(Bloomberg, New York) Eric Schmidt, chief technical consultant of the Pentagon and former CEO of Google, believes that the United States restricts recruiting talents from China and sharing technology with China, which will cause countermeasures and harm to scientific and technological development.

According to Bloomberg, Schmidt said on a artificial intelligence and ethical activity at Stanford University on Monday (28th): I think that through the following insights, Chinese issues can be solved: we need to contact their top scientists.

Schmidt did not directly mention the US policy.However, as he made the above remarks, the US government was considering the key technical fields, including artificial intelligence systems and quantum computing, and setting out export ban.Once implemented, this will make it more difficult for American companies to hire experts from China.

In addition, China and the United States are also deeply trapped in the long -lasting trade frictions and science and technology games.

The White House had previously accused Google with Chinese companies and Chinese governments sharing technology owned by ALPHABET.In this regard, Schmidt cleverly responded to this in the comments on Sino -US relations that day.He said: We also benefit from the common framework, TensorFlow is one of them.

TensorFlow is Google's open source free software library for creating artificial intelligence tools such as image recognition; the company has been actively promoted in China.Schmid said: Almost everyone is using it now.

According to reports, in terms of artificial intelligence open source software libraries, most researchers, whether they are from the United States or China, still use American companies' software libraries, such as TensorFlow and Facebook CaffeThere are very few researchers.

Schmidt resigned from the chairman of Alphabet Company at the end of 2017, but he is still a technical consultant and the third largest shareholder.He also presided over the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee of the United States Congress and the Ministry of Defense.

In recent years, China ’s rapid research achievements and practical use in scientific and technological science and technology such as artificial intelligence and 5G are often regarded by US officials as a threat to US national security.