Source: Asia Weekly

Hong Kong's chaos has attracted global attention. I do n’t know if Yiyu is in the bottom. Saturdays and Sundays have become fixed models. It has also become more intense.More and more signs show that the motivation behind Hong Kong's chaos is the United States.Sima Zhao's heart is known to passers -by.The US House of Representatives passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts.Trump has played Hong Kong cards and turned Hong Kong into one of the US chips against Beijing in the name of freedom and democracy.As long as Trump has unstable election, he will take Hong Kong as an attempt to harvest the support of populism.

However, from the perspective of the great history, the United States and Hong Kong are in the serious internal consumption that cannot stop, consume their own energy, weaken their competitiveness, and damage the well -being of the whole people.Under the strong challenges of external forces in mainland China, it can arouse innovation awareness with the enemy's enemy.The two different development models of China and the United States collide with each other, stimulating the sparks that they never see before.

Time is the best test. Under the leadership of Trump, the United States is caught in the most acute tear in history.The rain is full of wind and full building, which is very unfavorable to his re -election.During his tenure, American racial contradictions and class contradictions rose to a new peak of history.Black and white, Latin American -American struggles have become more and more naked; the disparity between the rich and poor has made the number of federals on the streets of New York and Los Angeles also break the historical record.

In the face of internal contradictions in mainland China, it adopts a concept of developmentalism to expand the scale of the economy as the focus, and to continuously make the cake bigger to resolve all kinds of contradictions.If you use the use of US presidential elections: Are you better than four years ago?Most people in mainland China are positive; but in the United States, most people's answers are negative.

One of the magic weapons of mainland China is constantly innovating.Mainland China has developed the world's most advanced position in the Internet 5G development#8203;#8203; in the fields of the Internet of Things, driverless driving, etc., and in artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, etc.Compared with the United States, chess at each other.At present, in the field of high -tech science and technology, mainland China uses the creativity of Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai and other places, and combines financial forces in Shenzhen and Shanghai to play the role of incubators and angel investors.In recent years, some high -tech in mainland China, such as DJI, UAVs of DJI, HKUST Xunfei's voice recognition, and biotechnology projects in Washinga Gene have continued to break through and are also leading the world.

Under the call of entrepreneurship and innovation in the whole people, mainland Chinese people have such a large -scale innovation wave for the first time, attach importance to practice, and dare to try innovation.Mainland China ’s mobile payment, non -far -end online shopping, sharing economy and high -speed rail have brought about huge changes in lifestyle, which enhanced the sense of happiness and gain of Chinese people.

But the greater challenge is institutional innovation.How to reborn the current system of mainland China from the lack of checks and balances, and say goodbye to power to find a trap.This is the expectations of intellectuals and decision makers in mainland China, make good use of artificial intelligence and big data to implement social justice ideals.

In fact, innovation is not limited to the business field, but penetrates the administrative system.At present, large cities such as Beishang, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have attached great importance to improving administrative innovation and raising the competitiveness of civil servants to a new level.Take Shenzhen's application for driving license as an example. In the past, it took time, but now it is treated with machines and artificial intelligence, which is very efficient and let the people call it.

Looking back at the United States, there are various grievances in society, corruption of law and order, and the death cases caused by shooting every year are increasing.However, under the control of some special interest groups, it is difficult to achieve or control the proposal of firearms.Economic class contradictions are increasingly acute. In the inverse policy of Trump's tilt of the rich, the quality of life of the middle class and grassroots people has also deteriorated, while the upper social taxation reduction is increasing.Trump has not had to pay taxes for many years, and the middle class has fallen into a downward flow vortex, which is difficult to extricate himself.

The treatment of a new generation of workers in the United States is getting lower and lower, and the economic phenomenon is not as good as a generation.This forms a tension between generations.Next year's presidential election, Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth#8231; Elizabeth Warren proposed that young American people should go to college for free, no longer carry heavy student loans, and get a new generation of strong supportEssence

Some people in Hong Kong have long worshiped the United States for a long time, and even recently held a large number of rally of the US flag. The subtext is beautiful.The history of democracy and freedom in the United States, but unfortunately, the Trump administration has long betrayed the ideal ideas of the United States and left the concepts of President Lincoln, Roosevelt, Ganjii, etc.The leader of the world is to promote international relations by naked force. Under the slogan of the United States priority, the same bed with allies such as Britain, France, Germany and Japan is a different dream.Recently, for the election, Trump has withdrawn from the Middle East, and has betrayed the allies of the Islamic State for many years.

Some people in Hong Kong also thought that they could rely on the United States, and Hong Kong's independence forces even dreamed that they were independent of the United States.Looking at the consequences of the Kurds, the United States knows the unreliability of the United States.Trump's support in the United States is actually a minority. The number of votes obtained in his last election lost to Hillary more than two million votes, but he won the president's throne by the electoral votes.With such a US president, does Americans still need enemies?With such a US president, do Hong Kong people have to have fantasies about the United States?