Zhang Xiaoqiang, executive vice chairman and director of the Executive Bureau of the China International Economic Exchange Center, said that although Sino -US economic and trade frictions have signs of spreading in the fields of finance, technology and other fields, he is optimistic that the Sino -US will continue to cooperate, emphasizing that China and the United States will expand cooperation, realize the realization of the Communist PartyWin is the only choice.

Zhang Xiaoqiang yesterday in Sino -US relations: At the joint vision seminar for the development of Asia and the world, based on the title of trade and investment, it is pointed out that China and the United States are important trading partners between China and the United States.Development stages, industrial structure, technical level differences and comparative advantages.

For example, the United States GM will choose to invest in a factory in China because the main component suppliers and consumers are in China.

Regarding the huge trade deficit between China and the United States, Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed out that this is related to factors such as low savings, high consumption in the United States, and the transfer of the US manufacturing industry overseas.

He explained that because the US savings have long been lower than investment, it is necessary to balance through trade deficits.Coupled with the decline in the proportion of the US manufacturing industry year by year and insufficient domestic production capacity, it is necessary to import a large amount of imports from overseas to meet demand.

According to official US statistics, in 2017, the total imports from China imported from China reached US $ 505.5 billion (S $ 689 billion), while exporting goods to China was US $ 129.9 billion, with a trade deficit of US $ 375.6 billion.

Sino -US trade deficit is market -driven results

Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that the U.S. trade deficit country can be multiple countries, but based on the conditions of economic globalization and the division of international industries, China has become the main trade surplus country.

However, he emphasized that this is the result of the market -driven, especially the production and manufacturing links of the final product of multinational companies are mainly in China, resulting in a trade surplus under the name of China. In fact, most of the profits are earned by multinational companies.

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally said in his speech that in this time, there is me in you, and in my time, (China and the United States) to expand cooperation and achieve win -win is our only choice.

Protectionism and unilateralism do not meet the current trend of economic globalization. It is hoped that China and the United States can achieve a win -win goal on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

Suraj: Unilateralism is not practical

Former Vice Prime Minister of Thailand, the Chairman of the Asian Peace and He reconciliation committee Surakiart Sathirathai, is based on multilateralism and other.It is impractical with peace.

He said that the U.S. President Trump's first US policy and the Brexit issue of Brexit reflect the expansion of anti -globalization and anti -multilateralism from the side.Nationalism and protectionism?

Suraj mentioned that although globalization has caused some negative impacts, based on a free and fair multilateral trading system, globalization has successfully made the world economy in the past 25 years, becoming more prosperous and vibrant.

He also emphasized that the national trade policy derived from irrational nationalism and excessive patriotism, no matter what the result is, is a wrong policy.