Source: Global Times News Agency

The United States has once again launched a false attack on China's trade policy with the help of the general debate of the United Nations Conference.Manipulating Hellip; Hellip; forced technology transfer, as well as the economic model of intellectual property rights and commercial secrets.

Is this China in the eyes of most members of the United Nations?Most countries know a China that advocates mutual respect and peaceful cooperation. It is a China that uses the Belt and Road to discuss and share with countries.Most Western countries also maintain good and normal economic cooperation with China. Some of them hope that China will open up markets and expand market access, but their opinions on China are definitely not as exaggerated as the United States described.

The United States has a serious illusion that they have a high resonance in the United Nations for their accusations in China. They think that the UN General Assembly is in New York.EssenceThis is really ridiculous. The United Nations is just full of grievances about the United States. It is the United States who wants to destroy the Paris Agreement of the Paris and it has launched a global trade war. Now it is not others in the United Nations, it is the United States itself.

Some people in the United States have repeatedly played big names and power to the world in recent years. They have become the number one source of uncertainty in the world, which has seriously impacted the global economic recovery.However, the United States relying on its big head and a high voice, he dumped his responsibility on his head.But we have to tell Washington truthfully: your trade policy image is much worse than Beijing.It is you who destroyed free trade, paralyzed WTO mechanism, and unilateralism.

China's high -speed economic and rapid expanding foreign trade provides about 30%of the growth momentum to the world, which is higher than the United States.What's more important is that China never engages in trade power, and any country has trade disputes to work hard to solve it. For economic cooperation with China, all countries can fully maintain their dignity and not be politically stabbed.

Not only does the United States have the world's first GDP, but the per capita GDP is also a higher European country. Under this condition, there are actually some people who feel that they are suffering! What do they lose as the richest power in the world?The fact is just the opposite. In fact, the problem is that some people are advocating the special American theory. Not only must they be the first, but this first cannot face any competition and challenges.The WTO rules are led by the United States, but because China has developed hard under this rule, some of the United States hate the rules itself and believe that they have become the accomplices of China's high -speed development.In a word, the rules that are absolutely beneficial to yourself are good rules, otherwise it is unfair or suffering.

China and the United States will soon hold a new round of high -level economic and trade consultations in early October. In the previous stage, the two parties carried out a positive interaction to promote the negotiations to eliminate some new tariffs on new goods. At this time, it was not appropriate to express the fierce remarks on the other party at this time.As the United States said at the UN General Assembly, the two parties need to reach an agreement that is beneficial to each other. A year and a half talks to prove that promoting the realization of this goal is not who is asking for, not a unilateral responsibility of a certain party.Both China and the United States need to do their best and do each other.