Source: Hong Kong 01

Recently, the organization named Ideas for HK launched a million advertisement for millions of seeking all the way. The solicitation of a million yuan award can solve the opinions of Hong Kong's current dilemma.If there is a wonderful plan that can make Hong Kong's current dilemma, it may be more than millions of value.The reality is quite clear. The problem of Hong Kong cannot be solved at once. Even if it can achieve the purpose of stopping violence through extreme means, it does not mean that people's grievances will disappear.Of course, it is a top priority to solve street violence that has no point of pointing and gradually becoming normal. More importantly, Hong Kong people must think about where these street violence wants to bring Hong Kong to the sea.

Anti -repair example has become out of control, and it has long been related to the triggering fugitive regulations that trigger chaos.Although the demonstrators often make the five major demands, lack one cannot be hung on their mouths, but some demands are unrealistic, others cannot be resolved in a short time, and the things and levels that different demonstrators pay attention to are not the same.Some demonstrators focus on the police team, thinking that they use excessive force, but from a different perspective, the police do not assume the responsibility of maintaining social order, and will they be accused of negligible jobs?Individual policemen may make mistakes during their duty, and they need to be investigated seriously, but it is not worthwhile as the entire police force.Some extreme claims should be disbanded, but rational tells us that this requirement can only be regarded as a joke; another part of the people lose confidence in one country, two systems, worry that Hong Kong will lose autonomy, but cannot propose a pragmatic and feasible alternative option.

The desires of different demanders may be the same as they want to be better in Hong Kong. However, whether the radical demonstrators and their sympathy are or opponents, they must be emotional when they are required, otherwise they cannot solve the current dilemma at all.EssenceBuilding a beautiful Hong Kong should build a correct awareness of various reality in Hong Kong, rather than a Utopia -like ideal Hong Kong.For example, the dissolution of the police force may really make some people's congresses fast, but who can guarantee that Hong Kong will not fall into a more disorderly chaotic situation?The reorganization police force is easy to say, but how to reorganize, will the police violence in the mouth of radical demonstrators disappear naturally after reorganization?

Blindly advocating the invisible suggestions will only make the problem more complicated, and it will not help promote the discussion of the way to find a way out.Compared with the police's discussion, a deeper question is how to deal with Hong Kong people's dislocation and various anxiety about one country, two systems.Due to various unsatisfactory incidents, such as the Causeway Bay Bookstore and the recent repair storms, Hong Kong people are worried that highly autonomous damage and completely disappointed government governance. It is hoped that the implementation of universal elections can bring changes.Realizing the general election is a blueprint for the development of Hong Kong's political system stipulated in the Basic Law, but when everyone shouted the slogan, did you seriously think about how to promote the reform of political system?

More importantly, will the selection of Zhenpu make some people who do not trust the one country and two systems restore confidence?I am afraid that if you have a real general election in Hong Kong, the National People's Congress will not be released to prevent Hong Kong independent politicians from participating in the election, or free travel passengers coming to Hong Kong will decrease.In fact, since you cherish the one country, two systems, you must not discuss the matter, but you should clarify the true and false propositions. If you think that the true universal election will reach a complete autonomy instead of a high degree of autonomy, it can only be a dream.

Last Saturday, the FDC held the 5th anniversary of the mid -fifth anniversary, and once again proposed to restart political reform. The government issued a evening press release to respond to the trial of the time, and to promote the development of political system in accordance with the relevant interpretation and decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.Many people may feel that these words are perfunctory, but if you think about resisting emotions and calmly, is it talking about the political reform, or is it riding a path that can be moved forward?If the government restarts the political reform again, everyone is decided by the people's congress that accepts the 8.31 plan?Another practical question is, can the government's launching political reform requirements be avoided? Can Hong Kong completely disrespect the central government when formulating the general election framework?

Hong Kong and China have never been a parallel concept.Regardless of politics, Hong Kong is part of China's territory, and there is no right to deny the arrangement of China's exercise of sovereignty.In terms of strength, Hong Kong is even less different than China. If the situation is misjudged, it is likely to be buried in the well -being of Hong Kong people.Some supporters of some coke earth theory believe that Hong Kong is tight in the Mainland. Once the Mainland loses Hong Kong's independent economic status, the economy will fall thousands of feet, and foreign transactions and fundraising cannot be proceeded smoothly.It is precisely because of this shallow self -confidence that these people will think that no matter how brave martial arts destroy the Hong Kong economy, the Mainland will not dare to shake Hong Kong's status; as long as they will greatly destroy the Hong Kong economy, the central government will eventually bring them to them to themcompromise.

However, is this unreasonable and wishful judgment appropriate?Hong Kong has certain economic value for the Mainland, but it is understood that it is irreplaceable but deviates from the facts.At the beginning of the entrance of the Hong Kong regression, many Hong Kong people and British people believed that the mainland that was beginning to start reform and opening up needed Hong Kong. ThereforeIt's stupid.Even foreign media acknowledged that Hong Kong's economic importance has gradually declined.The recent reports of the New York Times about Hong Kong pointed out that the importance of Hong Kong as a foreign window as the mainland is declining, and some major cities in the Mainland are gradually replacing Hong Kong's status in freight and finance.

Careful thinking, the importance of Hong Kong has always been because it is close to the mainland and the system of learning from the West can it be around the source.Many international companies in Hong Kong do not see the Hong Kong market, but to enter the mainland market with Hong Kong as a bridgehead.There are still some advantages in Hong Kong today, but if some people say and cut off the exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland, I am afraid that these international companies with profitability will have to re -consider the role of Hong Kong.Some people are even empty, and they propose to buy an island to move Hong Kong people to the island to autonomy. This cannot be called imagination, but the illusion of insulting Hong Kong people's IQ.

The grandson said: Knowing the confidant, never fighting all the war, unknown and unknown, every battle will be defeated.Recognizing Hong Kong's reality and will definitely help us find a way out immediately, but it is its prerequisite.What way we want to fight for, what way we should use, Hong Kong people must think carefully, rather than just emotional things.Are we willing to pay everything for these issues, but we get everything?Most Hong Kong people should just want to fight for the freedom and rights of the Hong Kong people in the Basic Law. What we have to do is to the framework of the Practical Basic Law and the two systems of the Basic Law.

Hong Kong is just like a sailing sailing of ocean. It can ensure that our sailing to the end is not just full of enthusiasm, nor the fantasies of our heads, but the cooperation of insightful helmsman, the cooperation of all sailors, and the correct geographical knowledge and goodnessCut the east wind.