Source: Global Times

China's GDP increased by 6.0%in the third quarter, which was lower than the expectations of the outside world, which caused widespread discussion at home and abroad.The downward pressure on China's economy continues, the trade war and the weak global economy have caused negative external impacts, which is not good for China's GDP to rise again.

However, China has completed the economic growth goals of 6.0%to 6.5%this year.In addition, 6.0%are still the highest in the world's major economies.This is not self -comfort, but a heavy reality in the global economic pattern.

The Chinese do not need to be bluffed by some data -controlled analysis.When the global economy is facing weak growth, the strong economy is relative, and it depends on the internal and quality of economic growth.China's economic growth is the real process of the comprehensive strength of this country and the living standards of the people. It is not a foam game that rotates in place.China is continuing to develop and has a lot of development potential to be released. This is the general practical experience and cognition of the Chinese people.

Are we the most powerful countries in the country?Of course, see how many infrastructure construction has completed in the past, how many significant progress has been made in the field of people's livelihood, and whether our technology and national defense capabilities have taken a step forward, it is clear.China's comprehensive progress is undoubtedly the most significant in the country.

In the past few years, China's GDP growth rate has been declining little by little, but due to China's economic disk continuously expanded, China's actual GDP incrementing every year has been increasing.In other words, China's actual annual wealth growth has always increased.In addition, aside the data, let's think about it. If we take 5 years to make a comparison period, is China's comprehensive force stronger than 5 years ago?Does the overall appearance of Chinese people's clothing, food, and transportation have changed again?There are also Chinese social security systems, as well as education, medical care, and pension systems formed a new construction or improvement?

Let's take a look. Compared with 5 years ago, did China's ecology and environmental protection have improved?Is there more population to more deeper to add the trend of modernization?Is there more various fakes and inferiority?Is the frequency of production safety accidents decreased, whether various cities and towns have become cleaner, and does our lives become more convenient and more quality?

All these are GDP, and no matter which single items are these areas, compared with other large economies, China's change is almost the largest in the past 5 years.China's development is real, and in the past few years, we have developed corruption while developing, adjusting the economic structure, and imposing the comprehensive development of society.China's development capabilities and the ability to optimize development have remained in a good state, and our country has no stagnation, and it is impossible to show signs of stagnation.

Various issues of China's economy are in general and technical levels. For example, trade warfare affects the sales of some products, and we need to adjust.In addition, the active adjustment structure will inevitably bring time and local pain, but the loss of a little GDP in this is not necessarily favorable for the long -term development of the economy.The fundamentals and trends of the Chinese economy have a strong guarantee from the population scale to the stable political system. At the same time that there is no shortage of explosive power, our greater advantages are actually endurance.

Of course, even if it is a specific problem, we must go all out to deal with it.For example, the release of the Chinese economy's potential has obviously not reached the best state. Some unreasonable and contrary to economic laws have affected the full development of folk vitality and enthusiasm.Many people believe that the insufficient liberation and formalism have constituted long -term additional costs for China's economic development.The excluding obstacles that should not be eliminated have also become a long -term task to increase China's economic development momentum.

In short, we should maintain confidence and face up to various problems that hinder economic development.In view of the increasingly severe global geopolitical environment, we must not only develop faster than other large economies, but also need to develop faster than them.