Author: Pang Jianguo

South Korean Yu asked for leave, and the dispute between him and Tsai Ing -wen's presidential throne officially started.There is no doubt how to deal with cross -strait relations.If you want to present the position of both parties with a relatively distinctive image, it is that South Korea ’s Yu wants to operate cross -strait operations as a shopping mall, while Tsai Ing -wen will push the two sides of the strait to the battlefield.In other words, this election campaign is a dispute between shopping malls and battlefields!

During the campaign of Mayor Kaohsiung, South Korea ’s most loud demand was that things were available.In his eyes, the opposite side of the Strait is a market with unlimited business opportunities and abundant kinetic energy. If the two sides can get along peacefully and go smoothly, Taiwan's economic and trade will have a broad way out, so that Taiwan can break away from the dilemma of the stuffy economy.Such demands touched the hearts of the locals and let the green Kaohsiung reproduce the blue sky.

However, to improve cross -strait relations and smooth cross -strait economic and trade, it is not what Kaohsiung mayor can do.After South Korea's Yu was elected Mayor of Kaohsiung, although he visited Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, and Xiamen, he won some orders for agricultural products and also won more tourists from mainland China.In the environment, there is still a pool of dead water between the two sides of the strait.

When encountering the constraints of the Tsai Ing -wen government, South Korea ’s Yu is quite helpless and helpless.After all, the dominant power of cross -strait policy is in the central government, and the central government does not nod, and the local area can only be called. This is probably a very factors that prompt South Korea Yu to decide to run for president.

Compared with the Strait on the Strait that South Korea, it is a market with unlimited business opportunities and abundant kinetic energy. The mainland in Tsai Ing -wen's eyes is a threat and urgent enemy.Therefore, although Ma Ying -jeou has proven that as long as the consensus consensus is cleared, the cross -strait can start negotiation and negotiate and start a healthy interaction.The cycle, even on the battle of soldiers, is not expected.

Threats opportunities and the result of living water as floods, that is, Taiwan's economic growth rate can only be tried to protect the two.Not to mention mainland China, which can still maintain 6%under the United States.

In fact, even if the trade war and scientific and technological warfare were launched, the United States could only interfere with it and not prevent the mainland from continuing to grow and develop.Through the improvement of relations with Japan, India, and neighboring countries, the mainland has promoted the China -Japan -Korea Free Trade Zone, RCEP and Belt and Road Initiative, and is constantly consolidating the position of economic leaders in the East Asian regional regional and improving the right to speak of global political and economic order.Taiwan, which is inseparable from the mainland market, is also inseparable from the production network of East Asia.

The two sides of the Taiwan Strait allows South Korea to build a mall, and it can also make Tsai Ing -wen a battlefield. In the end, it is necessary for the mall or the battlefield, depending on the choice of the people in Taiwan.

(The author is a professor at the National Development and Mainland China Institute of Culture University of China)