Author: Chen Yixin

On the afternoon of the 15th, the Federal House of Representatives voted for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts, the Protection of the Hong Kong Act, and the resolution with the Hong Kong. The three cases were approved by oral voting.These bills have obviously made President Trump a big two, which is more serious than the damage to him by the phone door.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Plosi pointed out: In the past 4 months, the people of Hong Kong have sent strong information to the world, that is, dreams of freedom, justice and democracy will never be extinguished by unruly and intimidating.If the United States choose not to speak for Chinese human rights due to business benefits, we will lose the moral authority that can speak for human rights anywhere in the world.

Her speaking arrow pointed directly at Trump.During the White House meeting with Trump on the 11th in the White House on the 11th, the two sides reached the first phase of the Sino -US trade agreement.Afterwards, Trump said in the tweet: This agreement is very good, which is also a good agreement for residents of Hong Kong.Therefore, the outside world naturally has reasonable doubts about this, Trump has been forgiven or consensus on the Hong Kong issue.

After these bills are passed in the Federal Senate, they will be coordinated with the content and text of the two hospitals first, and finally the consistent version will be sent to Trusti to sign it as a public law.The list of human rights persons and sanctions that frozen property and cancellation or visa are made to them.The version adopted by the Federal House is obviously more widely covered with the initial version of the Foreign Commission in August and the sanctions. Therefore, it has stirred up Beijing's strong rebound and reiterated that Hong Kong affairs are purely Chinese internal affairs and cannot tolerate any external forces intervention.

Facing the strong rebound of the mainland and the righteousness of Perosy's words, Trump was in a dilemma.If you ignore the rebound of Beijing, not only will the understanding or consensus on the Hong Kong issue may not be able to do it, but the first phase of the Sino -US trade agreement that has not yet entered the details of the details may also be broken.However, if Trump ignores Peross's moral appeal, he may become the target of the Democratic President's big competition in the election year.

To make matters worse, Trump's predicament is far more complicated than his feelings.Regardless of his threatening veto, pocket veto, or formal veto to oppose the Hong Kong human rights and democratic bill or related bills, he will risk the danger of tearing his face with the Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party will use the phone door to repair him.It may not be easy for the Democratic Party to use the phone door to make impeachment, because the Federal Senate is still in the hands of the Republican Party.However, if he did not support the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts and was regarded by the Republican party as a weak and incompetent person, it would be difficult to say whether there would be a senator with party senators.

For Trump, he must take advantage of his market market. Before the Federal Senate voted, he thought about whether he could fade the contents and text of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic bills in the Senate of the Senate.Finally, he signed a gentle bill version, on the one hand, it can maintain the moral image of the president, on the other hand, it is also worthy of the Hong Kong people.

(The author is a lecture professor at the Department of Political Science of China Cultural University)