According to the Taiwan United Daily News, the Taiwan election is close, and the National Security Department frequently accuses the CCP's involvement in the Taiwan election.Last month, the National Security Council rarely proposed a comprehensive research project report that has been threatened and selected by China to rise to Taiwan, saying that the Communist Party of China may threaten to terminate the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA).The report of the National Security Council was originally a majority of ingredients for the Government of the Cai government to produce mango, but whether ECFA would really end, it has caused concerns of all walks of life.If a little observation, the termination of ECFA is actually just looking at the demon mirror. Seeing that Cai Yingwen's selling fear is very deceived, and the Tsai government is unable to deal with the dilemma of Taiwan's economic difficulties and marginal economic and trade.

People may wish to review that in 2010, Ma Ying -jeou and Tsai Ing -wen's debate against ECFA were also the first time that the current President of the Republic of China was willing to debate with the chairman of the opposition party in the opposition party.Ma Ying -jeou criticized Cai Yingwen to resort to fear, and used the Kuomintang's openness and internationalization to compare the DPP's locking country and marginalization, emphasizing that the signing of ECFA can keep Taiwan with the trend of the Global Free Trade Agreement (FTA).Tsai Ing -wen went to the world with the DPP to go to China with the world, while the Kuomintang went to China, and then went to the world with China, and strongly opposed ECFA.Although the polls after the debate show that the people's views believe that Ma Ying -jeou's claims are better than Tsai Ing -wen; however, Tsai Ing -wen still said that if the DPP re -administered, the referendum would abolish ECFA.

But in the 2016 election, Tsai Ing -wen no longer expressed fear, and changed his mouth to summarize ECFA.Sure enough, after the Cai government came to power, she ate three bowls of public and half, and silently enjoyed the ECFA's early collection list.For example, Taiwan ’s exports of exports to mainland China have accumulated $ 6.894 billion, which is far greater than the tax exemption of 607 million US dollars exported to Taiwan.This not only proves that ECFA is beneficial to both sides of the strait, but also proves that it is more advantageous to Taiwan.

At the beginning, Chairman Tsai Ing -wen criticized ECFA as a poison with sugar coats; now that ECFA may be terminated, Cai government officials quickly jumped out and said good things.Economic Minister Shen Rongjin said that ECFA is a win -win situation for both sides of the strait; Chen Mingtong, the MAC, is more frank that ECFA is good for us as a whole and hopes to continue.This shows that in order to keep ECFA, the Cai government officials did not hesitate to face Chairman Cai Yingwen; at the same time, they also dismantled Cai Yingwen's past opposition to ECFA, not only selling fear, but also cheating a lot!

In fact, ECFA's termination problem was first raised by Shi Mingde.Shi Mingde published an advertisement in August 2010, saying that Article 16 of the ECFA termination of the term of the termination of the platform is the stator of the platform; if the party's rotation does not accept the principles of the first China, it is likely to become a threat of mainland China. He calls for deleting.However, blue and green did not agree at the time.The Malaysian government believes that the signing and operation of ECFA is based on the goodwill and sincerity of the two parties, and the design of the termination terms is the practice of the international free trade agreement and the ultimate security valve of cross -strait economic and trade relations. The purpose is to have an additional layer of protection mechanism for Taiwan.As for the DPP, although Shi Mingde believes that the political effect of the termination clause significantly threatened Taiwan independence, the DPP vowed to absolutely defend the existence of the termination clause.The reason is that once the termination terms are deleted, ECFA will be existed forever.

The National Security Council re -puts the termination of the ECFA's termination, but it is just Shi Ming Deya Hui.At that time, many people thought that Shi Mingde was alarmist; now the situation on both sides of the strait has changed, and the anxiety of ECFA's termination has gradually emerged.Today, the most embarrassing is the DPP, which had absolutely defending the termination clause at the beginning.The defense of the termination of the termination of the year is now facing the threat of the termination terms; the ECFA is abolished after re -administration, but now it secretly summarizes it.Although Mainland China could not read it, ECFA was half -dead, and the Tsai government was restless at the end of the dividends while enjoying the early collection of dividends.It turned out that the National Security Council speculated that dried mango was for the Cai government to eat it.

ECFA is an important achievement of the cross -strait policy of the Malaysian government. Although it was hit by the solar flower movement, the Tsai government accidentally returned ECFA history.Shen Rongjin still did not forget to take a prevention needle, saying that the termination of ECFA only affects 5 % of foreign trade, and the amount is not much.He forgot how much the 5 % exports to the livelihood of labor and farmers have completely ignored the importance of the ECFA insurance agreement on the rights and personal security of Taiwanese businessmen, which does not include the crisis of the marginalization of Taiwan's economic and trade.Tsai Ing -wen is different in ECFA's table, indicating that her decision -making style is unbelievable; and her cross -strait policy of murder is the biggest source of trouble that may cause ECFA to terminate the crisis.