
Northern Remember

The Foreign Affairs Commission of the United States House of Representatives passed a number of bill -related bills on Wednesday (25th) local time, including the high -profile Hong Kong human rights and democracy (The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act).This is the domestic law in the United States, but it authorizes US President to influence Hong Kong with domestic law, such as naming abduction and other responsible persons who infringe on the freedom of Hong Kong's basic actions (implicit in mainland officials), and implement sanctions such as cancellation of visas and frozen assets on them.

The bill also requires US Secretary of State to make reports every year to evaluate whether Hong Kong is sufficient to autonomy to continue to enjoy special treatment different from the mainland.The meaning of its words is that if the United States believes that Hong Kong's autonomy is insufficient, it will cancel the status of the independent customs zone enjoyed by Hong Kong.This is considered to be the United States using Hong Kong to curb a fierce recruitment in China, or the last card.

This bill was approved by the Foreign Committee of the two institutions of the United States on the 25th, which means that it has successfully passed the first level. It is expected that there will be no problems in the voting of the two houses in the next few weeks.Trump signed as a law.From the perspective of Huang Zhifeng and other anti -struggles, this is of course a victory; for the Hong Kong Government and mainland China, it means the upgrading of legal weapons in the United States to make China, and it will inspire the Hong Kong warriors to continue the struggle, which has a lot of trouble in the future.

Tracing back, it has been five years since the United States has set up the topic of Hong Kong's human rights and democratic bills.

As early as the middle of the Central Movement in 2014, the first version of the bill was submitted to the Foreign Committee of the two institutions of the United States. At that time, the content was relatively simple.However, there is no specific sanctions mechanism.

This version of the bill was not passed before the term of the Congress. In February 2015, the bill was once again submitted to the House of Foreign Council, and it did not get much attention.By November 16, 2016, Huang Zhifeng, who was only 20 years old, delivered a speech at the visiting centers of the U.S. Congress Mountain, and met Marco Rubio, a senator who was preparing to repeat the bill.On the same day, Rubio and Senator Tom Cotton jointly proposed the Hong Kong human rights and democratic bill.

This is the second edition of Hong Kong Human Rights and Democratic Acts. It has more content, including clarifying the abduction of book vendors and journalists. This edition has requested the responsible person of the US president to name such incidents.Sanctions such as visas to the United States and frozen in the United States, and promised that Hong Kong people were arrested if they were arrested for non -violent resistance, which did not hinder their visa to the United States.

This version still endlessly, but the third edition of the third edition of 2017 was discussed in the United States.Until June 13 this year, the Hong Kong Legislative Council may still pass the sensitive period of fugitive regulations. A few days after the so -called Million Hong Kong people's demonstration, the fourth version of the Hong Kong Democracy and Human Rights Act was brought out while it was hot.To this day, Hong Kong society has been turbulent for several months, and this bill has stepped on the threshold that may become law.

For the protection of the rights of autonomy and Hong Kong people in Hong Kong, what changes will Hong Kong human rights and democratic bills bring?In fact, regarding the requirements of the autonomy of Hong Kong each year, the US State Department has restored its annual announcement of the Hong Kong policy report since 2015.For the issue of a visa for non -violent resistance to the United States, this is not new. Huang Zhifeng, Luo Guancong and others have been convicted in the United States in recent years.

As for the most striking status of the Hong Kong independent tariff area, the impact on the actual export of Hong Kong may not be great, but it will affect the sensitive American technology of Hong Kong's entrance and will combat Hong Kong's international image and foreign confidence, leading to the evacuation of foreign capital.This is not good for the actual interests of most Hong Kong people, but it is in line with the speculation of some demonstrators (the same) expectations.

Of course, if the last move to cancel the Hong Kong independent customs zone, the interests of capital in the United States and countries around the world in Hong Kong will be greatly damaged. After the last one is sacrificed, there are not many space left in the United States.It is estimated that the United States will not make this decision easily.

What cannot be ignored is that this series of dense preparations for the Hong Kong and Taiwan -related bills are highlighting that the United States is constantly making a comprehensive strategic confrontation mechanism and legal preparation for the United States.The tension between Lu and Hong Kong has been in the social issues of Hong Kong for many years. In the past five years, it has not only been relieved but also more severe.The United States has pushed the Hong Kong Democratic and Human Rights Act to the door of legislation without losing time. In the next day, Beijing and Taiwan have a slight loss or error on the Hong Kong and Taiwan issues, which may cause infinity in the future. The future policies must be careful, as thin as the ice.Essence