Author: Huang Jiezheng

According to the bilingual vocabulary network of the Institute of Education, the translation of mathematics and electronic engineering is translated into solution, chemical and mechanical engineering translations are translated into the same, English single Decoupling has no translation of political or international relations.In the past few years, the US Washington policy circle and academic circles are used to discuss the most rammed noun in the United States -China -China -DECOUPLING, which is actually the meaning of disassembly, separation, and decoupling.

The rapid jumping of the economy, technology, and military strength of mainland China, and the international political ambitions that have shifted from tight light to obscure, forcing the United States to approach China rapidly, and even partially surpassing the development of the United States.President Trump officially characterized China as amendmental power in the National Security Strategy at the end of 2017. It can be described as the policy of the United States from the ENGAGEMENT policy of President Nixon and Guoan Advisor Ji Xinji in 1972, and officially shifted to the GREATPower Competition).

Perhaps it was a point of fire from the "Review China: How Beijing How to Make the United States' Expectation in the United States" in February 2018 and the US -China trade tariffs that immediately appeared in the United States.For the primary national security topic.

The State Council's regional Chinese affairs officers in the world began to assemble, overlooking the Smith military camp overlooking Hawaiian Pearl Harbor, renamed the Indo -Pacific Command.Symposiums with various types are everywhere.

The US -China Trade War itself shows that the economy of the two countries is highly mutual. The two largest economies in the world want to dismantle their gangs, as long as the hegemony, but when the situation of the two strong hegemony is getting obvious, Washington has been filled with each other recently.The theory of decoupling: The United States has gradually reduced trade and investment in mainland China, re -set the position and path of the industrial chain, and reduce research and innovation cooperation.President Trump's initial favors of the far -right anti -communist flag -handed flag -handed farmer, even believed that the decoupling could cause the mainland's economy to collapse.

President Trump issued a push under the anger in August, ordered American companies to withdraw and find a place to replace China, including relocating to the United States to make products, but from Tesla electric vehicles in the automotive industry, to the sports industry professional basketball alliance(NBA), and the Hollywood in the film industry, will not hear it.

The United States positions the US -China position in long -term power competition. Perhaps it is the historical law of Professor Erisen describing the trap of Xunxidd, or it may ... pursue the inevitable gravity of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in 2049, but in terms of close range,President Trump is about to face the pressure of re -election.

The United States' strategy of the Chief of China policy is clear: maintaining the status of the United States global hegemon, not allowing China to grow too quickly, and the competition for power will take 30 years.However, short -range tactics are flexible: everything aims to re -election in Trump's victory, and does not make the US -China trade war and stock markets, employment rates, and people's economy affect votes.

The second Chinese policy speech published by Vice President Pence on October 24 at the Wilson International Scholars Center continued the strength of criticizing the Chinese political system and human rights last year, and repeated the vocabulary hints used by the Communist Party of China alternately.EssenceSecretary of State Pompeo's speech on the banquet at the Hudson Institute on October 30, the taste of the CCP's straight -goal was harder than Pence, and it was more straightforward that the Chinese Communist Party government was not the same as the Chinese people, and understood the CCP and China.

At this stage, for the election, the U.S.'s Modus Operandi will naturally present two axes: both to resist and communicate.

Vice President Pence's speech on China this year has obviously more ease than last year: the United States does not seek to curb China's development, and the United States hopes to develop a constructive relationship with Chinese leaders.Regarding the recent decoustal discussions of the two countries such as Lei Gongtong, Pence has resolutely said no, and also said that the United States wants to seek communication with China.

Under the U.S. Department of Defense's India -Pacific Regional Security Assistant Minister, Chad Sbragia, the new deputy assistant minister in charge of Chinese affairs, stated on the Beijing Xiangshan Forum on October 21 that the statement of basic policies in the United States is based on decourse.It was unheard of in its daily policy discussion.What the United States has to do is exactly the opposite. It is to deepen the relationship. It even claims that the Indo -Pacific claims of the United States' freedom and openness also include China, and the United States will not require any country to choose a side team between Washington and Beijing.

Although the situation of the long -term and long -term strategic hegemony has begun, the engine of the 2020 presidential election in the United States is also starting.If the United States suddenly turns a local turn, Taiwan is careful not to be thrown out of the car.

(The author is an associate professor at the Institute of Strategy of Tamkang University, Chairman of the China Strategy and Bingqi Research Association)