Sing Tao Daily News Agency Chen Tongjia was released from prison. He bowed to his girlfriend Pan Xiaoying's family and Hong Kong people who killed in Taiwan and apologized, and personally expressed his willingness to go to Taiwan for trial.He was willing to accept the judicial sanctions of Taiwan, which was originally the most appropriate arrangement for justice. Unfortunately, the DPP government of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party kept engaged in political operations and made the incident frequently.

Chen Tongjia was wanted by Taiwan. The easiest arrangement was that Chen Tongjia did not need to apply for a Taiwan certificate, so she allowed Rev. Guan Haoming, who successfully persuaded Dharma, to board the passenger plane to Taiwan.If the Taiwanese authorities are worried about the murderer's action on the plane, they can arrange police officers to accompany him to return to Taiwan to invest in the case.The Hong Kong Government has repeatedly stated that he is willing to provide assistance.

However, the DPP government and the green camp politicians are full of politicians, which simplify the incidents into complicated, repeated and repeated, and set multiple obstacles to obtain the political capital as much as possible.The Hong Kong Government will also need to conclude the judicial mutual assistance arrangements of the two places to delay, and then unload the responsibilities to the Hong Kong government.

Cai Yingwen's qualitative non -self -increase concerns

On the eve of Chen Tongjia's release of prison, Taiwan had sent a prosecutor and three police officers to fly to Hong Kong to wait. On the surface, it seemed very anxious. In fact, it was hoped to make a breakthrough of Chen Tongjia's return to Taiwan.As the former president of Taiwan, Ma Ying -jeou, Taiwan will not allow people from other countries and regions to law enforcement in Taiwan.Originally, Taiwanese personnel came to Hong Kong to pragmize the acceptance of the arrangement of Chen Tongjia, but it was not wrong, but the DPP government was high -profile and qualitatively diligently, which complicated the matter at the political level.

Tsai Ing -wen even stated that it was only arrested for dealing with Chen Tongjia's case and did not surrender.After the news of Chen Tongjia's willingness to surrender, Taiwanese officials stated that because of a wanted order, Chen Tongjia did not surrender, and it could only be said to be voted at most.Regardless of whether to surrender or investing, the trial can be regarded as the defendant's factors that the defendant has regrets. Now Cai Yingwen also saves the term of the case and uses it purely.And the concerns of his family.

By a case to crack down on the Hong Kong Government and Blue Camp

If Chen Tongjia changes his mind to stay in Hong Kong, it will provide the DPP government to continue to criticize the excuses of the Hong Kong government and continue to make things up.If Chen Tongjia insisted on going to Taiwan, as long as he did not set off, the DPP government could continue to make articles and seek a breakthrough in the judicial relations of Hong Kong and Taiwan. As a political achievement, even if there is no breakthrough, he can attack the Hong Kong government and continue to add chaos to Hong Kong.To increase Cai Yingwen's chance of re -election in the president.

The DPP government has complicated Chen Tongjia back to Taiwan and created various obstacles. It has also continued to render the conspiracy theory of Beijing and Hong Kong Government to set up traps from Taiwan.In the incident, justice criticizing the political opponents of the authorities, including South Korea ’s Yu, who compete with Tsai Ing -wen, are labeled as a line with the Hong Kong Government and Beijing to reduce their popularity.

According to Guan Haoming, Chen Tongjia had bought a ticket yesterday. It can be seen that he originally intended to get together with his family to fly to Taiwan after he was released.The card, disrupted the two -person itinerary, and also caused the public to have more questions about whether he could get a fair interrogation in Taiwan.Guan Haoming said that Chen Tongjia did not want to become a political chip. This can only be a good wish. The DPP is essentially a political player. In addition, the election is near, and it will be fully played, so the incident continues to disturb repeatedly, which is inevitable.