Source: United Daily

Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe said recently that the two parties of the Blue and Green parties are not different, but the Kuomintang's dining table etiquette is better.Administrative Dean Su Zhenchang responded that the Democratic Progressive Party's government was very dedicated to safeguarding Taiwan's sovereignty, so that Taiwan can independently can independently have a place in the international community, so that no one can laugh or speak cool.Ke Wenzhe returned to the people who had eyes and absolute power to make people absolutely corrupted.

Honestly, this is just the political saliva in the typhoon without nutrition.This typhoon is not strong and the official is very powerful; the rain is not small, and there are a lot of political saliva.However, Su Zhenchang was surprising when he was blaming Hualien's disaster prevention, but he did not forget the mentality of exposing his political saliva with Ke Wenzhe.

The DPP government was accused of not eating well, and Su Yan argued that he did his best to maintain sovereignty. What logic is this?Is it possible to grab the official card of the official and maintain the sovereignty.Su Zhenchang's response, Niutou was not right, not only did he make mistakes, but he was at all.

According to Su Zhenchang's logic, it seems that how many people of the DPP sacrifice personal freedom and break the authority of the Kuomintang, so that Taiwan can go to democracy, freedom, and opening up, so no matter what you do, you don't want to laugh.The mentality behind Su Zhenchang's logic is the world played by the DPP, so the country is my family; this is the people owed to the DPP, so they cannot be questioned.After the decline of the 9 -in -one election last year, the DPP agent Lin Youchang also said that the people of Taiwan have not owed the DPP; now Cai Yingwen's election has stabilized, and Su Zhenchang turned back to the Taiwan people's debt again.

The Democratic Progressive Party was fierce. Even if the nine -in -one election had taught the Wu Yinning and the DPP faction, how could the DPP care about it?Just like the three million luggage boxes from the Presidential Palace to the British general Chen Mingwen, there will always be people covering it, some people surround the facts, some people build fire walls, and some people will guide the case.

Su Zhenchang's response reflects that the DPP is never afraid of not eating well, and is afraid that the key to eating slowly and not supporting can not support it: just transfer the focus, grab the dried mango (feeling of the country) trains, and guide all the problems of the disorders to the anti -Chinese battlefieldsuperior.Hanging to love Taiwan, Gu Qi's sovereignty, any question about the state affairs is either a fake news or a CCP agent.Anti -China has become the shame of the Democratic Progressive Party's government that has lost politics and defeat.

Ironically, Su Zhenchang strongly emphasized that the maintenance of Taiwan's sovereignty and allowing Taiwan to independently can independently have a place in the international community. However, except for empty words, what Taiwan's sovereignty has maintained Taiwan internationally?Over the past three years, seven diplomatic relations have been lost, and the two countries have been interjected by the two countries for five days. They have been rejected outside the door by international organizations. The original place in Taiwan in the international community has been compressed to a few room for life. Su Zhenchang actually said.

The Democratic Progressive Party's government best shows the breakthrough upgrade of Taiwan -US relations, but it just runs counter to independence it emphasizes.The Cai government is increasingly relying on the United States, which is unwilling to resume Taiwan to maintain Taiwan's diplomatic relations; Taiwan is willing to become a strategic chess piece in the United States and China, hoping that the United States will threaten Taiwan's friendship through the Taipei bill and other tools.President's practical diplomacy can only hide under the wings of American stick diplomacy.But Tsai Ing -wen thanked that the new version of the Taipei bill has shrunk sharply, and there are still many components of mouth benefits.As for Wu Zhaozheng, the younger brother's foreign minister, seeing the most beloved elder brother in Japan in Taiwan is short. This is also Taiwan ’s independent diplomatic practice?

To put it bluntly, the Cai government's cross -strait and diplomatic operations, one is anti -China revenge, the other is to fight against beauty, the third is to sell dried mango, and finally catalytic votes.The focus of the Cai government's thinking is how to use the elevated cross -strait situation, transfer to doubts, suppress the internal objection, and then transform the cross -strait crisis and diplomatic deficit into Tsai Ing -wen's voting bonus, and the sense of death is the yeast powder and catalyst.

Mainland China Foreign Minister Wang Yi was asked if the digging of Taiwan diplomatic relations to help Cai Yingwen's re -election, and no longer considers the people of Taiwan, and replied to what logic this logic was twice. Obviously, the owner of the Zhitai in Beijing could not understand Taiwan's election logic.It is also difficult to fit the minds of the people in Taiwan.However, Su Zhenchang's political saliva in Typhoon Sky may help Wang Yi understand what logic this logic.