Wang Yili, director of the Institute of International Affairs of Renmin University of China, told Ming Pao that Macron's visit to China was received by high standards in China. It can be seen that China attaches great importance to Sino -French relations and gradually tilted from Germany to France in Germany in China and Europe.

Wang Yili said that at present, the United States retreats, Brexit, and German economy have downgraded. German Prime Minister Merkel is in the late stage of ruling and the governing alliance is unstable.In the environment, the French emperor -like presidential system, coupled with Macron's prosperity, has enhanced French leadership.In the EU and even Western affairs, China attaches great importance to the role of France, especially diplomatic, multilateral cooperation, climate governance, etc., and currently has a consciousness of leaning from France.In the past, Sino -German cooperation was more leadership. Now China -French cooperation has promoted Sino -European cooperation and improved the improvement of Western relations.

Increasing financial cooperation to break the US hegemony

Wang Yili pointed out that financial cooperation is the highlight of the agreement between the two parties.Including the signing of US $ 15 billion in contracts, China chose to issue euro bonds in Paris, rather than Frankfurt, the central bank of the euro zone, showing that China has a firm support for the reform of the euro zone led by France.This also shows that China -Europe cooperation has entered the deep water area of the financial service industry between the two sides. The strengthening of financial cooperation not only echo the needs of China's deep -level opening and promoting blockchain, but also helps to break the US financial hegemony and help both parties.In addition, France will have great benefits from the opening of the Chinese market, such as scientific and technological cooperation such as red wine exports, space, and new energy.