was also unwilling to go to China for this purpose. The two sides had to try to arrange a decently signing agreement in a third country.

The impeachment hearing starts the TV live broadcast

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the agreement signed this time is different from the biggest to the last two times. It is the last two times that China ’s purchase of US goods, and the United States just does not add new tariffs.It will not be reduced, and this time is the cancellation of the additional tariffs that the two parties agree to synchronize the equal rate in stages.In terms of the White House, economic adviser Kudlo confirmed what China said, but the trade adviser Navaro said that Trump has not made a decision.

The White House Hawk is worried that tariff reduction will weaken the US's key chips in negotiations, hoping that Trump will be rejected by tax cuts.In the past, the Chinese side had a dense content of the negotiations than the United States.Pushing Trump to reach an agreement with China as soon as possible.

Trump is particularly anxious at the moment, not the impact of the trade war on the US economy, but the positive and most serious storm of personal political future.Among the preliminary candidates participating in the Democratic Party, several people have surpassed Trump. The former Vice President Biden was a lot of popularity. Trump was suspected of using military aid to force Ukraine President Zelezi to investigate and worship worshipDeng's son, whether it involves corruption in the country and violated the legislation of foreign forces to interfere with the US elections, which leads to an impeachment hearing by the House of Representatives controlled by the Democratic Party, as in full swing.

At present, the closed -door hearing of the closed door, the disclosure is more and more unfavorable to Trump. The latest resignation pointed out that Trump himself calls his subordinates to notify Zeelianzki.Speaking of the three words of investigation, Biden and Clinton, even witnesses who originally called Trump and Tongwu Men all submitted supplementary information to overthrow the previous arguments.

Agreement helps the people's sight

The hearing will enter the public stage this week. From the live broadcast process, it is bound to connect.The Democratic Party hit the iron while hot, and asked for a drum. It completed the impeachment procedure of the House of Representatives before the Christmas holiday. To enter the year of the year's election year, push the procedure on the Senate -controlled Senate.

Facing the dense offensive of the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is now difficult to fight. Trump described the impeachment procedure launched by the House of Representatives. It is the largest political forced witch hunting operation.He can take care of him, and he needs to be greatly transformed.The embarrassing situation of the Republican Party will be revealed during the impeachment hearing of the live TV.

At present, there is enough political achievements that can compete for the people's focus with the impeachment hearing, which is to reach a trade agreement with China. Trump has given up the expectations of a comprehensive victory. If you are willing to reach a local agreement with the Chinese side, will he repeat the past and repeat it?Seeing whether he is willing to bear the personal political approach of the agreement, the place where the signing agreement is signed, it is just a technical issue.