
On the 19th of the British Parliament, the latest leaving the EU agreement reached by Britain and Europe on the 19th, and forced the Prime Minister Johnson to believe in the EU demand delay Brexit.Multi -time review and approve his Brexit agreement.The election in advance is equivalent to admitting that it is not possible to go out of Brexit before the deadline of this Thursday (31st), and this is also the third time Johnson tried to force the early election.

At the same time, the EU's 27 member states agreed on Friday (25th) in principle that Britain put forward the request to postpone Brexit, but it has not yet finalized the latest Brexit period.France has a word first, and there is no absolute affirmation for the final period of the Brexit. It depends on whether Britain can provide sufficient reasons.The British Parliament will vote for the advance election proposed by Johnson today (28th), and the European Union will discuss and finalize the new Brexit period today or tomorrow.

If the parliament rejected Johnson's suggestion in advance, he could not see what he could let Britain out of Brexit.Britain passed the Brexit referendum on June 23, 2016, and then conducted a Brexit negotiations for more than two years.Delay to October 31.

Johnson has repeatedly stated that he has repeatedly stated that whether there is an agreement or not, Britain will be Brexit, but the situation is not allowed to decide, and his strong Brexit attempts have repeatedly failed.Brexit has become a tug -of -war, one step forward, one step back, and currently the United Kingdom, the European Union and the world are waiting for what will happen in London in the next four days.

From Parliament's latest Brexit agreement proposed by Johnson, the European Union agreed to delay the Brexit period. The key is whether Parliament agrees to the election in advance today.If the election is elected in advance, the new parliament and the new Prime Minister may have three situations in the Brexit procedures: no agreement on Brexit (hard Brexit), a new agreement with new agreement or another referendum.

After three years of Brexit, the two prime ministers left the field sadly, and Britain was still unclear what the next step would be.Johnson could not complete the task of fighting for a hard work and a desperation. The decision -making right of Brexit may finally return to the British people, that is, the Labor Party supports the second referendum to decide whether to abandon the European Union.

In the next Brexit inverter, more possible, mode and results analysis will appear.Even though the European Union finally agreed to delay the Brexit period until the end of January next year, Britain and Europe will still be unable to reach a new agreement in the next three months, which will lead to no agreement to be true.Although the British Minister of Finance, Javid, told the British Radio at the end of last month that how much impact on the economy will not have a complete answer to the economy, but he believes that no one can provide a complete answer.This pays a huge price.

The Marathon -style Brexit process is deeply trapped in a tug -of -war. Behind the complex legal procedures, it also highlights the dilemma of the disorder and chaos of the Parliament's operation in Parliament.Former Prime Minister Treesa Middot; Mei went to Brussels to negotiate three times, failed to break through the level at his parliament three times, and finally stepped down.And due to the headache Northern Ireland border, before the 19th parliament voting the latest Brexit agreement reached by Johnson and the European Union, the Democratic Alliance Party (DUP) of the Conservative Party Friends North Ireland has issued a statement.State, the party cannot be supported.

When the Northern Ireland and Britain left the European Union at the same time, the boundary line of about 499 kilometers between Northern Ireland and Ireland would be legal to become a hard boundary.Britain and the European Union have been around for more than three years, and there are still no solutions, so that there will be no hard boundaries between Northern Ireland and Ireland.The Democratic Alliance Party will pay special attention to the border that can have been free to communicate in the future. Even in accordance with the mechanism proposed by Johnson, Northern Ireland determines the border plan by itself. After four years after the end of the Brexit transition period, it is difficult to return to the current invisibility.The border.

A Johnson spokesman said on Friday that if the parliament rejected the decision to hold the election in advance, he will implement the Brexit plan and the domestic agenda.On the 31st, whether the Britain can officially Brexit, or the development of the Brexit according to the situation in accordance with the situation, it is still impossible to judge.The road of Brexit is twists and turns, and it is not surprising that the recurrence of chaos is not surprising.